Texture Test

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Revision as of 19:14, 11 January 2007 by Dan Linden (talk | contribs)
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6/22/05 original test written by SteveLinden

7/6/05 added texture priority test - Steve

7/8/05 added full-screen test -Steve


  • Test textures for the following can be found here...

File:Test 256 256 alpha.tga

1. Uploading Textures

  • a. Single Texture Upload Test
    • File->Upload Image
    • Upload test_256_256.tga
    • Verify that the upload succeeds and that the image looks correct (red arrow pointing up in a green box)
  • b. Batch Texture Upload Test
    • File->Bulk Uplaod
    • Upload test_256_512.tga, test_256_256_alpha.tga, test_512_16.tga
    • Verify that the textures are the correct dimentions, and that the _alpha texture has transparancy
    • Filter your inventory by Texture and verify that the uploaded textures all show up

2. Applying textures

  • a. Object Texture Test
    • Create a box and scale it up so that its sides are easy to see
    • Right-click and edit the box
    • Click on More (if the tabs don't appear) and choose the Texture tab
    • Click on the current (default wood) texture box
      • Verify that the Pick: Texture dialog comes up.
      • Verify that the Textures folder in your inventory appears to the right
    • Drag test_256_256 onto the texture box from where to where?
      • Verify that the texture on all sides of the box changes
      • Verify that the arrows on all four sides point up
      • Verify that the arrows on the top and bottom point opposite directions
    • Close the Pick: Texture dialog
    • Click on the Color box
      • Verify that the Color Picker dialog comes up
    • Choose a color and close the dialog
      • Verify that the color of all sides of the box change
    • Change the Transparency spinner and verify that the transarency of the box changes
    • Change the Color and Transparency back to White / 0
    • Increase the Horizontal and Vertical Repeats per Face
      • Verify that the texture appears multiple times across each surface
    • Decrease the Horizontal and Vertical Repeats per Face
      • Verify that a subset of the texture appears on the surface
    • Change the Horizontal and Vertical Offset
      • Verify that the texture is offset on each face
    • Enable Horizontal and Vertical Flip
      • Verify that the texture flips on each surface
    • Change the Rotation value
      • Verify that the texture rotates correctly on each surface
    • Change the Repeats Per Meter and click on Apply
      • Verify that the Repeats per Face values change accordingly
      • Change the Repeats per Face back to 1.0 and verify that the Repeats Per Meter value chaages
  • b. Face Texture Test
    • Open up the Inventory : My Inventory : Textures folder (or filter your inventory for textures)
    • Drag test_256_256_alpha on to one of the faces on the box
      • Verify that the texture appears correctly and that you can see through it
    • Drag test_256_512 on to a different face and verify that it appears correctly
    • Drag test_512_16 on to the same face and verify that it appears correctly
      • The image should appear blurry since it is being stretched across the surface
    • Take the box created for the next test

3. Avatar Textures

  • a. Modifying Your Avatar Textures Test
    • Right-click on your avatar, choose Appearance
    • Select Jacket and change the Upper and/or Lower fabric texture
      • Verify that the jacket texture on your avatar changes
    • Select Pants and change the fabric texture
      • Verify that the jacket texture on your avatar changes
    • Click on Save to save the changes
    • Watch your avatar. The texture should go from crisp to (briefly) blurry then crisp again as the baked image loads.
      • Verify that the baked image looks correct
      • Have another avatar watch while you do this and verify that they see the change once you save and that it is correct.
  • b. Modifying Another Avatar Textures Test
    • Watch while another avatar repeats the above test
      • Verify that you can see changes while the other avatar is changing their appearance (There may be some delay)
      • Verify that after the other avatar finishes making changes, the baked texture appears correctly

4. Parcel Overlay

  • Set View->Land Owners to enabled.
  • Verify that porperty colors are visible and their edges are crisp
  • Disable View->Land Owners

5. Media Textures

  • a. Applying Parcel Media Textures Test
    • Buy a piece of land (see Buying Parcels Test) or go to a parcel of land you own
      • Make sure you are standing in the parcel
    • Move the box created above on to the parcel
    • Righ-click on the land and choose About Land
    • Choose the Media tab
    • Make sure that there is not currently anyting in the Media texture URL field
    • Click on the box under Replace this texture:
      • Verify that the Pick dialog comes up with a list of your textures on the right
    • Select the test_256_256 texture
    • Verify that the image shows up under Replace this texture
    • Close the Pick dialog
    • Enter a valid streaming media url into the with content from this URL field and press 'Return'
      • For examples see Media Stream Sample Urls
      • Verify that the Movie control dialog appears on the bottom of the screen and press the play (triangle) button
      • Verify that the movie starts playing on the sides of the box with test_256_256 applied
    • Close the About Land dialog
    • Right-click the box and choose Edit
    • Click on the Texture tab
    • Click on the Align button
      • Verify that the move now plays across the entire surface of faces with test_256_256 applied
    • Close the Edit dialog
    • Right-click on the land and choose About Land again. The Media tab should already be selected.
    • Click again on the box under Replace this texture: and verify that the Pick dialg comes up
    • Select the test_256_256_alpha texture
      • Verify that the movie starts playing on the surface with test_256_256_alpha applied
      • Note: the texture may not be aligned on the new surface
      • Verify that the surface is not transparant
      • Verify that the other surfaces return to displaying test_256_256
    • Select the test_256_16 texture
      • Verify that the movie starts playing on the surface with test_256_16 applied
      • Note: the texture may not be aligned on the new surface
      • Verify that the aspect ratio and transparancy are the same as when the movie played on the other surface
      • Verify that the other surface returns to displaying test_256_256_alpha
  • b. Media Parcel texture Test
    • Move out of the parcel
      • Verify that the movie stops playing and that the previously applied texture appears on the surface
    • Move back in to the parcel
      • Verify that the movie does not start playing and that the Movie control appears
    • Press Play on the control
      • Verify that the movie starts playing again on the correct surface

6. Texture Priority

  • Locate an object in the distance with an unloaded or blurry texture.
    • You may need to fly to a new area or log out / log in.
  • Zoom in on the object so that the blurry texture is large and centered in your view.
    • The texture should quickly improve to the correct resolution, before other nearby textures do.

7. Full Res

  • Choose Edit->Preferences->Graphics
  • Change the Run in a window setting
    • Click Apply
    • Verify that all textures show up correctly after the resolution changes
  • Change the Run in a window setting back
    • Click Apply
    • Verify that all textures show up correctly after the resolution changes

8. Texture Memory management

  • Texture an object with a texture at 2 repeats per face.
  • Right-click on your avatar, choose Appearance
  • Use that same texture on every possible body part, tatoo, and clothing.
    • Click save
    • Verify the texture on the object still looks ok (not clamped).
    • Verify your avatar appears the same to another person as it does to you.