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Function: llSetObjectDesc( string description );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Sets the prims description

• string description


  • The description is limited to 127 bytes, any string longer then that will be truncated.
  • The pipe character | is not legal in an object's description, it will be replaced by a '?'[1].
  • When an object is detached, changes made by script to the name and description (of the root prim) of the attachment will be lost. While the object is attached the name and description can be changed but it will not be reflected in inventory. These limitations do not apply to child prims.


<lsl>//store the owner's name in the prim description default {

   touch_start(integer total_number)
       string temp;
       temp = llKey2Name(llGetOwner());

See Also


•  llGetObjectDesc Gets the prim description.
•  llGetObjectName Gets the prim name.
•  llSetObjectName Sets the prim name.


•  Limits SL limits and constrictions
•  Prim Attribute Overloading

Deep Notes


  1. ^ This is because the pipe character historically has been used to separate fields in the serialized version of inventory.


function void llSetObjectDesc( string description );