Bug Tracker/es
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This article needs an update to reflect recent changes in the base article located at Issue tracker. When you're done with the update, change the {{Help/CODE|Parent=Issue tracker|BugFixes=*}} part to {{Help/CODE|Version=2|Parent=Issue tracker|BugFixes=*}}. Thank you for your help!
Ante todo, dos avisos:
- The JIRA Issue Tracker no está para peticiones de soporte técnico. Si está usted buscando ayuda para una cuenta concreta, por favor, use nuestros recursos para soporte.
- Todas las aportaciones al sitio (incluido el JIRA included) se rigen por el Second Life Project Contribution Agreement. El hecho de enviar parches u otra información usando este sitio, da por supuesto que usted está conforme con que ha leído y entendido esos téminos, y que está de acuerdo con ellos.
El JIRA public issue tracker, que está en http://jira.secondlife.com, es una base de datos con motor de búsqueda (searchable database) que se usa para organizar diversas cuestiones (por ejemplo, bugs y peticiones de desarrollos) remitidas por la comunidad de Second Life community. Así, usted puede ayudar aportando información sobre cuestiones que ha encontrado usando el código abierto (open source) o las versiones estándar de Second Life. La información de esta página le ayudará a familirizarse con el JIRA.
Para ser exactos, JIRA es una herramienta para manejar projectos de seguimiento de cuestiones (issue-tracking project management tool) elaborada por Atlassian. Es primordialmente usada por la comunidad de código abierto de Second Life, y se suele citar como "Public JIRA", "PJIRA", o simplemente "JIRA", según el contexto.
Cómo trabaja
Hay dos tipos básicos de cuestiones: informe de bugs y nuevos desarrollos.
- El informe de un bug comprende una descripción del problema y, si es posible, una forma de reproducirlo.
- Un nuevo desasrrollo comprende una descripción del mismo y cómo se pretende que trabaje esa característica.
Ambas cuestiones recibirán la atención de otros usaurios, que puyeden añadir mejores o más simples descripciones o añadidos. Las cuestiones populares acumulan votos de otros usuarios. Los programadores en código abierto pueden añadir "parches", o cambiar el cógido fuente en la dirección que sugiere la ucestión. Votos, y eventos como los bug triages, ayudar a priorizar unas u otras cuestiones. help prioritize the issues. Aquellas que son suficientemente acordadas, pasan a copia privada del JIRA de los Linden.
Después de que una ucestión recibe la atención de los Linden, aun pueden otros seguir ayudando:
- Una vez que se han completado los cambios y están esperando ser liberados al público, el bug queda solucionado como "Fix Pending".
- Cuando el cambio ya está dispobinle, queda resuelto como "Fixed".
- Generalmente, tras ser confirmado por el Quality Assurance Team de Linden Lab y nuestra comunidad, su estatus cambia de "Resolved" a "Closed".
Ademas de "Fix Pending" y "Fixed", una ucestión puede ser resuelta o cerrada si se ve que está duplicada, o es irreproducible, de un archivo perdido, no es un bug, está incompleta, etc.
Creating bug reports and feature requests
If you feel lost and don't know where to begin, see the easy starter guide, "How to report bugs better".
Stay recent
You can check the Release Notes or Beta Release Notes to stay current with recent changes to Second Life. Sometimes, one can discover the context around a new bug, or find that a change was intentional. For example, not being able to sell your land for L$0 is a feature, not a bug.
Also, you should make sure your video drivers are up to date. These are normally obtained from the website of your graphics hardware manufacturer, usually either the NVIDIA official site or the ATI official site. The Omega Drivers are often-used modified versions of those drivers.
Determine if the issue has already been submitted
Avoiding duplicate issues is very important. Sorting through duplicates wastes time and effort (for both Linden Lab staff and fellow residents), and it causes bugs and feature proposals to seem like they are getting less attention than they actually are. It is more effective to concentrate efforts about the same problem in the same issue, especially since more-active issues get greater priority.
After logging in, you will see the Dashboard. Here you have access to some search filters which give you access to the most up-to-date information on submitted issues. For example, you can click on ones which show all unresolved (unfixed or untested) issues within each project, then begin a text search from there (by editing the filter). Of course you may create and save your own filters at any time, or simply run a new search from the Quick Search box. Either way, it is best practice to search for issues you wish to report in several ways before submitting them!
If you find that your issue was already submitted, you can still do several things to help:
- Leave a comment containing additional information or details
- If it's a bug, possibly another way to reproduce the bug
- Vote for the issue to express that you feel it is important.
The more good information there is about a specific issue, the better chance it has for a quick resolution.
