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Function: llSensor( string name, key id, integer type, float range, float arc );

Performs a single scan for name and id with type within range meters and arc radians of forward vector

• string name object or avatar name
• key id group, avatar or object UUID that is in the same region
• integer type mask (AGENT, ACTIVE, PASSIVE, and/or SCRIPTED)
• float range range 0.0 to 96.0m
• float arc the max angle between the local x-axis of the prim and detectable objects, range 0.0 to PI

If name or id is empty then that empty constraint is ignored.
If id is an invalid key or NULL_KEY it is treated as empty.

type Flag Mask Description (llDetectedType()) Description (llSensor() and llSensorRepeat() mask)
AGENT_BY_LEGACY_NAME 0x1 Agents This is used to find agents by legacy name.
AGENT 0x1 Agents This is also used to find agents by legacy name, and is functionally identical to AGENT_BY_LEGACY_NAME
AGENT_BY_USERNAME 0x10 Reserved This is used to find agents by username.
ACTIVE 0x2 Physical tasks. (Physical objects & agents) Physical objects that are moving or objects containing an active script. Thus, it is using SL server resources now.
PASSIVE 0x4 Non-physical objects. Non-scripted or script is inactive and non-physical or, if physical, not moving. Thus, it is not using SL server resources now.
SCRIPTED 0x8 Objects containing any active script. Objects that has any script, which is doing anything in simulator just now.
DAMAGEABLE 0x20 Objects that are able to process damage. Filter for objects in world that may process damage.
llDetectedType() Scripted Not Scripted Agent Standing Agent Sitting
Float Constants Arc
PI_BY_TWO A hemisphere scan
PI A full sphere scan


  • When searching for an avatar but not by name, it doesn't matter which AGENT flag is used.
  • Attachments cannot detect their wearer (this includes HUD attachments).
  • When used in an object attached to an avatar, the sensor occurs not at the object, but at the avatar.
  • If type is zero, the sensor will silently fail, neither sensor or no_sensor will be triggered.
  • Only 16 objects will be scanned each time.
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This sensor scans a 45 degree cone about the x-axis. (PI/2 or PI_BY_TWO scans a hemisphere. PI is a spherical scan.) <lsl>llSensor( "Gigs Taggart", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 96.0, PI/4 );</lsl>

This sensor detects all prims and agents with a given name within 15m of the sensor. (AGENT, PASSIVE and ACTIVE behave inclusively. SCRIPTED is not inclusive and will exclude non-scripted targets (like avatars) from the detected set.)

<lsl>llSensor( "", NULL_KEY, ( AGENT

See Also


•  sensor Triggered when a sensor detects something
•  no_sensor Triggered when a sensor detects nothing


•  llSensorRepeat Runs a sensor on a timer
•  llSensorRemove Stops the llSensorRepeat timer


•  Object Type

Deep Notes

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function void llSensor( string name, key id, integer type, float range, float arc );