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Function: list llGetStaticPath( vector start, vector end, float radius, list params );

Returns a list of position vectors indicating pathfinding waypoints between positions at start and end, for a character of a given radius. The waypoints this function returns are for the 'static' nav mesh, meaning that objects set to "movable obstacle" or "movable phantom" are ignored.

This function can be used from attachments and other non-character objects. It can also be used in any region, even if dynamic pathfinding is disabled.

• vector start Starting position
• vector end End position
• float radius Radius of the character that we're creating a path for, between 0.125m and 5.0m
• list params Only takes the parameter CHARACTER_TYPE; the options are identical to those used for llCreateCharacter. The default value is CHARACTER_TYPE_NONE

The list also always contains an integer in the last element, which is a status code indicating the outcome of the path query:

  • If llGetStaticPath() finds a path, it will return waypoint vectors and will return a status code of 0, for success
  • If llGetStaticPath() cannot find a path for some reason, it only returns the status code, indicating the sort of error. The error codes correspond to the constants in path_update (e.g. PU_FAILURE_INVALID_START is returned if the start vector is not near the nav mesh)

Return constants

Constants Value Description
PU_SLOWDOWN_DISTANCE_REACHED 0x00 Character is near current goal.
PU_GOAL_REACHED 0x01 Character has reached the goal and will stop or choose a new goal (if wandering).
PU_FAILURE_INVALID_START 0x02 Character cannot navigate from the current location - e.g., the character is off the navmesh or too high above it.
PU_FAILURE_INVALID_GOAL 0x03 Goal is not on the navmesh and cannot be reached.
PU_FAILURE_UNREACHABLE 0x04 Goal is no longer reachable for some reason - e.g., an obstacle blocks the path.
PU_FAILURE_TARGET_GONE 0x05 Target (for llPursue or llEvade) can no longer be tracked - e.g., it left the region or is an avatar that is now more than about 30m outside the region.
PU_FAILURE_NO_VALID_DESTINATION 0x06 There's no good place for the character to go - e.g., it is patrolling and all the patrol points are now unreachable.
PU_EVADE_HIDDEN 0x07 Triggered when an llEvade character thinks it has hidden from its pursuer.
PU_EVADE_SPOTTED 0x08 Triggered when an llEvade character switches from hiding to running
PU_FAILURE_NO_NAVMESH 0x09 This is a fatal error reported to a character when there is no navmesh for the region. This usually indicates a server failure and users should file a bug report and include the time and region in which they received this message.
PU_FAILURE_DYNAMIC_PATHFINDING_DISABLED 0x0A Triggered when a character enters a region with dynamic pathfinding disabled. Dynamic pathfinding can be toggled by estate managers via the 'dynamic_pathfinding' option in the Region Debug Console.
PU_FAILURE_PARCEL_UNREACHABLE 0x0B Triggered when a character failed to enter a parcel because it is not allowed to enter, e.g. because the parcel is already full or because object entry was disabled after the navmesh was baked.
PU_FAILURE_OTHER 0xF4240 Other failure.

Character type options

Option Default Range / Values Description
CHARACTER_DESIRED_SPEED 1 6 [0.2, 40.0] Speed of pursuit in meters per second.
CHARACTER_RADIUS 2 [0.125, 5.0] Set collision capsule radius.
CHARACTER_LENGTH 3 (0.0, 10.0] Set collision capsule length

If the value is less than twice the radius plus 0.1m, it will be set to twice the radius plus 0.1m.

TRAVERSAL_TYPE 7 TRAVERSAL_TYPE_SLOW TRAVERSAL_TYPE_FAST, TRAVERSAL_TYPE_SLOW, TRAVERSAL_TYPE_NONE Controls the speed at which characters moves on terrain that is less than 100% walkable will move faster (e.g., a cat crossing a street) or slower (e.g., a car driving in a swamp).

To use _FAST or _SLOW, you must specify a CHARACTER_TYPE.

