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Revision as of 18:28, 14 October 2010 by Strife Onizuka (talk | contribs) (injection is the way to go)
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Function: vector llGetTextureOffset( integer face );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a vector that is the texture offset of face in the x ("U", horizontal) and y ("V", vertical) components. The z component is unused.

• integer face face number or ALL_SIDES

If face is ALL_SIDES then the function returns the value for face zero.


  • If face indicates a face that does not exist the return is <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>


<lsl>//Tells the owner the texture offset on all sides default {

       integer i = 0;
       integer max = llGetNumberOfSides();
       while(i < max)
           llSay(0,"Face "+(string)i+" texture offset is " + (string)llGetTextureOffset(i));

}</lsl> <lsl> vector offsetVec = llGetTextureOffset(0); float u = offsetVec.x; float v = offsetVec.y; // z is not used.


See Also


•  llOffsetTexture
•  llGetNumberOfSides

Deep Notes


function vector llGetTextureOffset( integer face );