Bug triage/2009-12-07/Transcript
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Revision as of 09:57, 8 December 2009 by Alexa Linden (talk | contribs) (Created page with '* [12:01] Alexa Linden: [http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage/Monday_Agenda] * [12:01] Morgaine Dinova: Hey, there should b...')
- [12:01] Alexa Linden: [1]
- [12:01] Morgaine Dinova: Hey, there should be a Sacrificial Linden ;-)
- [12:01] Alexa Linden: is our starting point for the day
- [12:01] Alexa Linden: LOL
- [12:01] Alexa Linden: Morgaine :p
- [12:02] Xaria Mistwallow: lol morg
- [12:02] Morgaine Dinova: Wow, big agenda
- [12:02] Davy Linden: Are we ready to start?
- [12:02] Xaria Mistwallow: hey merov
- [12:02] Alexa Linden: yip
- [12:02] Xaria Mistwallow: alexa has been collecting jira's for us i see =)
- [12:02] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-2090 - When IMs are capped, the first IM sent is lost.
- [12:02] Soft Linden: Sweet, nice catch and a repro! Import!
- [12:03] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:03] Morgaine Dinova: Hiya Merov :-)
- [12:03] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-5097 - Simulator Time statistics inaccurate, AKA Mystery Lag that is Primarily caused by object positional updates.
- [12:03] Alexa Linden: lol
- [12:03] Davy Linden: going for a world speed record today, soft?
- [12:03] Yann Dufaux: sorry, i,m back .. trouble whit this stupid warning message failed for 5 mins ...
- [12:03] Bronson Blackadder: lol
- [12:03] Merov Linden: hi guys
- [12:03] Soft Linden: ha!
- [12:03] Yann Dufaux: hi merov!!
- [12:03] Alexa Linden: I'll get whiplash O.o
- [12:03] Aimee Trescothick: hi :)
- [12:03] Alexa Linden: hey Merov :)
- [12:04] Soft Linden: Yeah, object update events aren't costed in fairly. Though they create viewer lag, not sim lag which is what script stats measure... hmm
- [12:04] Yann Dufaux: Hi Alexa!
- [12:04] Soft Linden: This is why a handful of Sion chickens, puppeteering critters, pets, equines, etc can really mess up a sim for resis.
- [12:04] Xaria Mistwallow: this one keps on coming back
- [12:04] Davy Linden: it's claiming it affects the speed of rezzing objects
- [12:05] Xaria Mistwallow: perhaps check the coding on that part?
- [12:05] Xaria Mistwallow: could be a small mistake in the coding for that part
- [12:05] Xaria Mistwallow: philip mentioned something in that direction to me some time ago
- [12:05] Soft Linden: I have trouble believing that it actually affects object rezzing. Hrm.
- [12:06] Xaria Mistwallow: that it may be a small flaw
- [12:06] Soft Linden: For the claim in his last paragraph, let's ask him to post source and an explanation of what he's reproducing
- [12:06] Davy Linden: +1
- [12:06] Soft Linden: NMI - post repro
- [12:06] Xaria Mistwallow: i have often problems with this bug, try to rezz a prim and it may even 'return to inventory' where it never was in the first place
- [12:06] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:06] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-5101 - Uncontrolable hand movement and being in different postions, without myself seeing it
- [12:06] Alexa Linden: will do
- [12:07] Bronson Blackadder: I seen this a few months back actually
- [12:07] Xaria Mistwallow: animation bug?
- [12:07] Davy Linden: this is emerald viewer
- [12:07] Bronson Blackadder: people said I was sitting upsidedown
- [12:07] Xaria Mistwallow: perhaps 'stop all animations' fixes it
- [12:08] Xaria Mistwallow: i seen that as well indeed
- [12:08] Bronson Blackadder: when I saw myself sitting correct
- [12:08] Soft Linden: So, a few things can be happening here.
