Community Platform KB Translation Project

From Second Life Wiki
Revision as of 07:12, 14 April 2011 by Irene Muni (talk | contribs) (→‎Process: rewrited "for dummies" LOL)
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The Second Life Knowledge Base is now on the Community Platform.

This is place to keep working notes on translation efforts there.


  1. Look below for "Articles ready for translation".
  2. Sign in in Second Life Knowledge Base in Lithium.
  3. Got to the English Knowledge Base and find the article you have choosen for translate.
  4. Click on Edit button.
  5. Click in any place of the text. Then, you will see the Edition menu bar.
  6. In that Edition bar, click the "HTML" button.
  7. You will see in a popup window the HTML Source Editor. Copy ALL (text and html tags).
  8. Click the Cancel button for close yhe HTML Source Editor window. DON'T CLICK the Update button!
  9. Go to the Knowledge Base page of your locale: Deutsch, Français, Español, or Português.
  10. Click on New Article.
  11. Choose Free form as a type of article and click Start Article.
  12. The Editor opens. Paste ALL the content (text and html tags) of the English article.
    • Add the subject by translating the English title.
    • Add labels, choose the same as the ones in English (see Labels next to the About in the English article).
  13. Proceed to translating the article, respecting the original layout. Don't change or delete any html tag, but you must delete the original html tags for images:
    • For screenshots, if you can take a localized screenshot, that is great. The image will be uploaded to your computer. Or upload the image to the wiki (external image: see how).
  14. You can save your work as a draft clicking the Save button.
    • In any moment you can go to your saved as draft articles. Go to Knowledge Base page of your locale and click Knowledge Base Options > Knowledge Base Dashboard. Click the Drafts tab.
  15. When you've finished your translation, clik Save & Request Review.
  16. Have someone review your work
  17. In this wiki page, mention the article is Ready to be reviewed.
  18. Reviewer, once done, must click Save & Request Publication.
  19. In this wiki page, add the article to "Translated".
REMEMBER: If you have questions or need to clarify something, you can ask in our private Community Translators Forums.
Or if it is a question that only can solve the Lindens, contact them.

English articles

See Checklist for KB article editing.

Workflow: When an article completes a stage (e.g. technical review) then move it into the next section (e.g. copy editing).

Ready for technical review

Ready for copy editing

Ready for translation

This is the place to list English articles that are ready for translation. Once placed here, they should not be significantly modified.

In progress

Community translators please indicate articles that you are actively working on below.

English French German Portuguese Spanish
How to report a bug or request a feature In internal review, see the draft here (below).


Move links to translated articles here.

English French German Portuguese Spanish
Community Standards Las Normas de la Comunidad; also in Lithium format (March 25, 2011).
Usernames Benutzernamen Los nombres de usuario Please, see below "Note 1".
How to contact customer support Den Kunden-Support kontaktieren
About the Second Life Knowledge Base La Base de Conocimientos de Second Life Please, see below "Note 1".
  • Note 1. This KB article has a problem with the Contents table, we cannot create that Contents successfully. Probably it is a known problem.

Published Translations

Move links to translated and published articles here.

English French German Portuguese Spanish
Release notes Notas de la versión
How to contact customer support Cómo contactar con el servicio de Soporte al cliente
Community Guidelines Article officiel de Linden Lab:Lignes de conduite relatives à la participation de la communauté Linden Lab Offiziell:Richtlinien für die Nutzung der Community-Seiten Linden Lab informa:Regras de participação em comunidades |} Artículo oficial de Linden Lab:Directrices de la participación en la comunidad

Target languages

List translated articles here when they are:

  • in translation;
  • in review;
  • ready to be published.


Articles in progress:

Articles ready to be published:




In translation:

In review:

Ready to be published:


See above



Languages not supported on Community Platform

The Community Platform currently supports only the above four languages in addition to English. Content for additional languages (for example, Italian and Japanese) will remain on this wiki.