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Emblem-important-red.png Pre-release Documentation Warning!

This constant is not available yet. This documentation was written prior to its final release so it may not match the final implementation.It is slated for release in Server 1.40.


Constant: integer PRIM_NAME = ?;

The integer constant PRIM_NAME has the value ?

Used to get or set the prim's name.


llSetPrimitiveParams([ PRIM_NAME, string name ]);
• string name

The same syntax applies to llSetLinkPrimitiveParams and llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast but with an additional prefixed link parameter in the function call.


llGetPrimitiveParams([ PRIM_NAME ]);

Returns the list [ string name ]

• string name

The same syntax applies to llGetLinkPrimitiveParams, but with an additional prefixed link parameter in the function call.


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integer PRIM_NAME = ?;