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Constant: integer PRIM_TEMP_ON_REZ = 4;

The integer constant PRIM_TEMP_ON_REZ has the value 4

Used to get or set the object's temporary status. It lives until the next garbage collection cycle (about 1 minute). Does not count against normal prim limits. There are limits to the number of temporary objects that can exist in a region and the garbage collector may run sooner than expected.


[ PRIM_TEMP_ON_REZ, integer boolean ]
• integer boolean TRUE enables, FALSE disables

When used with llSetPrimitiveParams & llSetLinkPrimitiveParams

  • NOTE: This sets the entire object (linkset) when used in either function.


llGetPrimitiveParams([ PRIM_TEMP_ON_REZ ]);

Returns the list [ integer boolean ]

• integer boolean TRUE enables, FALSE disables


  • The maximum temporary prims allowed are based on the regular prim limit:
    (regular_prim_limit - current_regular_prims) + minimum(0.5 * regular_prim_limit + 400, 1000)
    See this forum post and SVC-2380 for details.
  • The garbage collection timer is cumulative and cannot be reset. You can turn TEMP_ON_REZ off which stops the timer running but it will continue from where it left off if TEMP_ON_REZ is restored.
  • Meshes are different than ordinary Prims and Sculpts when set Temporary.
    They still count against the Parcel and Sim Prim Limits. See:

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Deep Notes


Before SL 1.9 objects would only be recognized by the garbage collector as temporary if they were rezzed with the temporary status already set. Setting the attribute only effected the object the next time it was rezzed. With 1.9 this was changed so that changing this status flag effected the object immediately. The constant name however was not changed to reflect this functionality change.

All Issues

~ Search JIRA for related Issues
   Temp-On-Rez Prim Limits Behave Erratically


integer PRIM_TEMP_ON_REZ = 4;