- [12:08] Xaria Mistwallow: only tho if people were using poseballs
- [12:08] Xaria Mistwallow: not regular prim sit
- [12:08] Yann Dufaux: Where the clear reprod?
- [12:08] LSL Scientist: if it is caused by griefer client, only relogging to distant place fixes it, in my experience
- [12:08] Soft Linden: One - if you stop all animations in 1.23 and earlier, it doesn't stop them for other people. Only you.
- [12:08] Soft Linden: Or second, like LSL says - it's possible for others to spoof your hand beam
- [12:09] Xaria Mistwallow: last i seen this happen was during a CT translator meeting
- [12:09] Soft Linden: That's what SEC-91 is - lemme check the status of that
- [12:09] Xaria Mistwallow: everyone, except tinies, had it
- [12:09] Soft Linden: The first is fixed in the new viewer... for the second, we already have SEC-91
- [12:09] Soft Linden: Go ahead and just link this to DEV-21494
- [12:09] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:10] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-16246 - Bug on the internal browser with page who have asynchronous javascript call.
- [12:10] Soft Linden: Please ask them to try this in Snowglobe. We've dropped mozlib in favor of webkit
- [12:10] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:11] Xaria Mistwallow: more info would be nice
- [12:11] Davy Linden: "current snowglobe is not affected"
- [12:11] Soft Linden: That means the internal browser's effectively been redone from scratch
- [12:11] Alexa Linden: nmi and suggestion
- [12:11] Soft Linden: Ah - they already say current snowglobe is unaffected
- [12:11] Soft Linden: Yus
- [12:11] Bronson Blackadder: lol
- [12:11] Soft Linden: The test is really quick - maybe just save that URL for later :3
- [12:11] Soft Linden: For a Linden running 2.0
- [12:11] Yann Dufaux: i have a questions sorry, but what nmi ?
- [12:11] Xaria Mistwallow: lol
- [12:11] Alexa Linden: needs more info
- [12:11] Davy Linden: Needs More Info
- [12:11] Yann Dufaux: okey thanks
- [12:12] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-5068 - many groups are not found in search anymore
- [12:13] Xaria Mistwallow: confirmed, also groups seem to disapear completely
- [12:13] Soft Linden: I just tried all four of those - they're findable now...
- [12:13] Bronson Blackadder: could this be expected behavior?
- [12:13] Alexa Linden: fixed?
- [12:13] Xaria Mistwallow: my group was for example one of the groups that dissapeared
- [12:13] Bronson Blackadder: if people arent setting thier groups to searchable?
- [12:13] Soft Linden: This looks fixed.
- [12:13] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:13] Davy Linden: all the examples show for me now
- [12:14] Soft Linden: This corresponded with a known outage.
- [12:14] Alexa Linden: feexed it is
- [12:14] Ellla McMahon: the Grid Saus isstill showingReopened
- [12:14] Xaria Mistwallow: perhaps recheck to be sure?
- [12:14] Soft Linden: Ask people to list specific groups if they do repoen the JIRA
- [12:14] Alexa Linden: k
- [12:14] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-16303 - Interface interferes with Control Events
- [12:15] Ellla McMahon: [2]
- [12:15] Davy Linden: ty ellla
- [12:15] Soft Linden: Import, please. That repro is helpful
- [12:15] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:15] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-4365 - Avatars who deselect "Show In Search" are now completely hidden and cannot be contacted by IM or notecard/object drop. Their profiles are completely inaccessible.
- [12:15] Yann Dufaux: yep , i have noticed this with the grid watch
- [12:16] Soft Linden: llOwnerSay("I am spamming you");
- [12:16] Soft Linden: Thanks for that.
- [12:16] Xaria Mistwallow: lol, think that was a example txt :)
- [12:16] Soft Linden: Actually, this isn't true. You can still search by the exact name in the 'All' tab :3
- [12:17] Tillie Ariantho: Thats only a bad workaround. :P
- [12:17] Tillie Ariantho: If I look for someone, I go to the "person" search.
