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Der Login-Bildschirm (aka "splash screen") is aptly named, because it's the point from which you enter the Second Life experience. Its contents have changed over time, but it (minus the actual login form) can currently be viewed at


Now here's some Q&A about stuff that keeps coming up! This is not policy, just casual info to help you understand:

Wer macht die Bilder, die auf dem Login-Bildschirm zu sehen sind?

Meistens Torley, and the aesthetic gurus of Linden Lab's Creative Services Team have the final cut.

In welchem Format sind die Bilder?

Cropped 1280x960 JPGs. This makes them appear undesirably stretched on widescreen (like 16:10), but it's what we have for now.

Wie viele Bilder gibt es?

In der Regel 16 oder so, die sich saisonal verändern (oder dort, das ist noch ziemlich neu).

Jedes Mal, wenn der Tag (von denen es 4) ist mit 4 oder mehr Screenshots belegt, und sie ändern sich. Das neustart von SL oder bei längerer Zeit wird ein neues Bild gezeigt.

Wo kann ich die ganzen Bilder anschauen?

Einschließlich solcher, die nicht angezeigt werden:

Wie kann ich den Ort besuchen, wo diese Bilder entstanden sind?

Als dieser Artikel geschrieben wurde (06.04.2009), gab es keine SLURLs auf dem Login-Bildschirm. Torley explains related usability trickiness.

In the meantime with related intrigue, look at Torley's Flickr stream for OMG AWESOME ADVENTURES, where just about every pic has a "Visit..." link you can click on to teleport to... and keep reading.

Aren't you concerned about attribution?

Heck yes. You'll notice on Torley's Flickr stream that he/she/it endeavors to attribute as much as possible in the absence of an auto-attribution mechanism. If you're ready to geek out, he even came up with this macro to automate including parcel name + description.

In the future, we'll hopefully have better ways — after all, it's a win for everyone to discover awesomeness in Second Life.

Can I submit my own pictures?

Not as of this writing. You're more than welcome to make submissions to the Second Life Showcase which appears prominently on our website and within the viewer's Search window in the Showcase tab. Showcase has a FAQ, too.

Why don't you just combine the login screen with the Showcase?

Great Minds Think Alike!

Various people have brought this up independently. We're considering ideas on this front. That's not a commitment to implement, but yes, we're aware. Enthusiasm rules, excessive overhead sucks — certain stuff like legal issues, a low-maintenance queue, and soforth need to be figured out.

So where else can I show off my pictures?

Many places. (Add yours!) There are several Resident-run snapshot sites; Torley notes some here.

Furthermore, the Second Life Blogs link to the biggest Second Life Flickr group, which is run by Residents. Also this list of all Second Life Flickr groups.

You can let Blue Linden know, he runs EUREKA, The SL Travel Blog.

And Torley might fancy seeing your pix, contact him directly.