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Function: llSitTarget( vector offset, rotation rot );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Set the sit location for the prim. The sit location is relative to the prim's position and rotation.

• vector offset Additional position for the sit target in local prim coordinates.
• rotation rot Additional rotation for the sit target relative to the prim rotation.

If offset == <0.0, 0.0, 0.0> then the sit target is removed.


  • Once a sit target is removed llAvatarOnSitTarget will only return NULL_KEY.
  • There is no way to remove the Sit option from the pie menu.
    • It will appear to be removed if the llSetSitText is set to a space " ".
  • Attachments cannot be sat upon.
  • Sit Target sets the position for the Agent Target, Advanced -> Character -> View Agent Target, and has a displacement that will require a bit of examination.
    • llSetLinkPrimitiveParams seems to be the easy work-around.
    • Animation is relative to the Agent Target, but the Agent Target isn't described by the animation.
  • llSitTarget does not update position of an already seated avatar.


<lsl>default {

       llSitTarget(<0.0, 0.0, 1.0>, ZERO_ROTATION); //The vector's components must not all be set to 0 for effect to take place.

Useful Snippets


<lsl>//Sets / Updates the sit target moving the avatar on it if necessary. UpdateSitTarget(vector pos, rotation rot) {//Using this while the object is moving may give unpredictable results.

   llSitTarget(pos, rot);//Set the sit target
   key user = llAvatarOnSitTarget();
   if(user)//true if there is a user seated on the sittarget, if so update their position
       vector size = llGetAgentSize(user);
       if(size)//This tests to make sure the user really exists.
           //We need to make the position and rotation local to the current prim
           rotation localrot = ZERO_ROTATION;
           vector localpos = ZERO_VECTOR;
           if(llGetLinkNumber() > 1)//only need the local rot if it's not the root.
               localrot = llGetLocalRot();
               localpos = llGetLocalPos();
           pos.z += 0.4;
           integer linkNum = llGetNumberOfPrims();
               if(user == llGetLinkKey( linkNum ))//just checking to make sure the index is valid.
                                           [PRIM_POSITION, ((pos - (llRot2Up(rot) * size.z * 0.02638)) * localrot) + localpos,
                                            PRIM_ROTATION, rot * localrot / llGetRootRotation()]);
                   jump end;//cheaper but a tad slower then return
           }while( --linkNum );
       {//It is rare that the sit target will bork but it does happen, this can help to fix it.

}//Written by Strife Onizuka, size adjustment provided by Escort DeFarge</lsl>


<lsl>list GetSitTarget(integer prim, key av) {//WARNING: llGetObjectDetails can introduce an error that goes as far as the 5th decimal place!

//This is highly unlikely to be ever noticed unless compounded over time.
//Do not use while moving (like in a moving vehicle)!!!
   vector tp = llGetAgentSize(av);
       if(prim == LINK_THIS)//llGetLinkKey doesn't like LINK_THIS
           prim = llGetLinkNumber();
       list details = [OBJECT_POS, OBJECT_ROT];
       rotation f = llList2Rot(details = (llGetObjectDetails(llGetLinkKey(prim), details) + llGetObjectDetails(av, details)), 1);
       rotation r = llList2Rot(details, 3) / f;
       return [((llList2Vector(details, 2) - llList2Vector(details, 0)) / f) + (llRot2Up(r) * tp.z * 0.02638) - <0.0, 0.0, 0.4>, r];
   return [];

}//Written by Strife Onizuka</lsl>

See Also


•  changed


•  llSetSitText
•  llAvatarOnSitTarget
•  llUnSit

Deep Notes


function void llSitTarget( vector offset, rotation rot );