- [12:17] Soft Linden: This looks like the account was actually held/cancelled
- [12:17] Tillie Ariantho: er, people
- [12:17] Soft Linden: This can be closed, 'Contact support' if they really want to verify that the account is closed.
- [12:18] Alexa Linden: are we sure the person is hiding verus "removed" ie - banned?
- [12:18] Alexa Linden: ya
- [12:18] Alexa Linden: will do
- [12:18] Soft Linden: In the comments, Q says the account was closed. This person reopened it because their Tiny Empires account was still alive, but we don't control that.
- [12:18] Alexa Linden: hahahahahaha
- [12:18] Soft Linden: Support can offer a little more personal attention.
- [12:18] Xaria Mistwallow: lol
- [12:19] Yann Dufaux: lol
- [12:19] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/MISC-1836 - Luna: Nova Albion Trolley inoperable
- [12:19] Xaria Mistwallow: i guess Soft's comment on close is more then good :)
- [12:19] Alexa Linden: I'll take this one
- [12:19] Alexa Linden: next....
- [12:19] Soft Linden: Oof.
- [12:19] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-2441 - Slowish llMoveToTarget path inconsistent when moving to a target at a -z position vs moving to +z
- [12:19] Xaria Mistwallow: someone has to go their and put it back on
- [12:19] Xaria Mistwallow: espected behavior
- [12:20] Xaria Mistwallow: it probably got touched while driving
- [12:20] Aimee Trescothick: heh, I used regularly repair the Luna trolley myself, within the bounds of autoreturn :D
- [12:20] Alexa Linden: lol
- [12:21] Alexa Linden: 2441 is assigned to andrew externally
- [12:21] Davy Linden: hmm. assigned to andrew, but not imported. it should be?
- [12:21] Alexa Linden: yip
- [12:21] Soft Linden: That SLX link is no longer good
- [12:21] Soft Linden: Let's NMI, asking for a repro script in a comment.
- [12:21] Alexa Linden: k
- [12:21] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-522 - Default script should NOT use llSay() for Hello Avatar; use llOwnerSay() instead.
- [12:21] Johan Laurasia: that's just silly
- [12:21] Soft Linden: I AGREE WITH THIS COMMENT
- [12:21] Soft Linden: Haha
- [12:21] Davy Linden: I agree, but that's a feature request
- [12:21] LSL Scientist: could the object mass and bouyancy be factor here?
- [12:22] Soft Linden: It is a feature request.
- [12:22] Xaria Mistwallow: agreed soft
- [12:22] Alexa Linden: moving
- [12:22] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-1118 - Scenes with partially downloaded/downloading textures cause tremendous lag
- [12:22] Soft Linden: But yes. Let's convert to a feature request and take this in to discuss. It would be really easy to fix.
- [12:22] Aimee Trescothick: aww, but it makes prims less friendly
- [12:22] Soft Linden: (last one - not this)
- [12:22] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:22] Soft Linden: My friend wears a script that says hello back to objects and bubbles up a few hearts.
- [12:23] Aimee Trescothick: LOL
- [12:23] Alexa Linden: lol
- [12:23] Xaria Mistwallow: i see this happen a lot as well
- [12:23] Xaria Mistwallow: not sure about what servers the sims are on tho
- [12:23] Soft Linden: I tried saying "Hello, Avatar!" myself and it scolded me for not being an object.
- [12:23] Alexa Linden: :p
- [12:23] Xaria Mistwallow: takes ages to download even though you were there only 5 minutes before as well
- [12:23] Soft Linden: And yeah, this issue is real... even with multithreaded decoding.
- [12:24] Soft Linden: Let's take this in. It's worth a discussion at least.
- [12:24] Xaria Mistwallow: perhaps add a download folder for such info? as temp on users pc?
