User Experience Interest Group/Transcripts/2009-11-05

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User Experience Interest Group Discussion for November 05, 2009.

Topic: Open Topic: Random Ramblings.


Mostly we just chatted about random stuff the whole time...


[14:59] Jacek Antonelli: Ahoy
[14:59] McCabe Maxsted: ahoy!
[15:01] McCabe Maxsted: hmm, sim notification isn't working here
[15:03] McCabe Maxsted: ahoy geneko!
[15:04] Charlette Proto: hiya
[15:05] Charlette Proto: chat lag?
[15:05] Jacek Antonelli: Hi Gen and Charlette
[15:05] Charlette Proto: hi Gen Jacek McCabe
[15:06] McCabe Maxsted waves
[15:06] Charlette Proto: get a feeling snowglobe (test build) lost some FPS this time around
[15:06] Charlette Proto: maybe just because I only logged
[15:07] Charlette Proto: did Gen rez for you?
[15:08] Charlette Proto: I see a cloud
[15:08] McCabe Maxsted: yup
[15:08] Charlette Proto: shit maybe it is a bad hair day for me
[15:08] McCabe Maxsted: is there a list of what's in the latest test build?
[15:09] Charlette Proto: didn't have a chance to look, but the last fixed that missing media plugin error some peeps had
[15:09] Charlette Proto: I was getting the error on Vista 32 and not on win7 64
[15:10] Charlette Proto: so that surprised me, I update both all the time
[15:10] Charlette Proto: and really didn't think Vista and Win7 would be any diff this way
[15:11] Charlette Proto: see what I mean? new versions (same file) on both OSs and different results
[15:12] McCabe Maxsted still needs to do some windows 7 development stuff
[15:13] Charlette Proto: it really is 6.1 as you know and I can't believe they passed up on the opportunity to name the OS in a really geek way "6.1" everyone with brain would have loved that
[15:14] Charlette Proto: everyone loves x.1 versions
[15:14] Charlette Proto: or should I have said n.1 looks keler
[15:14] Charlette Proto: .1 kind of has good cred
[15:15] Charlette Proto: I want Second Life™ 2.1 now
[15:15] McCabe Maxsted: hehe
[15:15] Jacek Antonelli: heh
[15:15] Charlette Proto: Charlette Pronto please
[15:15] Jacek Antonelli: Anyway. Anybody have anything they want to talk about today?
[15:16] Charlette Proto: performance on deferred (and UI for deferred like in the ugly Kirstyn's viewer)
[15:16] Charlette Proto: god that is the ugliest UI I've seen in ages
[15:17] Charlette Proto: know what I mean; the grey on cyan colour combo, icons with no text
[15:17] Charlette Proto: rendering deserves thumbs up for sure (I love it for pics), but can't stand the skin
[15:18] McCabe Maxsted hasn't looked at the skin much beyond a few screens
[15:18] Charlette Proto: maybe you haven't played with Kirstin's 1.8?
[15:18] McCabe Maxsted: are there any good skins out there these days? I know croniq created a nifty new one
[15:19] Charlette Proto: wish I had a capture at hand, it breaks all the rules of design and I don't mean in any good way
[15:19] Jacek Antonelli: Hey Garn *earskritches*
[15:20] Garn Conover: Mrewp Mrewp! ^_^ hewwo
[15:20] Geneko Nemeth: Mweh Mweh! :O
[15:20] Charlette Proto: kirstin's has XML changes and a weird toolbar made of icons onlt at the top (below main menu)
[15:20] Charlette Proto: hi Garn
[15:20] Garn Conover: i still cant use kristens lol
[15:20] McCabe Maxsted: ahoy goarn
[15:20] McCabe Maxsted: *garn
[15:20] McCabe Maxsted isn't sure where that o came from
[15:21] Geneko Nemeth wants to push the button on Garn's head, but it won't let him.
