User:Fred Gandt/Scripts/Continued 2
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All my scripts are written for compilation as MONO
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Online Status Display & Pager
This will display the owners profile picture and a color coded and text texture sign that changes depending on the owners online status.
Just drop the script into a fresh prim.
// V1 //
key owner_id; // Use to store the UUID of the owner to save having to keep asking.
string owner_name; // Use to store the name of the owner to save having to keep asking.
// This a UUID of a texture I created to show either the word "ONLINE" or "OFFLINE".
key ON_OFF_line = "124cfcec-6b8d-552c-42b8-6a1179884e74";
// This is added to the owner UUID to make an HTTP request for the owners profile image UUID.
string profile_url = "";
key name_id; // This key is used to recognize the dataserver request if it is for the name of the owner.
key online_id; // This key is used to recognize the dataserver request if it is made automatically.
key touch_request_id; // This key is used to recognize the dataserver request if it is made by a user.
key update_id; // Used to verify that the HTTP request is for an update of the profile texture.
integer lis; // This is used to store the value of a listen and to remove it when not needed.
integer channel; // This is used to store the value of the listen channel.
key requester; // This is used to store the name of a user who asks to page the owner.
string date; // Used to store the date (just in case you couldn't guess).
OnlineStatus(integer ol, integer tr) // This function carries two integer type pieces of info.
{ // integer ol is the the boolean online data. 1 for online and zero for offline.
// integer tr is also boolean. It carries whether the function is being called by a user or automatically.
list ol_params = []; // This is a local list creation.
if(ol) // If the owner is online...
ol_params = [17, 5, ON_OFF_line, <1.4,0.25,0.0>, <0.0,0.375,0.0>, (90*DEG_TO_RAD), // ..list the object parameters for displaying ONLINE.
18, 5, <0.0,1.0,0.0>, 1.0,
18, 6, <1.0,1.0,1.0>, 1.0];
else // If not...
ol_params = [17, 5, ON_OFF_line, <1.4,0.25,0.0>, <0.0,0.625,0.0>, (90*DEG_TO_RAD), // ..list the object parameters for displaying OFFLINE.
18, 5, <1.0,0.0,0.0>, 1.0,
18, 6, <0.5,0.5,0.5>, 1.0];
llSetPrimitiveParams(ol_params); // Set the object parameters to show whatever the list is.
if(tr) // If this was a touch request...
llSetTimerEvent(30.0); // Prepare to be ignored (we need to switch the listen off if we are ignored).
if(ol) // If the owner is online...
lis = llListen(channel, "", requester, ""); // Open a listen for the user who made the request.
llDialog(requester, ("\nWould you like to page " + owner_name + "?"), ["YES", "NO"], channel); // Send them a dialog.
else // If not...
llInstantMessage(requester, (owner_name + " is currently offline.")); // Send a message explaining that the owner is offline.
default // Create an area for the events to play in. This is called a "state".
state_entry() // On state entry...
owner_id = llGetOwner(); // Get the owner UUID (key) and store it.
name_id = llRequestAgentData(owner_id, DATA_NAME); // Make a request for the owners name.
channel = -5647; // Set a channel to use for the dialog.
dataserver(key q, string data) // Triggered when a reply to a data request is recieved.
if(q == name_id) // Check the id of the request.
owner_name = data; // Store the result.
llSetObjectName(owner_name + "'s Online Status"); // Set the name of the object to the owner name + "'s Online Status".
llHTTPRequest((profile_url + ((string)owner_id)), [], ""); // Request the UUID of the owners profile.
else if(q == online_id) // Check the id of the request.
OnlineStatus(((integer)data), FALSE); // Call the OnlineStatus function for an automatic return.
else if(q == touch_request_id) // Check the id of the request.