- [12:24] Xaria Mistwallow: of course user needs to be able to empty easy
- [12:24] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:24] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-11879 - Appearance Editor's camera has a bright light attached to it
- [12:24] Xaria Mistwallow: should solve a lot of problems
- [12:24] Xaria Mistwallow: like a IE cache
- [12:25] Xaria Mistwallow: feature request
- [12:25] Soft Linden: This is by design, but maybe the light is too bright?
- [12:25] Morgaine Dinova: 1118 is a pretty fundamental design issue ... the choice to make sims proxy everything. It's non-scalable.
- [12:25] Davy Linden: I've seen this before ...looking for dupe
- [12:25] Xaria Mistwallow: could be soft
- [12:25] LSL Scientist: i would also like to be able to focus anywhre when editing appeareance, not only to my AV
- [12:25] Tillie Ariantho: That is no feature request, this is a bug.
- [12:25] Xaria Mistwallow: there should be more dupe's as well indeed davy
- [12:26] Tillie Ariantho: it worked WELL before, and then someone added that annoying lamp.
- [12:26] Entering god: mode, level 150
- [12:26] Soft Linden: Maybe retitle "Appearance Editor's light is too bright" and take in. At current, it'll just be closed "Expected behavior"
- [12:26] Xaria Mistwallow: lamp is no problem, just needs to be tilting along with the camera possition
- [12:26] Xaria Mistwallow: also less bright as soft mentioned
- [12:27] Davy Linden: hmm. found the one i was thinking of - not quite the same
- [12:27] Xaria Mistwallow: so feature request more i guess
- [12:27] Morgaine Dinova: Since you can't satisfy everybody, add a slider for lamp brightness.
- [12:27] Tillie Ariantho: For people using edit appearance to check their skin, edit appearance is unusable like this.
- [12:27] Soft Linden: Mmmmm - no to more settings. :3 Let's see if we can get them to turn the light down.
- [12:27] Xaria Mistwallow: a extra bar to control the lamp's intencity?
- [12:27] Soft Linden: More settings = more QA coverage = other stuff gets missed. Also means more support calls.
- [12:27] Xaria Mistwallow: could solve it, everyone can deside how bright they need it to be then
- [12:28] Morgaine Dinova: tut tuts at Soft, for believing in "One Shoe Fits All" ;-))
- [12:28] Soft Linden: Ha. That mandate comes from very high up. Me, I like my debug settings.
- [12:28] Bronson Blackadder: aww hell add a whole new environment panel to edit appearance
- [12:28] Bronson Blackadder: lol
- [12:28] Tillie Ariantho: Maybe just make the brightness an entry in the config xml file, so people who know it can fiddle around with it.
- [12:28] Aimee Trescothick: you just need to make it a very very big shoe
- [12:28] Xaria Mistwallow: still say it may be a good solution soft :)
- [12:28] Bronson Blackadder: kidding of course
- [12:28] Morgaine Dinova: Hey, the people "very high up" work for you, not vice versa! Tell them they can code their own damn world if they object :-)
- [12:29] Tillie Ariantho: say: a simple entry in the debug menu then.
- [12:29] Xaria Mistwallow: more-less light for lamp controller could be usefull
- [12:29] Soft Linden: Anyay - let's retitle to say it's too bright and take it in. Sound good?
- [12:29] Alexa Linden: yup
- [12:29] Bronson Blackadder: yep
- [12:29] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-14163 - Fuzzy or blurry text in 1.23
- [12:29] Bronson Blackadder: would this depend on screen resolution?
- [12:29] Bronson Blackadder: or UI size?
- [12:30] Yann Dufaux: dup
- [12:30] Xaria Mistwallow: drivers most likely
- [12:30] Xaria Mistwallow: also was happeneing on my ATI card, update of drivers fixed it
- [12:30] Soft Linden: I see people talking about monkeying with nvidia settings.
- [12:30] Soft Linden: Yeah.
- [12:31] Yann Dufaux: its caused by Anisotropic seting!