[15:21] McCabe Maxsted: breaks the rules more than SL's viewer does?
[15:21] Charlette Proto: I want the toolbar at the top, but not a fixed row of buttons for the same funcions we have - a user defined set of tools with switching between modes (eg build/chat)
[15:21] Geneko Nemeth: Ribbon?
[15:22] Charlette Proto: a pink ribbon would be nice, perhaps tied in a knot Gen
[15:22] Garn Conover: which one?
[15:22] Charlette Proto: I mean like MS Office - user defined
[15:23] Charlette Proto: I mentioned how bad the skin is in Kirsten's viewer garn
[15:23] Charlette Proto: or was the which one re MSO?
[15:23] Charlette Proto: the office ref is only regarding the ability to use the toolbar that suits one's working routine
[15:24] Charlette Proto: I'd see it have a number of modes (build/chat etc)
[15:24] Garn Conover kicks errors on imp
[15:24] Charlette Proto: and having a way to swap/trade configurations with other residents
[15:25] Charlette Proto: what do you mean Garn?
[15:25] Garn Conover: ive got startup errors since 1.1 was released and we cant find out WHY
[15:25] McCabe Maxsted: some sort of weird lib error only garn's seeing
[15:25] Charlette Proto: last Imp was a very good move, the only thing is performance and for me the pie (radial) menu layout
[15:26] Charlette Proto: weird? Imp works very well for me except FPS
[15:26] Geneko Nemeth: Have you been compiling it with RelWithDebInfo?
[15:26] Garn Conover: 1.1 RC2 works fine
[15:26] Garn Conover: Genko i just use the downloads
[15:27] Charlette Proto: I like everything at max so snow gives the best results
[15:27] Geneko Nemeth: That's weird. I don't see any difference between Imp and Snowglobe except image decoding...
[15:27] Garn Conover: i can use 1.1 RC2 with no errors but 1.1 release and after ive gotten the same errors every time lol
[15:28] Geneko Nemeth: (But image decoding is a biggie in performance.)
[15:28] Garn Conover: highly annoying clicking through 10 or so error popups on login
[15:28] Charlette Proto: me too I use the binary, haven't compiled Second Life™ since I had VS2005, my last effort was like 2 days of pain and now I have new lappie and not all the same s/w
[15:29] Charlette Proto: ah the open source jpg decoder?
[15:30] Charlette Proto: what about the one in Snow "J2C Decoder Version: OpenJPEG: 1.3.0, Runtime: 1.3.0"
[15:30] Jacek Antonelli: That's what we're using. Is Snowglobe really using OpenJPEG?
[15:30] Charlette Proto: Gen can I ask you to do appearance or rebake
[15:31] McCabe Maxsted: snowglobe also has a lot of other texture changes
[15:31] Geneko Nemeth: 30 minutes and still a blob?
[15:31] Charlette Proto: yeah and Snow gets the best FPS for me
[15:31] Charlette Proto: yeah snow has the media plugin now and HTTP
[15:31] Charlette Proto: good thankies gen
[15:31] Charlette Proto: you are pretty as ever now
[15:31] Geneko Nemeth: I don't think HTTP fetch works yet...
[15:31] Charlette Proto: the map works
[15:32] McCabe Maxsted: there's other stuff besides http fetch
[15:32] Charlette Proto: but it can be blury at times
[15:33] Jacek Antonelli: Hrm. I wish we had more developers. It's hard to even keep up with other viewers, let alone add new stuff.
[15:33] Charlette Proto: like now I've popped the minimap and when I zoom I get blury green, suppose not much here but should see the OS building at least
[15:33] Charlette Proto: true Jacek
[15:34] Geneko Nemeth: I can feel that too.
[15:35] McCabe Maxsted nods
[15:35] Charlette Proto: BTW how far did Mm get with his dynamically built widget thingie? anyone know?
