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Revision as of 21:10, 14 June 2013 by Strife Onizuka (talk | contribs) (not well thought out.)
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Function: integer llManageEstateAccess( integer action, key avatar );

Use to add or remove agents from the estate's agent access or ban lists or groups from the estate's group access list.
Returns an integer representing a boolean, TRUE if the call was successful; FALSE if throttled, invalid action, invalid or null id or object owner is not allowed to manage the estate.

• integer action ESTATE_ACCESS_* flag
• key avatar avatar or group UUID

Only works for objects owned by the Estate Owner or an Estate Manager. By default, the object owner is notified of every change made using this function. But if the owner grants PERMISSION_SILENT_ESTATE_MANAGEMENT to the script, the owner will not be notified.

action flag V Description
ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_AGENT_ADD 0x4 Add the agent to this estate's Allowed Residents list.
ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_AGENT_REMOVE 0x8 Remove the agent from this estate's Allowed Residents list.
ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_GROUP_ADD 0x10 Add the group to this estate's Allowed groups list.
ESTATE_ACCESS_ALLOWED_GROUP_REMOVE 0x20 Remove the group from this estate's Allowed groups list.
ESTATE_ACCESS_BANNED_AGENT_ADD 0x40 Add the agent to this estate's Banned residents list.
ESTATE_ACCESS_BANNED_AGENT_REMOVE 0x80 Remove the agent from this estate's Banned residents list.


  • Calls are throttled at a rate of 30 calls per 30 seconds.
  • FALSE will be returned...
    • if throttled,
    • if action is invalid,
    • if avatar is invalid or null
  • If the object owner is not allowed to manage the estate the message "llManageEstateAccess object owner must manage estate." is shouted on DEBUG_CHANNEL. -- SRC-233


Deep Notes


function integer llManageEstateAccess( integer action, key avatar );