- [12:31] Tillie Ariantho: monkeying? ,)
- [12:31] Bronson Blackadder: lol
- [12:31] Xaria Mistwallow: dont ever touch anything if you dont know what you doing :p
- [12:31] Xaria Mistwallow: could end up destroying your stuff rather then helping it :p
- [12:31] Soft Linden: This is -probably- a case of manufacturer application setting overrides touching things they have no business touching... problem is nvidia has gotten bolder and enabled some of those hacks by default :/
- [12:32] Soft Linden: Though we'd be seeing a lot more than 9 votes if everyone with some nvidia card(s) couldn't read text for sure.
- [12:32] Alexa Linden: so how am I marking this?
- [12:32] Morgaine Dinova: No competition for nVidia. ATI never did understand GL.
- [12:32] Xaria Mistwallow: its not just NVIDIA soft, also some ATI cards
- [12:32] Soft Linden: Let's NMI, ask if this is happening to anyone with default settings, and if so which nvidia software version they're using
- [12:32] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:32] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-7585 - Changing antialiasing settings results in everything rendering as black (except floating windows, HUD attachments and glows)
- [12:33] Tillie Ariantho: 180.44 is quite old driver. ;)
- [12:33] Xaria Mistwallow: people most likely touched things they shouldnt
- [12:33] Soft Linden: Is it still happening to ATI people? I thought they fixed that in the last few driver versions.
- [12:33] Yann Dufaux: like this jiras : VWR-13045
- [12:33] JIRA-helper: http//jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-13045:
- [#VWR-13045] square in: IM/friend list, Inventory or Preferences panel
- [12:33] LSL Scientist: i just got that black screen today, but it fixed it self automagically after about 30sec
- [12:33] Yann Dufaux: sorry soft
- [12:33] Tillie Ariantho: That one I just had! it's like a very dark tint over the screen ... I saw some glow, though.
- [12:33] Tillie Ariantho: Some camera zooming fixed it for me. ^^
- [12:34] Xaria Mistwallow: soft: driver update fixed it for ATI users
- [12:34] Soft Linden: kk
- [12:34] Tillie Ariantho: I am on latest drivers. :P
- [12:34] Xaria Mistwallow: unless they tempered with stuff
- [12:34] Tillie Ariantho: tempered what? ,)
- [12:34] Xaria Mistwallow: settings :)
- [12:34] Tillie Ariantho: which?
- [12:34] Tillie Ariantho: Enabling AA 8x is not tampering, right? ,)
- [12:34] Xaria Mistwallow: not everyone knows what button is for what control
- [12:35] Xaria Mistwallow: lol
- [12:35] Xaria Mistwallow: if you know what you doing, no problem
- [12:35] Xaria Mistwallow: else dont touch and leave it by default mode :p
- [12:35] Xaria Mistwallow: else you end up like a friend of me, frying his videocard :p
- [12:35] Tillie Ariantho: I am a photographer with like 23,000 SL photos up, I tamper settings all the time. :P
- [12:36] Soft Linden: This may be a dupe of VWR-12559 - let's NMI, asking if anyone has this probem with RenderUseFBO -not- active
- [12:36] JIRA-helper: http//jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-12559:
- [#VWR-12559] trunk r1979:
- [12:36] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:36] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-7937 - Keep Advanced > Rendering > Types/Features Sticky
- [12:36] Xaria Mistwallow: bug outside LL's hands
- [12:36] Davy Linden: feature request?
- [12:36] Xaria Mistwallow: needs new drivers only
- [12:37] Alexa Linden: nods
- [12:37] Alexa Linden: FR
- [12:37] Xaria Mistwallow: for 12559 that is
- [12:37] Tillie Ariantho: There are way too many settings not saved.
- [12:37] Soft Linden: Oof. I'd vote against this. People accidentally hitting some hotkeys will never be able to figure out why all avatars are invisible, etc
- [12:37] Tillie Ariantho: And IF they are saved, they are saved TOO LATE. One crash and all is back to before you changed it.