[15:35] McCabe Maxsted: honestly, it's been a bad week for me too. Lot of other things going on
[15:36] Jacek Antonelli: Mm had some computer trouble
[15:36] Jacek Antonelli: But he has started working on it again recently
[15:36] Geneko Nemeth: I think Imprudence needs a little bit of evangelism.
[15:36] Charlette Proto: haha shit happens
[15:36] McCabe Maxsted: I'm going to be on a panel on friday talking about it
[15:36] Charlette Proto: me too, even the testing could do with a few more people using it
[15:37] Jacek Antonelli: A panel?
[15:37] McCabe Maxsted: something called "rezzed tv"?
[15:37] Charlette Proto: but hard to know/easy to forget to check if there is something new to download
[15:37] McCabe Maxsted: they wanted to talk about 3rd party viewers; there're a few emerald people on the panel too
[15:37] Jacek Antonelli: Cool
[15:38] Geneko Nemeth: And website doesn't look very... "Download this!"-y.
[15:38] Jacek Antonelli: Hrm. True.
[15:38] Charlette Proto: yes gen
[15:38] McCabe Maxsted intends to announce our forthcoming mega-ultra-copybo--oops! Almost let that slip!
[15:38] Charlette Proto: what panel are you talking about McCabe
[15:38] Jacek Antonelli: McCabe! Shhhhh!
[15:39] Charlette Proto: don't say a thing against copybot or morgaine will call you a ludite
[15:39] Jacek Antonelli: hahaha
[15:39] McCabe Maxsted: heh
[15:39] Charlette Proto: apparently the future is copy what you need - hehe
[15:40] Charlette Proto: no matter who gets hurt or what permission they give
[15:40] Charlette Proto: some people just think Open Source is a utopian thing
[15:41] Charlette Proto: just as well Sun, IBM, Novel and even LL don't think this way
[15:41] Charlette Proto: AMD too do OS with 100% respect for data ownership
[15:41] Charlette Proto: data/info
[15:42] Jacek Antonelli: We should probably talk about something UX-related today sometime.
[15:42] Charlette Proto: sure, is the toolbar topic overused
[15:43] Charlette Proto: I mean spent
[15:43] Jacek Antonelli: We can talk about the toolbar
[15:43] Geneko Nemeth: Maybe we don't have to. We have enough ideas that are unimplemented.
[15:43] Charlette Proto: I really think the toolbar (programmable) is the best way to make a good UI in Second Life™
[15:44] Geneko Nemeth: Good defaults are still needed, 90% of people won't touch customization options.
[15:44] Geneko Nemeth: (Not when it's so complex....)
[15:44] Charlette Proto: should we look at something else you would like to implement but aren't sure how to move on etc
[15:44] Geneko Nemeth: ...
[15:44] Charlette Proto: that is the point Gen, they would share the ones people like us make
[15:45] Jacek Antonelli: Distribute custom UIs as an inworld item?
[15:45] Jacek Antonelli: It's just crazy enough to work!
[15:45] Charlette Proto: that is why i see it as open to config from a file people can share and trade
[15:46] McCabe Maxsted: hm, not sure how to implement....
[15:46] McCabe Maxsted: double click ui preferences?
[15:46] Charlette Proto: you think, I believe good UI layouts would really lend themselves to swapping amongst people doing the same things
[15:47] Charlette Proto: one would load a config file which only changes the toolbar sets and the menu would have a selection of the ones you have available to use
[15:47] Charlette Proto: may need to be a local HD file rather than inventory thing, but should be on the server if poss
[15:48] Charlette Proto: just like another set of floater XML files you swap between
[15:49] Charlette Proto: the main thing would be the ability to drop any of the UI elements into a hierarchical set of tools
[15:50] Charlette Proto: lag
[15:50] Charlette Proto: I didn't see McCabe's text yet
[15:51] McCabe Maxsted: sorry, I had an idea, then realized it was stupid so I didn't send it
[15:51] Charlette Proto: ah hehe
[15:51] Charlette Proto: and I blame LL
[15:51] McCabe Maxsted: hehe
[15:51] McCabe Maxsted: it's a bad habit to break
[15:51] McCabe Maxsted: especially the way they make it so easy sometimes...
