Volunteer Roles
Attention: This page is still under construction and may not yet show completely correct information! Lisa Lowe 7/17/2008
Volunteer Roles
Within the Second Life Mentor program there are various roles available for different tasks. This page lists the correct Tag-name, the Groupname they belong to and a brief description of what they are meant for. For details, requirements and how to sign up for these roles, please follow the links and read the appropiate articles within this Volunteer portal.
<Tag> (<groupname>) - <Description>
- Apprentice Mentor ( .... group ) - After signing up for the Volunteerprogram on the Second Life website, one joins a seperate group as an Apprentice. After completion of the trainingcourse, they will be transferred into the Second Life Mentor group and role.
- Second Life Mentor (Second Life Mentor) -
- Mentor Linguist (Second Life Mentor) -
- Mentor Scribes (?) -
- Mentor Greeters (?) -
- Orientation Coach (?) - This role is specifically meant for Coaches doing Orientation classes for Apprentice Mentors, wich are organised in the classroom at SLVEC.
- SL Mentor Coach (SL Educators Group?) - Mentor Coaches are experienced SL Mentors that organise classes about a various subjects basically meant for Second Life Mentors and Apprentice Mentors. They are part of the Mentors Teaching Mentors program, but in fact often any resident can join these classes held on the mainland.
- SL Mentor Buddy (?) - A Mentor Buddy is primarely there for assisting Second Life Mentors with various problems, questions or just for mental support.
- Apprentice Buddy (?) - Apprentice Buddies are selected from the Mentor Buddy group for completion of the Shadow Experience with Apprentice Mentors. The Shadow Experience is part of the trainingscourse of Apprentice Mentors. They also assist Apprentice Mentors in finding various resources, locations and answer questions about mentoring.