- [12:37] Xaria Mistwallow: true soft
- [12:37] Aimee Trescothick: yeah, they're unsticky for a reason
- [12:37] Alexa Linden: I'll move this
- [12:37] Alexa Linden: yes
- [12:37] Soft Linden: I think this would result in way too many support calls.
- [12:37] Xaria Mistwallow: best to get rid of that one
- [12:38] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-1380 - Links to Xstreet do not lead to the homepage
- [12:38] Soft Linden: We really almost need a third state for persist. Persist yes/no/expert. So people setting some expert option can keep the wacky stuff set.
- [12:38] Xaria Mistwallow: web team need to have this
- [12:38] Tillie Ariantho: Soft: I agree!
- [12:39] Aimee Trescothick: well,if they really want to they can go edit the xml
- [12:39] Aimee Trescothick: that qualifies as expert mode :)
- [12:39] Soft Linden: Yeah. Let's import this, but also ask them to list pages where they see this.
- [12:39] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:39] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-1381 - Click on post link in member profile does not take you to post, but to end of thread
- [12:39] Soft Linden: Yeah, import too
- [12:40] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:40] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-1903 - llRotLookAt/llLookAt doesn't update object's bounding box
- [12:40] Soft Linden: I think this is a dupe
- [12:40] LSL Scientist: fix fast pls pls pls
- [12:40] Soft Linden: searches...
- [12:41] Tillie Ariantho: LSL: No chance, the original of this dupe already got ignored, I guess. :P
- [12:41] LSL Scientist: workaround 30 scripts of llSetRot
- [12:41] Soft Linden: Yeah. This can be linked to DEV-13385
- [12:42] Alexa Linden: k
- [12:42] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-445 - Can only control camera from attachments or vehicles.
- [12:42] Tillie Ariantho: Like the million SNAPSHOT BUGs muhahahah... *mad laughers*
- [12:42] Soft Linden: Not a bug - it's by design. That's why it actually tells you you can only do this in the error message.
- [12:42] Xaria Mistwallow: espected behavior?
- [12:43] Soft Linden: Well. Or make it a feature request.
- [12:43] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:43] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-16166 - Cannot give deeply nested folders to another av
- [12:43] Soft Linden: But as a feature request - not sure it's worth an import on 8 votes
- [12:43] Alexa Linden: right
- [12:43] Alexa Linden: I'm leaving as is once moved
- [12:44] Xaria Mistwallow: confirmed, sometimes the asset server does not allow this
- [12:44] Xaria Mistwallow: multiple viewers
- [12:44] Soft Linden: This is a feature request as described.
- [12:44] Soft Linden: If I'm reading this properly?
- [12:44] Alexa Linden: I gave stuff yesterday......
- [12:44] Xaria Mistwallow: its a bug
- [12:44] Tillie Ariantho: think so too
- [12:44] Alexa Linden: textures
- [12:44] Davy Linden: sounds like a bug to me...
- [12:44] Alexa Linden: 5 folders down
- [12:45] Davy Linden: "All that arrives is a sub-set of the folders I send. No error is reported." - silent failure
- [12:45] Alexa Linden: hmmm
- [12:45] Xaria Mistwallow: not only 5 folders down, also 1 folder down gets rufused from time to time
- [12:45] Alexa Linden: easy enough to test
- [12:45] Xaria Mistwallow: or even individual items
- [12:45] Soft Linden: I'm confused. So they're trying to pass nested folders from a parent folder? I don't think we support that.
- [12:45] Ardy Lay: Have they downloaded all inventory descendents first?
- [12:45] Davy Linden: so, should there be a "no entry" symbol, or error?
- [12:45] Davy Linden: accepted your inventory offer.
- [12:46] Xaria Mistwallow: could test that right here
- [12:46] Morgaine Dinova: Is this related to the bug from day 1, that equipping a tree of folders sometimes works and sometimes doesn't?
- [12:46] Alexa Linden: you get that davy?