- Submit security-related issues and exploits directly to the security team. Exploits are bugs that could be used to get an advantage over others, unauthorized access to scripts, unauthorized copying or transferring or modifying of objects that you didn't create (also called 'permissions' bugs), and other bugs that could potentially cause a compromise of the grid or a resident's privacy. For the fastest results, contact a Linden in the group "Bug Hunters", and e-mail your report to security@lindenlab.com. See the article on security issues.
- If your issue is urgent (such as lost content), and you have a Premium Account use the phone or live text support. You might get a faster response if you also submit a ticket through the support portal, but usually it take over seven days before your ticket is opened.
- When describing the bug, if possible, try to omit Resident names or other personally-identifying information. If the bug seems to affect only yourself or very few people, you should consider other ways to find technical support via the support portal.
- The easier we can reproduce the bug, the more quickly it can get fixed. For example, instead of saying "I crash when I upload random things", the reproduction should be laid out in specific steps:
- Example:
- Click File > Upload Image ($L10)...
- Choose a .TXT file instead of a .JPG file
- Click the Open button
- Example:
- Try sending your writeup to a friend, to see if they can follow it! If your friend can follow the steps, chances are we can too!
- Consider uploading snapshots, images, videos, crash logs, or any other related files (10MB limit each). In the above example, you might consider uploading the files you tried to upload that caused the crash.
- Do not submit more than one issue in a single report.
- Do search through issues first to ensure yours is not a duplicate.
Submitting a bug
To create a new bug in JIRA, do the following:
- Click the "Create New Issue" link in the blue navigation bar towards the top of the screen. (If you don't see this, make sure you are logged in to JIRA.)
On the first page:
- Select a project that most closely matches the kind of bug you are submitting - see #Projects and Components.
- Reminder: you should submit security-related issues directly to the security team. See security issues.
- Select "Bug" as your issue type.
- Click "Next".
On the last page:
- Enter a concise but descriptive summary (title) for the issue
- Select the priority (severity) of the bug. For example, a "blocker" bug might render the program useless, but a "small" bug might be merely cosmetic. Click the icon next to the dropdown for more details.
- Select components that narrow the scope of the bug. You can select multiple components by Ctrl-clicking.
- Choose the versions that the bug effects. You should only select those versions where you have observed the bug, and only select a "first look" version if the bug only applies to First Look.
- The Linden Lab Issue ID should generally be left blank unless you are a Linden. If you want to reference a support ticket number, that should go in the description, not here.
- Describe the environment in which the problem occurs, if you have noticed that the bug only occurs with certain hardware or software configurations. One way to find such information is the About box inside Second Life. You can guesstimate whether certain facts might be relevant (such as graphics card model for graphics problems, or headset models for voice features) and look for further help in narrowing things down. If configuration doesn't seem to matter, you can leave it blank.
- For example, "Only happens with Mac OS X 10.4.1," or "Seen only with NVIDIA GeForce Go 7800 card," etc.
- Enter a detailed description of the issue, and be sure to include:
- Steps to reliably reproduce the bug (how to make the bug happen), or at least a description of what seems to lead to the bug, in some detail. Try to make this as simple as possible while still being specific enough to reproduce the bug. Simpler reproductions make it easier to narrow down the causes.
- Observed results (what happens when the bug occurs)
- Expected results (what behavior you would have expected instead)
- Anything else which you think might help, such as forum links or blog posts.
- Again, be as detailed as possible without including personal information!
- If you have a screenshot or video of the bug, or any other relevant file, you can attach it under attachment. Note that it has a 10MB size limit per file. You can also attach additional files later. (See Debug Help for various ways to provide such additional information.)
- If you are a programmer and are attaching a patch for the source code, enter the source version the patch is against and check the patch attached box.
- Finally, click "Create" to create the new issue.
Submitting a new feature
The process is similar to submitting a bug, with the following differences:
- Select "New Feature" instead of "Bug" as your issue type.
- Instead of a "reproduction", clearly describe the desired implementation and functionality of the new feature. Make sure it hasn't already been done — you can refer to release notes for historical context and read our blog to learn more about what we're doing next.
Voting for issues
You can vote for new features and bugs that you wish to see resolved, and view all issues by # of votes. JIRA uses approval voting, so you can vote for as many (or few) issues as you'd like, and you get 1 vote per issue.
Votes can readily be used as part of our prioritization process. Note that since we need to look at aspects such as feasibility and the time required for implementation, a highly-voted issue isn't necessarily going to be resolved ahead of a lesser-voted, but more doable one.
Return to check on issue status
Linden Lab will review issues submitted to jira.secondlife.com on a regular basis. The engineering team may require additional information from the issue reporter, or other contributors, so reviewing all of your created/commented issues regularly will be useful while email support in JIRA is disabled.