OnlineStatus(((integer)data), TRUE); // Call the OnlineStatus function for a touch-by-user return.
http_response(key q, integer status, list metadata, string body) // Triggered when a response for an HTTP request is recieved.
integer tex_key_start = (llSubStringIndex(body, "imageid") + 18); // Establish the point where the image UUID is written in the page.
integer tex_key_end = (tex_key_start + 35); // Establish the point where the image UUID ends.
key profile_image = ((key)llGetSubString(body, tex_key_start, tex_key_end)); // Store the the profile image UUID found.
if(q != update_id) // Check the source of the request.
llSetPrimitiveParams([9, 0, 0, <0.6,0.875,0.0>, 0.02, ZERO_VECTOR, <1.0,1.0,0.0>, ZERO_VECTOR, // Shape the object...
8, llEuler2Rot(<0.0,90.0,0.0>*DEG_TO_RAD),
7, <0.85,0.01,0.6>,
17, -1, TEXTURE_BLANK, <1.0,1.0,0.0>, ZERO_VECTOR, 0.0,
18, -1, ZERO_VECTOR, 1.0]); // ...and texture it with the owners profile image and...
llSetPrimitiveParams([17, 6, profile_image, <1.0,1.0,0.0>, ZERO_VECTOR, (90*DEG_TO_RAD),
17, 5, ON_OFF_line, <1.4,0.25,0.0>, <0.0,0.375,0.0>, (90*DEG_TO_RAD), // the ON/OFFline texture.
19, 5, 0, 1,
18, 6, <1.0,1.0,1.0>, 1.0,
18, 5, <0.0,1.0,0.0>, 1.0,
20, 5, 1,
20, 6, 1]);
llSetTimerEvent(0.1); // Move to the timer quickly to run the first OnlineStatus check.
llSetPrimitiveParams([17, 6, profile_image, <1.0,1.0,0.0>, ZERO_VECTOR, (90*DEG_TO_RAD)]); // Apply the updated profile texture.
timer() // Triggered if a timer event is set to a non zero amount.
llSetTimerEvent(10.0); // Reset the timer event to trigger every 10 seconds.
llListenRemove(lis); // Always remove any listen we have open.
online_id = llRequestAgentData(owner_id, DATA_ONLINE); // So every 10 seconds we check if the owner is online.
string t_date = llGetDate(); // Find out what the date is.
if(t_date != date) // Check if the date has changed. If it has...
date = t_date; // the date so the next check to return true will be roughly 24 hours later.
update_id = llHTTPRequest((profile_url + ((string)owner_id)), [], ""); // Request an update of the UUID of the owners profile.
touch_start(integer nd) // Triggered on clicking the object that contains the script.
llSetTimerEvent(0.0); // Stop the timer.
requester = llDetectedKey(0); // Store the UUID of the person who touched us.
touch_request_id = llRequestAgentData(owner_id, DATA_ONLINE); // Request the online status of the owner before issuing any dialogs.
} // We do this becuse if the owner went offline 9 seconds ago we wouldn't know.
listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string msg) // Triggered when all the specified info is recieved by the script if it has a listen open.
llListenRemove(lis); // Remove the listen.
llSetTimerEvent(10.0); // Set the timer to run automatically.
if(msg == "YES") // If the toucher wants to page the owner (the owner must be online)...
{ // Instant message the owner with a link that when clicked will bring up the touchers profile. This saves searching for the touchers profile.
llInstantMessage(owner_id, ("secondlife:///app/agent/" + ((string)requester) + "/about has requested to message you."));
llInstantMessage(requester, owner_name + " has been paged."); // Inform the toucher that the owner has been paged.
What's my Build?
A simple but fun game for groups to play. Players take turns building their interpretation of a suggested word or phrase, then the other players make guesses in local chat until one is correct. The player who correctly guesses what is being built becomes the new builder and the game continues.
- Up to 9 notecards containing lists of words or phrases can be added.
- One word or phrase per line.
- No empty lines.
- Add alternative spellings (i.e. "colour" and "color") or meanings (i.e. "truck", "lorry" and "van") together on the same line, separated by pipes (this is a pipe --> "|").
- Punctuation listed in the script will be stripped from the words and phrases.