- [12:46] Alexa Linden: that was 5 folders in
- [12:46] Xaria Mistwallow: got a folder right here, 6 deep
- [12:46] Davy Linden: just a texture
- [12:46] Alexa Linden: yup
- [12:46] Alexa Linden: that was it
- [12:46] Soft Linden: Alexa, did that give you a set of folders?
- [12:46] Soft Linden: gave you New Folder.
- [12:46] Xaria Mistwallow: soft, mind if i tried to send it to you?
- [12:46] Soft Linden: Sure Xaria
- [12:46] Davy Linden: did you pass the texture, or the folder 5 levels up?
- [12:47] Xaria Mistwallow: seems to work
- [12:47] Alexa Linden: got it all
- [12:47] Alexa Linden: 5 folders and new folder text notecard
- [12:47] Xaria Mistwallow: mine was 6 deep
- [12:47] Soft Linden: Xaria - I got a folder called INFO with three items in it.
- [12:47] Xaria Mistwallow: correct
- [12:47] Xaria Mistwallow: should be 3 items in there
- [12:47] Morgaine Dinova: I've regularly equiped nested folder for years in an empty sym, and I'd say that at least 10% of the time it's been failing, forever.
- [12:47] Soft Linden: Xaria - what did that give you?
- [12:47] Xaria Mistwallow: new folder, 3 deep
- [12:47] Soft Linden: I tried passing the parent of New Folder->New Folder->New Folder->New Folder->New Folder->New Note
- [12:48] Yann Dufaux: interesting
- [12:48] Xaria Mistwallow: only for 3 deep
- [12:48] Soft Linden: Okay, if that was only 3 deep, it's missing some hierarchy
- [12:48] Xaria Mistwallow: not 5
- [12:48] Soft Linden: Yeah, let's import this.
- [12:48] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:48] Tillie Ariantho: Morgaine: equipping folders even fails if you only wear ONE folder, no nesting required. Sometimes all the clothing doesnt get worn, another time all the prims don't.
- [12:48] Soft Linden: Very odd. I didn't think we supported recursive folders in a give. That's likely going to have other issues too.
- [12:48] Tillie Ariantho: I guess it's more a server issue.
- [12:48] Xaria Mistwallow: could use some attention to see whats going on with it, to be sure
- [12:48] Xaria Mistwallow: think so tillie
- [12:49] Davy Linden: gave you Folder 1.
- [12:49] Tillie Ariantho: Soft: maybe only LINDENS can receive nested folders? :)
- [12:49] Xaria Mistwallow: lol
- [12:49] Morgaine Dinova: Tillie: Yeah, it's a bit random. Works most of the time, but there's always been a residue of failures. All clients.
- [12:49] Soft Linden: We deserve nested folders more than you, knave! >:(
- [12:49] Alexa Linden: got it all davy - 6 and notecard
- [12:49] Soft Linden: fiddles and sets things aflame
- [12:50] Tillie Ariantho: Davy: Ok, that worked.
- [12:50] Morgaine Dinova: Probably some uninitialized variable in the tree traversal.
- [12:50] Tillie Ariantho: got all 6 folders note
- [12:50] Tillie Ariantho: +
- [12:50] Xaria Mistwallow: server issues i guess
- [12:50] Xaria Mistwallow: server team may need this info
- [12:50] Tillie Ariantho: strange. I am sure that didnt work some time ago.
- [12:50] Xaria Mistwallow: true tillie
- [12:51] Xaria Mistwallow: best let the server team have this and find out whats wrong
- [12:51] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-3131 - Windlight - Holes in the Void Water
- [12:51] Alexa Linden: ya 16166 is being imported
- [12:51] Soft Linden: Has anyone seen this in 1.23 ?
- [12:51] Soft Linden: 1.23 had some changes to the way water's rendered.
- [12:51] Xaria Mistwallow: I seen it happen
- [12:52] Tillie Ariantho: That happens if you zoom away too far.