Also, when issues are resolved internally the external site will be updated as well, so check your issues for changes on a regular basis.
Issue States
Available states
Here is how Linden Lab is using the resolutions:
- Open
- This is an issue that belongs to the Assignee to resolve. The assignee may fix the issue, or kick the issue back to the reporter by marking it "Resolved" (see below)
- In Progress
- This is how a developer signals to everyone that he/she is working on the issue.
- Reopened
- same as "Open".
- Resolved
- This is an implicit assignment back to the reporter of the issue. It is not closed yet, but rather in a state of limbo that depends on the resolution. It's up to the Reporter to decide whether to reopen an issue, or close it.
- Fixed
- means that the bug is fixed in a public release of Second Life.
- Fix Pending
- means that the bug is fixed in a version of the code that should soon be publicly available.
- Won't Fix
- means that the assignee doesn't believe this issue should ever be fixed.
- Duplicate
- means that there's some other issue that describes the same problem/idea.
- Needs More Info
- this issue lacks information
- Cannot Reproduce
- we're applying this label pretty liberally. Please provide a detailed description of how to reproduce a problem. Issues that can't be reproduced will eventually be closed.
- Misfiled
- this issue doesn't belong in this issue tracker.
- Closed
- The final resting place.
What's the difference between the "Fixed" and "Fix Pending" resolutions?
It's simple:
- "Fixed" means the fix is available in the live Second Life release, right now.
- "Fix Pending" means the fix has been made within Linden Lab and has not been released publicly yet. It may need to undergo extra care, like quality assurance, or requires merging from a branch, before being available to you. Think of it as a "We're almost there... coming soon!" notice.
Second Life JIRA FAQ
- The JIRA Issue Tracker is not for technical support, so please do not enter issues which would require a response tailored to your individual situation. Examples include:
- "I can't change my tier"
- "I have a question about the land I bought"
- "I lost part of my inventory"
- "I keep crashing!"
- "Someone stole my L$"
- "The sim I'm in is LAGGIN BAD"
- "How do I build a house?"
- More examples of misfiled issues
- The people who use the JIRA usually can't do anything about these kinds of issues, and it will most likely be a waste of time (you'll likely get only a "please contact support" reply). It also makes it harder for your fellow Residents to use the Issue Tracker. If you're looking for personal assistance, please send your message to the right place by contacting Support, and be sure to include useful details to help Linden Lab help you.
- Before reporting issues, you should first see if there is any existing information by searching the support resources, and look for the latest status reports on the Official Linden Blog.
Note: The Second Life Community Standards [LINK: http://secondlife.com/corporate/cs.php] apply to all areas of Second Life, including the Second Life Public Issue Tracker. Any Resident who disregards these guidelines may be banned from future use of the issue tracker.
Examples of specific behavior or actions which may result in removal from the Issue Tracker:
- Using the Issue Tracker to promote your business, cause, blog, website or anything not directly related to the issue at hand.
- Flaming - The act of posting a message that is intended to incite anger or directly attack a person or persons is called "Flaming" and it not appropriate for the Issue Tracker. Please keep to the facts of the issue at hand. Posts that disregard this may be deleted.
- Private Discussions - Blogging your personal opinions or off-topic rants. Pjira is about finding solutions to issues. We love productive feedback. Please stick to the technical details of the matter at hand.
Logging in
- Visit https://jira.secondlife.com and click the 'Log In' link on the top right of the page
- On the login page, enter your Second Life username and password.
- This will now load the main Jira page you saw before but it will have more options, like "Create Issue", a link to edit your profile, and some pre-defined filters.
Bugs & New Features
- You may wish to look through Bug Reporting 101 for things to try before submitting a bug.
- You can also propose new features through JIRA. (JIRA is the successor the Feature Voting Tool, because it has better search and parallels the way the Lindens internally organize issues. Plus, you can discuss with other Residents.)
User profile
- Each JIRA user has a profile. The profile consists of your Username (SL name), Fullname (in our case, also your SL name), and all of the JIRA groups you belong to. For most people, this means "jira-users."
- The email address associated with your account shall remain anonymous to other users. The address is not visible or configurable at this time. Direct import of your email address from Second Life's database is currently disabled.
- The JIRA profile is not editable because allowing changes would introduce conflicts with your Second Life account. If you wish to edit account information such as your email address, please login to the account management page at secondlife.com.
Customizing preferences
- If you want to show more issues per page or change the language JIRA's displayed in, Update User Preferences after logging in.
Projects and Components
- Projects are used to categorize issues into logical groups.
