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Revision as of 22:06, 18 February 2008 by Void Singer (talk | contribs) (formatted example)
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Function: vector llGetRegionCorner( );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a vector in meters that is the global location of the south-west corner of the region the object is in. The z component is 0.0

Divide the returned value by 256 to get the region offset.


<lsl>//calculates your position relative to <0,0,0> of 'Da Boom' in meters when you touch it vector vecrel; //a sum of llgetpos and llgetregioncorner (and another vector). Saving time doing vector math.

default {

       llSetText("Touch me to get your position", <1,1,1>, 2.0);
   touch_start(integer total_number)
       vecrel = llGetRegionCorner() + llDetectedPos(0);
       llWhisper(0, "llGetRegionCorner() is:"+(string)vecrel ); //for debugging before vector addition
       vecrel -= <256000.0, 256000.0, 0.0>;//Da Boom's region corner is at <256000.0, 256000.0, 0.0>
       llWhisper (0, "Position relative to <0,0,0> of 'Da Boom': "+ (string)llRound(vecrel.x) +",\t\t\t"+ (string)llRound(vecrel.y) +",\t\t\t"+ (string)llRound(vecrel.z) + ".");
       llWhisper(0, "Position relative to <0,0,0> of 'Da Boom':"+(string)vecrel ); //faster but unformatted output




The great zero is at region offset <1000,1000>, Great Zero🖈

Deep Notes


function vector llGetRegionCorner();