- Unfortunately, LSL has no RegEx and as such it is impractical to except alternatives that aren't explicitly added to the cards. An LSL parser capable of regex like deduction would be horrible, so without utilising a remote server (a possible update), the alternatives need to cover everything reasonable to expect. There is an option for the owner to be told the word or phrase being built (after which they will be excluded from that round), and it's recommended if the script is reading from a card containing potentially contentious phrases with many possible alternatives.
- Menu operated from touch.
- Two scripts; one is tiny.
Main script
// V1 - Hardly tested //
key owner;
key nc_line_id;
key num_of_nc_lines_id;
key current_builder = NULL_KEY;
integer query_id;
integer channel;
integer num_of_ncs;
integer private_listen_id;
integer public_listen_id;
integer line_index;
integer owner_knows;
string notecard;
string current_word;
string word_or_phrase;
list notecards;
list dialog_list;
list shuffled_line_numbers;
list current_alts;
list punctuation = [ ".", ",", "!", "?", ";", ":", "-", "\"" ]; // Must not contain pipes --> |
integer frequency() {
channel = ( integer )( llFrand( -1073741824.0 ) - 1073741824.0 );
return channel;
removeListen( integer id ) {
llListenRemove( id );
if ( id == private_listen_id ) {
llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 );
ownerDialog( string msg ) {
if ( msg == "" ) {
msg = "Select a notecard, hear the current " + word_or_phrase + " or reset the game.";
private_listen_id = llListen( channel = frequency(), llKey2Name( owner ), owner, "" );
llDialog( owner, "\n" + msg, [ "CANCEL", llList2String( [ "START", "TELL" ], current_word != "" ), "RESET" ] + dialog_list, channel );
llSetTimerEvent( 20.0 );
publicListen() {
public_listen_id = llListen( PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "", "", "" );
getLine() {
nc_line_id = llGetNotecardLine( notecard, --line_index );
if ( !line_index ) {
ownerDialog( "We've reached the end of the last notecard; please select another to continue." );
announce( string str ) {
llSay( PUBLIC_CHANNEL, str );
string agentName( key id ) {
string name = llGetDisplayName( id );
if ( name == "" ) {
name = llKey2Name( id );
return name;
mia( integer index ) {
removeListen( public_listen_id );
key temp_builder = current_builder;
string temp_word = current_word;
current_builder = NULL_KEY;
current_word = "";
announce( llList2String( [ "The current builder", agentName( temp_builder ) ], index ) + " has " +
llList2String( [ "left the region", "given the game away" ], index ) +
", so a new builder must take their place by touching me.\nThe " + word_or_phrase + " was \"" + temp_word + "\"." );
string trim( string str ) {
return llStringTrim( str, STRING_TRIM );
string dL2S( list lst ) {
return llDumpList2String( lst, " " );
string cleanString( string str ) {
return llToLower( trim( dL2S( llParseString2List( dL2S( llParseString2List( str, punctuation, [] ) ), [ " " ], [] ) ) ) );
list trimList( list lst ) {
integer length = llGetListLength( lst );
while ( length ) {
lst = llListReplaceList( lst, [ trim( llList2String( lst, length ) ) ], length, length );
return lst;
integer ncNoBuilder() {
return notecard != "" && current_builder == NULL_KEY;