[15:51] Charlette Proto: any idea on how Sun add things into the UI in Project Wonderland
[15:52] Charlette Proto: lag makes for a lot of confusion too
[15:53] Charlette Proto: Su have a lot of stuff in the context menu
[15:53] Charlette Proto: Sun*
[15:53] Charlette Proto: toast crumbs under the keys
[15:53] McCabe Maxsted throws out random ux phrases. "Lexicon! Floater! Usability! Menu system!"
[15:54] Charlette Proto: just remembered that I've seen a 'good' example for the machinima camera timeline tools
[15:54] Charlette Proto: nice one McCabe
[15:54] Geneko Nemeth: Gah! McCabe found out my secret!
[15:54] Charlette Proto: sounded like semantic web
[15:54] McCabe Maxsted: muwahaha
[15:55] McCabe Maxsted: I'm actually a bot
[15:55] McCabe Maxsted is part of an insidious plot to fuck up all your pie menus and take over the grid
[15:55] Jacek Antonelli: It's working so far!
[15:55] Geneko Nemeth: You don't happen to be the same person as Mark V Shane, do you?
[15:55] Charlette Proto: the camera timeline environment editor i saw is in a bunch of demos by "unigine"
[15:56] McCabe Maxsted: mark v?
[15:56] Charlette Proto: very hot looking stuff capable of DX11 (makes Blue Mars look ancient)
[15:56] Charlette Proto: but proprietory thing by a bunch of russians
[15:56] Geneko Nemeth: An application of Markov chain to generate random phrases that have a quaint quality to them.
[15:56] Charlette Proto: kind of like a russian code mafia
[15:57] McCabe Maxsted: so kind of like a robotic wilford brimley
[15:57] Geneko Nemeth: Wilford Brimley?
[15:57] McCabe Maxsted: from the diabet'es commercials
[15:58] Jacek Antonelli: He probably doesn't get those where he lives
[15:58] Geneko Nemeth: Never heard of that guy, is he one of your US inventions?
[15:58] McCabe Maxsted:
[15:58] Charlette Proto: if you want something to challenge/benchmark your DX11 go to and look at Heaven demo, one can walk/fly about etc
[16:01] Charlette Proto: but my point mentioning the uningine is the environment editor - really quite nice
[16:02] McCabe Maxsted: we don't have health care reform yet, so yeah; crazy us invention :)
[16:02] McCabe Maxsted: charlette: know of any screens?
[16:02] Charlette Proto: designed to make demo fly-through which is about 90% suitable for machinima work
[16:02] Charlette Proto: screens?
[16:02] McCabe Maxsted: screenshots
[16:02] Charlette Proto: for unigine?