- [12:52] Davy Linden: I've seen it, fairly recently - not sure which viewer tho
- [12:52] Alexa Linden: yup
- [12:52] Morgaine Dinova: "Holes in the Water" sounds like a great rock number.
- [12:52] Aimee Trescothick: yes, in Snowglobe I think
- [12:52] Xaria Mistwallow: my home is on a island, i seen similar things happen
- [12:52] Alexa Linden: I see this as I build in the air
- [12:52] Tillie Ariantho: If you set view range all high, disable camera contraints and off you go...
- [12:52] Alexa Linden: yup yup
- [12:52] Tillie Ariantho: Just dont zoom that far out. :P
- [12:52] Alexa Linden: guilty as charged :\
- [12:52] Xaria Mistwallow: also noticed a island that seemed a few sims over, if there was any link...
- [12:52] Xaria Mistwallow: strange thing is, we got no neighbours directly!
- [12:53] Bronson Blackadder: I just get the horizon bending down at the edges
- [12:53] Tillie Ariantho: I think no one needs to see 16 sims at the same time. :P
- [12:53] Xaria Mistwallow: also the water bug i seen happen
- [12:53] Soft Linden: Okay. Let's import, but also ask for what direction they're facing, how high they are, and what graphic settings they're using.
- [12:53] Tillie Ariantho: currently. ,)
- [12:53] Alexa Linden: do too Tillie!
- [12:53] Xaria Mistwallow: ill get more info on this, see if i can repro
- [12:53] Xaria Mistwallow: with pics
- [12:53] Morgaine Dinova: Tillie: astronauts want to see all 30k+ at the same time :-)
- [12:53] Alexa Linden: one more for the day?
- [12:53] Bug Triage: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-6626 - Spacenavigator Not Recognised MacOS
- [12:53] Aimee Trescothick: ... and if they know the number of a good plumber
- [12:53] Alexa Linden: lol
- [12:53] Soft Linden: Different graphic levels draw the water differently. Graphic settings could matter a lot on the last.
- [12:53] Tillie Ariantho: maybe if we have gigabit connection to the internet and 64core cpus, we can try again. :P
- [12:54] Tillie Ariantho: and scaling LL servers. :P
- [12:54] Alexa Linden: I want to see the while grid at one time!
- [12:54] Tillie Ariantho: haha
- [12:54] Alexa Linden: whole*
- [12:54] Tillie Ariantho: I havent tried Space navigaor on macOS yet.
- [12:54] Morgaine Dinova: Well from sufficiently high up, it's only one pixel per sim, or less :-)
- [12:54] Ardy Lay: Astronauts can look at the map tiles. :-)
- [12:54] Soft Linden: Let's import this. Bri's comment looks spot on.
- [12:54] Tillie Ariantho: But I might, still thinking about getting a QuadCore iMac... ^^
- [12:54] Alexa Linden: will do
- [12:54] Soft Linden: Looks like it's grabbing the first joystick-like device, not the spacenav specifically.
- [12:55] Aimee Trescothick: I have a patch to fix this, but needs some more work
- [12:55] Aimee Trescothick: makes it possible to select between multiple devices
- [12:55] Soft Linden: We need a way to pick for the five Mac users who actually have joysticks.
- [12:55] Soft Linden: Haha, Mac gaming!
- [12:55] Davy Linden: lol
- [12:55] Alexa Linden: and that's it for today! Thank you all for coming and all your insight and feedback!
- [12:55] Morgaine Dinova: Oooh, SpaceNav. That's gotta be a self Xmas present.
- [12:55] Davy Linden: thanks all
- [12:55] Xaria Mistwallow: np =)
- [12:55] Alexa Linden: have a wonderful week :)
- [12:55] Soft Linden: You want Mac gaming? Lemme give you a link to Zyngo!
- [12:55] Xaria Mistwallow: thanks for having us lindens
- [12:55] Morgaine Dinova: Thanks Alexa!