start( key id ) {
current_builder = id;
default {
on_rez( integer param ) {
changed( integer change ) {
state_entry() {
owner = llGetOwner();
num_of_ncs = llGetInventoryNumber( INVENTORY_NOTECARD );
if ( num_of_ncs ) {
string nc;
while ( num_of_ncs ) {
notecards += [ nc = llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_NOTECARD, --num_of_ncs ) ];
dialog_list += [ llGetSubString( nc, 0, 23 ) ];
ownerDialog( "" );
touch_start( integer nd ) {
key toucher;
while ( nd ) {
toucher = llDetectedKey( --nd );
if ( toucher == owner ) {
ownerDialog( "" );
} else if ( ncNoBuilder() ) {
start( toucher );
listen( integer chan, string name, key id, string msg ) {
if ( chan && id == owner ) {
removeListen( private_listen_id );
if ( msg != "CANCEL" ) {
integer index;
if ( msg == "RESET" ) {
} else if ( msg == "START" ) {
if ( notecard == "" ) {
ownerDialog( "You need to select a notecard to play with first." );
} else if ( current_builder ) {
ownerDialog( llKey2Name( current_builder ) + " has already started the game." );
} else {
start( owner );
} else if ( msg == "TELL" ) {
owner_knows = TRUE;
llOwnerSay( current_word );
} else if ( ~( index = llListFindList( dialog_list, [ msg ] ) ) ) {
num_of_nc_lines_id = llGetNumberOfNotecardLines( notecard = llList2String( notecards, index ) );
} else {
if ( llGetAgentSize( current_builder ) ) {
msg = cleanString( msg );
integer alt_index;
if ( msg == current_word || ( llGetListLength( current_alts ) && ~( alt_index = llListFindList( current_alts, [ msg ] ) ) ) ) {
if ( id != owner || ( id == owner && !owner_knows ) ) {
if ( id != current_builder ) {
removeListen( public_listen_id );
if ( ~alt_index ) {
current_word = current_word + "\", alternatively known as \"" + msg;
announce( agentName( current_builder = id ) + " has correctly guessed that the " + word_or_phrase + " being built was \"" + current_word + "\"." );
} else {
mia( 1 );
} else {
mia( 0 );
dataserver( key id, string data ) {
if ( id == num_of_nc_lines_id ) {
integer num_of_nc_lines = ( integer )data;
line_index = num_of_nc_lines;
while ( num_of_nc_lines ) {
shuffled_line_numbers += [ --num_of_nc_lines ];
shuffled_line_numbers = llListRandomize( shuffled_line_numbers, 1 );
if ( ncNoBuilder() ) {
announce( "Will the first builder please start the game by touching me?" );
} else if ( id == nc_line_id ) {
owner_knows = FALSE;
current_alts = trimList( llParseString2List( data = cleanString( data ), [ "|" ], [] ) );
if ( llGetListLength( current_alts ) > 1 ) {
current_word = llList2String( current_alts, 0 );
current_alts = llList2List( current_alts, 1, -1 );
} else {
current_word = data;
current_alts = [];
if ( ~llSubStringIndex( current_word, " " ) ) {
word_or_phrase = "phrase";
} else {
word_or_phrase = "word";
if ( llGetAgentSize( current_builder ) ) {
llMessageLinked( LINK_THIS, 0, "Build your interpretation of the " + word_or_phrase + " \"" + current_word + "\".", current_builder );
announce( agentName( current_builder ) + " has been told the current " + word_or_phrase + " and is starting their build." );
} else {
mia( 0 );
timer() {
removeListen( private_listen_id );
Secondary script
This should go in the same prim as the script above. It works around a messaging delay.