[16:03] McCabe Maxsted: for their environment editor
[16:03] Charlette Proto: need to take pics, didn't see any so far
[16:03] Charlette Proto: the downloads are small - not like Blue Mars
[16:04] Charlette Proto: but the system is very much like BM, everything (the world) on HD
[16:04] McCabe Maxsted: it prolly says a lot about me that every time I see people mentioning "BM" I think "body modification"
[16:05] Charlette Proto: I can't run it along side of Second Life™ it is really too much for my laptop, works best on the desktop with an ATI DX11 card
[16:05] Charlette Proto: haha McCabe
[16:06] McCabe Maxsted: *coughs* anyway, would be very curious to see some pics, yeah
[16:06] Charlette Proto: I'll make some to pass around, it really looks relevant to out machinima theme
[16:07] Charlette Proto: I've been looking for something like that, but most other seem too tech
[16:08] Charlette Proto: wish it wasn't a proprietory platform with a minimum cost of US$50k like the LL Private Server thinggie
[16:09] McCabe Maxsted: yikes
[16:09] Charlette Proto: you've seen the Second Life™ behind Firewall blogs
[16:09] McCabe Maxsted: heard it mentioned af ew times, yeah
[16:09] Charlette Proto: very similar approach for corporate peeps
[16:10] McCabe Maxsted wonders just what benefits a program with neglligible enterprise tools could have to warrant the price
[16:10] Charlette Proto: not sure of LLs chances at that, I'd never assume they could make something that is secure, prolly would go for Sun Project wonderland if I was looking at an enterprise build
[16:11] Charlette Proto: I can see (long term) possibilities in design, but not without Real Life™ model import capabilities
[16:12] Charlette Proto: if it integrated Real Life™ CAD models as well as Google Sketchup Pro than maybe there is market for it, but not based on prims
[16:13] Charlette Proto: I meant " as good as" Sketchup can
[16:13] McCabe Maxsted: maybe they just want to run their secret office gor islands without anyone finding out
[16:13] Charlette Proto: yeah LL Gors
[16:13] Charlette Proto: maybe M is a Gore, he only thinks of chat
[16:13] McCabe Maxsted: but, yeah, heh; would like to see what their pitch is
[16:13] Charlette Proto: SN seems to be the M thing in Second Life™ not builds
[16:14] Charlette Proto: lookin at the vids on the tube, he thinks Second Life™ is a text chat now and V2 viewer will be a voice app with text thrown in
[16:15] Geneko Nemeth: How naive.
[16:15] McCabe Maxsted: "psh, who uses text anymore?"
[16:15] Charlette Proto: thius what I think too, but it explains the last year a lot
[16:15] Charlette Proto: we do McCabe
[16:15] Charlette Proto: people who want a log
[16:16] Charlette Proto: and alts
[16:16] Charlette Proto: and tranies hehe
[16:16] Geneko Nemeth: Why do you want a log when you could just record the whole meeting and upload it on YouTube?
[16:16] Jacek Antonelli: heh
[16:16] Charlette Proto: true but you can't search so easily yet
[16:17] McCabe Maxsted thinks it's a sign of lindnes using voice for all their meetings, then realizing that they bolted the voice controls on in a very ugly and hard to use way, so they've gone to the opposite extreme
[16:17] Charlette Proto: seems so McCabe
[16:17] McCabe Maxsted: just my opinion about something I've only seen blurry screenshots of and read random comments on....
[16:17] Geneko Nemeth: Me, I'm not relying on Voice until the client goes open source.
[16:18] Charlette Proto: yeah, the vids don't show anything clearly besides DX shadows demo he made
[16:18] Jacek Antonelli: Yay, I get to try out the minimap radar abuse report
[16:18] Charlette Proto: WTF
[16:18] McCabe Maxsted: hehe
[16:18] Geneko Nemeth: I think they are just testing griefing tools.
[16:18] McCabe Maxsted: who's that?
[16:18] Jacek Antonelli: archimede Beverly
[16:18] Charlette Proto shouts: PERLALUCENTE Bellic you will get reported if you keep going on
[16:19] Charlette Proto: stupid trolls!
[16:19] Geneko Nemeth: I don't think they know this place actually has a purpose.
[16:19] Charlette Proto: bet they don't
[16:20] Geneko Nemeth: It's a perfect place for testing stuff out, isn't it?
[16:20] McCabe Maxsted: hm, weird, it didn't auto fill the name
[16:20] Geneko Nemeth whispers: Although, not as good as Dynamism...
[16:20] Charlette Proto: he asked for it stupid fool
[16:21] Geneko Nemeth: Well, I'm getting bored.
[16:21] McCabe Maxsted: did it autofill for you jacek?
[16:21] McCabe Maxsted: ah lovely
[16:21] McCabe Maxsted nods. Sorry, just not really feeling it today
[16:22] Jacek Antonelli: Let's adjourn, we're done anyway. Take care everyone, see you next week!