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Function: float llGetObjectMass( key id );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a float that is the mass of id

• key id Avatar or object in the sim


  • Returns zero if id is not found in the sim.


<lsl>default {

   touch(integer n)
       llSay(0, llDetectedName(0) + " your mass is " + (string)llGetObjectMass( llDetectedKey(0)) + " Lindens.");
}//Anylyn Hax 15:02, 28 July 2007 (PDT)</lsl>


  • Mass for Avatars is relative to shape/size, and unaffected by attachments.
  • Mass[m] is the quantity of material that something contains, and is expressed in Kg (Kilogramms). The Weight [G] is a Force, expressed in N (Newtons), and it is m * g, where g is the the gravitational atraction (g = 9.81 on Earth). Mass is NOT weight or density. Ex. objects with bouancy still have mass and still require energy to move.

See Also


•  llGetMass Gets the current object mass.

Deep Notes


Prior to server code version avatar mass was fixed at 1.954922 Lindens. It is now relative to Avatar shape/size.


function float llGetObjectMass( key id );