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Emblem-important-red.png Pre-release Documentation Warning!

This function is not available yet. This documentation was written prior to its final release so it may not match the final implementation.


Function: vector llDetectedTouchPos( integer index );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a vector that is the position where the object was touched in region coordinates, unless it is attached to the HUD, in which case it returns the position relative to the attach point.

Inside touch_start, returns ZERO_VECTOR if the avatar's viewer does not support touch positions. If this value may be valid in your application, you can check if llDetectedTouchFace returns -1.

Inside touch and touch_end, also returns ZERO_VECTOR if the mouse has moved away from the prim.

• integer index Index of detection information

index does not support negative indexes. For the touch category of events only.


llDetected* functions only work if called from within Detection events (collision, collision_start, collision_end, sensor, touch, touch_start, touch_end) or in functions called by Detection events. They will fail silently and return unusable values if called during other events.


  • If index is out of bounds the script continues to execute without an error message.
  • Events that enable the llDetected* functions always return at least one detected item.
    • Detection events are not raised if there is nothing detected.[1]
    • The detection event's items detected parameter is initially never less than 1.[2]


See Also


•  touch_start
•  touch
•  touch_end


•  llDetectedLinkNumber
•  llDetectedTouchFace
•  llDetectedTouchST
•  llDetectedTouchUV


•  Detected

Deep Notes



  1. ^ The exception is no_sensor but it doesn't enable llDetected* functions.
  2. ^ Like all event parameters, the user can overwrite the initial value.


function vector llDetectedTouchPos( integer index );