Viewer URI Name Space
The SL client supports links of the format secondlife://Region/123/45/67/, which have traditionally specified a region name and x/y/z location. This means "run Second Life viewer and show Region on the world map".
The new URL scheme has 3 slashes, and allows direct control of the user interface and login. For example, secondlife:///app/login
Most secondlife:///app URLs only work from browser instances running inside Second Life because of a denial-of-service attack using secondlife:///app/teleport links to force repeated teleports. SLURLs that work with external browsers include:
- secondlife://<region name>
- secondlife:///app/login
In chat, dialogs and other user interface elements, these URLs will be highlighted as clickable links, often with custom formatting including icons. The full functionality is available in Viewer 2.0 and up. Clickable links without formatting were available only in older versions' chat and IM history.
These links also may be known as Viewer URL Namespace, SLAPP URLs or Application SLURL.
- <region_name> log in to this region or, if logged in, show information and offer teleport
- /<local_x> optional X position, defaults to 128
- /<local_y> optional Y position, defaults to 128
- /<local_z> optional Z position, defaults to 0
- /<local_y> optional Y position, defaults to 128
- /<local_x> optional X position, defaults to 128
- /app
- /agent
- /<agent_id>
- /about open agent's profile, with 2nd Life tab selected
- /inspect display info dialog for agent (2.0)
- /im start an IM session with the agent (2.0)
- /offerteleport display teleport offer dialog (2.0)
- /pay display pay resident dialog (2.0)
- /requestfriend display friendship offer dialog (2.0)
- /mute add to block list (2.0)
- /unmute remove from block list (2.0)
- /completename replace the URL with the avatar's display and user names,
- e.g., "hmm secondlife:///app/agent/eea40b5a-553d-4a07-b1ca-9f6e2f867814/complete wow" in chat becomes "hmm Cerise (cerise.sorbet) wow" (2.4); see Avatar/Name for more details.
- /displayname replace the URL with the avatar's display name (2.4)
- /username replace the URL with the avatar's username e.g. "" (2.4)
- /<agent_id>
- /appearance
- /show display the sidebar appearance tab (2.0)
- /balance
- /request request a L$ balance update from the server (2.0)
- /chat
- /<channel> any channel number greater than 0 except DEBUG_CHANNEL
- /<text>
- /<channel> any channel number greater than 0 except DEBUG_CHANNEL
- /classified
- /<classified_id>
- /about open floater describing classified
- /<classified_id>
- /event
- /<event_id>
- /about open floater describing event
- /<event_id>
- /experience
- /<experience_id>
- /profile open floater describing experience
- /<experience_id>
- /group
- /<group_id>
- /about open floater describing group
- /inspect display info dialog for group (2.0)
- /create open the create group dialog (1.20)
- /list
- /show open the list of groups to which user belongs (1.20)
- /<group_id>
- /help
- /<help_query> optional help topic (2.0)
- /inventory
- /<inventory_id>
- /select inventory offer (2.0)
- /show open the inventory sidebar tab (2.0)
- /<inventory_id>
- /login log in on launch. External and internal browsers.
- see below for query parameters, of course, values are URL escaped
- /maptrackavatar
- /<friend_id> find a friend on the world map, requires permission (2.4)
- /objectim
- /<object_id> display an info dialog for the object sending this message (2.0)
- ?name=<object_name>
- &owner=<owner_id>
- &groupowned=true (add if the object is deeded to a group)
- &slurl=<region>/<x>/<y>/<z>
- /<object_id> display an info dialog for the object sending this message (2.0)
- /openfloater
- /<floater_name> e.g. "preferences", "people", "places", "picks", "destinations", "profile"
- /parcel
- /<parcel_id>
- /about open floater describing place
- /<parcel_id>
/region/<region_id>/about information from database about that region? list of parcels? covenant?
- /search
- /<category> "all", "people", "places", "events", "groups", "wiki", "destinations", "classifieds"
- /<search_term> open a search floater with matching results (2.0)
- /<category> "all", "people", "places", "events", "groups", "wiki", "destinations", "classifieds"
- /sharewithavatar
- /<agent_id> open an inventory share/IM window for agent (2.4)
- /teleport
- /<region_name> teleport instantly to this region, no dialog
- /<local_x> optional X position, defaults to 128
- /<local_y> optional Y position, defaults to 128
- /<local_z> optional Z position, defaults to 0
- /<local_y> optional Y position, defaults to 128
- /<local_x> optional X position, defaults to 128
- /<region_name> teleport instantly to this region, no dialog
- /voicecallavatar
- /<agent_id> start a private voice session (2.4)
- /wear_folder
- /?folder_id=<inventory_folder_uuid> replace outfit with contents of specified folder (2.6)
- /?folder_name=<library_folder_name> replace outfit with contents of named Library folder
- /worldmap open the map with this destination selected (2.0)
- /<region_name>
- /<local_x> optional X position, defaults to 128
- /<local_y> optional Y position, defaults to 128
- /<local_z> optional Z position, defaults to 0
- /<local_y> optional Y position, defaults to 128
- /<local_x> optional X position, defaults to 128
- /<region_name>
- /agent
This could be extended to things like:
- /app/event/<event_id>/subscribe to register for notifications
- /app/parcel/<parcel_id>/teleport to teleport to a specific location
Login Query Parameters
first | the account first name |
last | the account last name |
session | the secure session id |
location | login location, format TBD, optional |
Second Life Wiki formatting
When adding secondlife:// links using the above syntax to a Second Life Wiki page, you can enclose your links in squared brackets (thus turning them into a standard Wiki external link), which also gives you the chance of changing the displayed text. Example:
[secondlife:///app/objectim/190f571d-fdf1-8f6c-4e9d-973e9b5e0566?name=ObjectName&owner=c93c3129-2250-4c79-a5f7-8c755ca2707e&groupowned=true&slurl=Location/128/128/27 ObjectName]
will display as
In this case you will also need to ensure the object name has been escaped.
Sometimes, having the link clickable (which will attempt to launch the Second Life Viewer to open it), is not desirable. Instead, to display the URI itself without making it clickable, surround it with
. For example:
will display as
will display the whole link and make it clickable, e.g.:
LSL Examples
string Who(key id)
return "secondlife:///app/agent/" + (string)id + "/inspect";
touch_start(integer num)
llSay(0, "Touched by " + Who(llDetectedKey(0)) + "." );