CHARACTER_AVOIDANCE_MODE 5 AVOID_CHARACTERS | AVOID_DYNAMIC_OBSTACLES Combinable Flags: AVOID_CHARACTERS, AVOID_DYNAMIC_OBSTACLES, AVOID_NONE Allows you to specify that a character should not try to avoid other characters, should not try to avoid dynamic obstacles (relatively fast moving objects and avatars), or both. This is framed in the positive sense ([CHARACTER_AVOIDANCE_MODE, AVOID_CHARACTERS] would create a character that avoided other characters but not agents or moving vehicles). Setting this parameter to AVOID_NONE causes the character to not avoid either category.
CHARACTER_MAX_ACCEL 8 20 [0.5, 40.0] The character's maximum acceleration rate.
CHARACTER_MAX_DECEL 9 30 [0.5, 60.0] The character's maximum deceleration rate.
CHARACTER_DESIRED_TURN_SPEED 12 6 [0.02, 40.0] The character's maximum speed while turning--note that this is only loosely enforced (i.e., a character may turn at higher speeds under certain conditions)
CHARACTER_MAX_TURN_RADIUS 10 1.25 [0.1, 10.0] The character's turn radius when traveling at CHARACTER_DESIRED_TURN_SPEED
CHARACTER_MAX_SPEED 13 20 [1, 40.0] The character's maximum speed. Affects speed when avoiding dynamic obstacles and when traversing low-walkability objects in TRAVERSAL_TYPE_FAST mode.
CHARACTER_ACCOUNT_FOR_SKIPPED_FRAMES 14 TRUE TRUE or FALSE TRUE matches pre-existing behavior. If set to FALSE, character will not attempt to catch up on lost time when pathfinding performance is low, potentially providing more reliable movement (albeit while potentially appearing to be more stuttery).
CHARACTER_STAY_WITHIN_PARCEL 15 Depends* TRUE or FALSE FALSE matches traditional behavior. If set to TRUE, treat the parcel boundaries as one-way obstacles (will re-enter but can't leave on it's own).


<lsl> // llGetStaticPath() test script // Reports the static path from the object's current position to the object owner's position

// Radius of character to test for float character_radius = 1.0;

// All defined path_update codes; note that llGetStaticPath() can only return a few of these. list path_update_codes = [



default {

   touch_start(integer detected)
       vector agent_pos = llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(llGetOwner(), [OBJECT_POS]), 0);
       vector end_pos = llList2Vector(llGetClosestNavPoint(agent_pos, [GCNP_STATIC, TRUE]), 0);
       vector start_pos = llList2Vector(llGetClosestNavPoint(llGetPos(), [GCNP_STATIC, TRUE]), 0);
       if(end_pos == ZERO_VECTOR)
           llOwnerSay("Error: end position undefined - the object owner is either offline or far away from the nav mesh."
               + "\nagent pos is " + (string)agent_pos);
       else if(start_pos == ZERO_VECTOR)
           llOwnerSay("Error: start position undefined - this object is far away from the nav mesh."
               + "\nobject pos is " + (string)llGetPos());
           llOwnerSay("Finding path from " + (string)start_pos 
               + " to " + (string)end_pos 
               + " for a character of radius " + (string)character_radius);
           list result = llGetStaticPath(start_pos, end_pos, character_radius, []);
           integer result_code = llList2Integer(result, -1);
           //llOwnerSay("Raw llGetStaticPath() result: " + llList2CSV(result));
           // the last element in the list is just the return code;
           // the preceding elements should be waypoint vectors
           if(result_code == 0)
               llOwnerSay("llGetStaticPath found a path: " + llList2CSV(llList2List(result, 0, -2)));
               llOwnerSay("llGetStaticPath failed to find a path, with code " + (string)result_code
                   + " (" + llList2String(path_update_codes, result_code) + ")");



See Also



Deep Notes


  1. ^ The ranges in this article are written in Interval Notation.


function list llGetStaticPath( vector start, vector end, float radius, list params );