// V1 //
default {
link_message( integer link, integer val, string txt, key id ) {
llInstantMessage( id, txt );
Example Notecards
Words (no alts)
Copied from a list found at
angle ant apple arch arm army baby bag ball band basin basket bath bed bee bell berry bird blade board boat bone book boot bottle box boy brain brake branch brick bridge brush bucket bulb button cake camera card cart carriage cat chain cheese chest chin church circle clock cloud coat collar comb cord cow cup curtain cushion dog door drain drawer dress drop ear egg engine eye face farm feather finger fish flag floor fly foot fork fowl frame garden girl glove goat gun hair hammer hand hat head heart hook horn horse hospital house island jewel kettle key knee knife knot leaf leg library line lip lock map match monkey moon mouth muscle nail neck needle nerve net nose nut office orange oven parcel pen pencil picture pig pin pipe plane plate plow pocket pot potato prison pump rail rat receipt ring rod roof root sail school scissors screw seed sheep shelf ship shirt shoe skin skirt snake sock spade sponge spoon spring square stamp star station stem stick stocking stomach store street sun table tail thread throat thumb ticket toe tongue tooth town train tray tree trousers umbrella wall watch wheel whip whistle window wing wire worm
Phrases (with alts)
Extensively reworked from a list found at
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush drop in the ocean | a drop in the ocean fly in the ointment | a fly in the ointment nest of vipers | a nest of vipers no-brainer | a no-brainer pig in a poke | a pig in a poke a place for everything and everything in its place rolling stone gathers no moss | a rolling stone gathers no moss sight for sore eyes | a sight for sore eyes stone's throw | a stone's throw turn up for the books | a turn up for the books wolf in sheep's clothing | a wolf in sheep's clothing a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle two peas in a pod | alike as two peas in a pod | like two peas in a pod alive and kicking | alive and kickin' fingers and thumbs | all fingers and thumbs all that glitters is not gold | all that glisters is not gold all things come to he who waits | all thing come to those who wait | all thing come to those that wait all things must pass an apple a day keeps the doctor away arm and a leg | an arm and a leg | costs an arm and a leg | it costs an arm and a leg axe to grind | an axe to grind | one has an axe to grind | i have an axe to grind | you have an axe to grind englishman's home is his castle | an englishman's home is his castle ill wind | an ill wind | an ill wind bloweth | an ill wind that blows apple of my eye | the apple of my eye bald as a coot | as bald as a coot brown as a berry | as brown as a berry cool as a cucumber | as cool as a cucumber daft as a brush | as daft as a brush dead as a dodo | as dead as a dodo dead as a doornail | as dead as a doornail easy as pie | as easy as pie grease lightning | greased lightning | fast as greased lightning | as fast as greased lightning fit as a fiddle | as fit as a fiddle mad as a hatter | as mad as a hatter pure as the driven snow | as pure as the driven snow safe as houses | as safe as houses snug as a bug in a rug | as snug as a bug in a rug straight as a die | as straight as a die as the crow flies ashes to ashes | ashes to ashes, dust to dust | ashes to ashes and dust to dust | ashes to ashes, funk to funky back-seat driver back to square one back to the drawing board balance of power | the balance of power wouldn't touch with a barge-pole | wouldn't touch it with a barge-pole | i wouldn't touch it with a barge-pole barking up the wrong tree | you're barking up the wrong tree beauty is in the eye of the beholder | beauty's in the eye of the beholder beauty is skin deep | beauty is only skin deep | beauty's skin deep | beauty's only skin deep bed of roses | a bed of roses | the bed of roses bee in your bonnet | a bee in your bonnet bee's knees | the bee's knees | bees knees | the bees knees behind every great man there's a great woman below the belt | hit below the belt | a bit below the belt bells and whistles belt and braces best laid schemes of mice and men | the best laid schemes of mice and men | best laid plans of mice and men | the best laid plans of mice and men bet your bottom dollar | you can bet your bottom dollar between a rock and a hard place between the devil and the deep blue sea beware of greeks bearing gifts | beware greeks bearing gifts big apple | the big apple big cheese | the big cheese big easy | the big easy big fish in a small pond | a big fish in a small pond birds of a feather flock together bite the bullet | biting the bullet bite the dust | biting the dust bitter end | the bitter end | to the bitter end | till the bitter end | bitter ending | the bitter ending black sheep of the family | the black sheep of the family blast from the past | a blast from the past blind leading the blind | the blind leading the blind blonde bombshell | blond bombshell blood is thicker than water blood, sweat and tears big for your boots | too big for your boots | big for one's boots | too big for one's boots born with a silver spoon in one's mouth | born with a silver spoon in your mouth break a leg break the ice | breaking the ice bring home the bacon | bringing home the bacon | bring the bacon home | bringing the bacon home if it ain't broke, don't fix it | if it isn't broke don't fix it | if it ain't broken, don't fix it | if it isn't broken don't fix it buck stops here | the buck stops here burn the candle at both ends | burning the candle at both ends burn the midnight oil | burning the midnight oil bury the hatchet | burying the hatchet bury your head in the sand | burying your head in the sand | bury one's head in the sand | burying one's head in the sand busy bee | busy as a bee | as busy as a bee by hook or by crook cart before the horse | put the cart before the horse | putting the cart before the horse let the cat out of the bag catch 22 | catch22 | catch twenty two | catch twentytwo weakest link | the weakest link | a chain is only as strong as its weakest link chip off the old block | a chip off the old block chip on your shoulder cloak and dagger close, but no cigar cloud nine | on cloud nine comes to the crunch | if it comes to the crunch | when it comes to the crunch crack of dawn | the crack of dawn crocodile tears curiosity killed the cat darkest hour is just before the dawn | the darkest hour is just before the dawn diamond in the rough | a diamond in the rough chalk and cheese | like chalk and cheese | different as chalk and cheese | as different as chalk and cheese don't look a gift horse in the mouth don't throw the baby out with the bathwater early bird catches the worm | the early bird catches the worm elephant in the room | an elephant in the room | the elephant in the room ends of the earth | the ends of the earth every cloud has a silver lining exception that proves the rule | the exception that proves the rule | an exception that proves the rule face the music | facing the music feather in one's cap | a feather in one's cap | feather in your cap | a feather in your cap off the back of a truck | fell off the back of a truck | it fell off the back of a truck fight fire with fire | fighting fire with fire fish out of water | a fish out of water | like a fish out of water flogging a dead horse foot in the door | a foot in the door | one foot in the door four corners of the earth | the four corners of the earth freeze the balls off a brass monkey | cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey | brass monkey weather frog in the throat | a frog in the throat game is afoot | the game is afoot down to brass tacks | get down to brass tacks with a grain of salt | take with a grain of salt | take it with a grain of salt | with a pinch of salt | take with a pinch of salt | take it with a pinch of salt great minds think alike hand over fist | making money hand over fist | make money hand over fist | losing money hand over fist | lose money hand over fist through the grapevine | heard it through the grapevine | i heard it through the grapevine if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen | if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen jump the gun | jumping the gun kick the bucket | kicked the bucket last but not least can't teach an old dog new tricks | cannot teach an old dog new tricks | you can't teach an old dog new tricks | you cannot teach an old dog new tricks leopard cannot change its spots | leopard can't change its spots | a leopard cannot change its spots | a leopard can't change its spots moth to a flame | a moth to a flame | like a moth to a flame two peas in a pod | like two peas in a pod mad as a hatter mighty oaks from little acorns grow my cup runneth over nest of vipers | a nest of vipers in the nick of time | just in the nick of time on the shoulders of giants | standing on the shoulders of giants on the wagon once in a blue moon out of sight, out of mind over the moon pass the buck | passing the buck | passed the buck pearls before swine | do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces picture is worth a thousand words | a picture is worth a thousand words piece of cake | a piece of cake pigs might fly red-handed | caught red-handed red herring | a red herring red in tooth and claw | nature is red in tooth and claw | nature's red in tooth and claw red rag to a bull | a red rag to a bull rolling stone gathers no moss | a rolling stone gathers no moss teeth on edge | set your teeth on edge | sets your teeth on edge skeleton in the closet | a skeleton in the closet sledgehammer to crack a nut | a sledgehammer to crack a nut | using a sledgehammer to crack a nut something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue spill the beans spin doctor storm in a teacup straight from the horse's mouth apple of my eye | the apple of my eye balance of power | the balance of power big apple | the big apple birds and the bees | the birds and the bees | birds and bees | the birds and bees elephant in the room | the elephant in the room | an elephant in the room ends of the earth | the ends of the earth | end of the earth | the end of the earth pen is mightier than the sword | the pen is mightier than the sword salt of the earth | the salt of the earth upper hand | the upper hand two heads are better than one under the thumb | under your thumb keep it under your hat up shit creek without a paddle watched pot never boils | a watched pot never boils | watched kettle never boils | a watched kettle never boils wolf in sheep's clothing | a wolf in sheep's clothing wrong end of the stick | the wrong end of the stick
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- Car Type Land Vehicle Scripts (Working on it...)
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