- Components are used to specify which part of a system the issue affects. In other words, what is the scope of the problem within a project.
Viewer (VWR) | Service (SVC) | Website (WEB) | Miscellaneous (MISC) |
- Second Life Viewer (VWR)
- Issues pertaining to the Second Life viewer are reported under this project.
- Examples:
- "My avatar clothing is all black after installing a video driver update" (Component = Avatar/Character)
- "Objects in my Inventory do not remain sorted in the correct order after logging out and back in again" (Component = Inventory)
- Second Life Service (SVC)
- Issues pertaining to the Second Life service are reported here.
- Examples:
- "Server performance decreases when several avatars teleport into the region at once" (Component = Performance and/or Teleport)
- "My scripted objects are not able to talk to the outside world after Second Life grid downtime" (Component = Scripts).
- Second Life Website (WEB)
- Issues pertaining to the Second Life website are in this project.
- Examples:
- "Wiki prevents login for users with a dash in their name" (Component = wiki.secondlife.com)
- "jira.secondlife.com always forces me to authenticate even if I save my login information" (Component = jira.secondlife.com).
- Second Life Miscellaneous (MISC)
- Any other type of issue should be reported in the MISC project.
- Example:
- "The TOS does not allow me to edit the viewer source code" (Component = Miscellaneous)
Security Issues -- a.k.a "the missing Fifth Project"
The Security project in Jira is only accessible by Linden employees. However, you can create a new issue there, and the security team will get immediate notification. See security issues page for more information about submitting issues and collecting bounties for responsibly reporting valid security issues.
Who is WorkingOnIt Linden?
When an issue is being worked on, it may be assigned to "WorkingOnIt Linden" to mark its status. Any Linden has access to the account. See User:WorkingOnIt Linden for details.
Found a bug on JIRA itself!
When you found a bug or other problem (including feature request) on the JIRA itself, Lindens want you to file it on the JIRA run by Atlassian (the developer of JIRA software) by yourself, not thgough the SL public JIRA. It is available on http://jira.atlassian.com
Lindens also want you to put a link to the issue you filed here if you do so.
- JIRA searching is easy once you know a bit about the parameters you may use.
- For instructions on searching in JIRA, please visit JIRA query syntax and JIRA quick search.
Perform a search
- First, click on the "Find Issues" link at the top of the screen.
- Next, enter the parameters you wish to search for in the search pane on the left-hand side of the screen.
- As an example, if I wish to search for issues that have not been resolved containing the word "avatar", I would choose the following parameters:
- Project = all projects
- Text search = avatar
- Resolutions = Unresolved
- Another sample search would be for any issues that are fixed in the last week in a particular project. For example, I want to find all bugs in the Second Life Viewer project that were resolved between February 1, 2007 and February 14, 2007. I would enter the following parameters:
- (Optional: Click the "New" link in the search pane to clear settings from any previous searches)
- Project = Second Life Viewer
- Resolution = Fixed
- Updated After = January 31, 2007
- Updated Before = February 15, 2007
Saving a search as a Filter
- A search filter is a saved search that you may share with others.
- After performing a search as described above, you may save it as a filter by clicking the "Save" link in the Search pane.
- Name the filter something meaningful, for example "Unresolved avatar bugs in all projects."
- Now you can access the search and run it at any time by clicking the "Filter" link in the top right-hand side of the page. This saves time and effort, especially if you frequently run the same complex search and want a handy shortcut!
How do I help out?
Glad you asked!
Marking Duplicates
If you notice an newer issue that is a duplicate of an existing issue with a lot more comments, patches, or votes, feel free to choose "Resolve" and choose "Duplicate". But when you do this, please also choose "Link", and then say "This issue duplicates" and enter the main bug number. This lets everyone keep track of which bugs are duplicates of each other, and which bugs are reported more than others. This ensures that bugs that are often reported get the most attention, and also allows the duplicates to be reviewed from one central location, to ensure they are truly duplicates.
Resolving support issues
This one is best left to technically adept users that can spot the difference between a support issue and a bug -- it's not always a simple matter to figure out. You should at most "Resolve" a report that seems to be a support issue. "Resolving" an issue puts the responsibility back on the reporter to provide more information on why the report isn't a support issue, and is indeed a reproducible bug that an entire class of user experiences.
Resolving bugs that you can't reproduce
If you do exactly what they say in the bug, with the same environment, and can't reproduce the bug, you should resolve the bug. Be careful, if a bug is related to graphics rendering, and you do not have the same video card, for example, that is not the same environment and you can't make this determination. Again this is also best left to technically adept users.
Reproducing bugs
This one is very important! If you can create a step-by-step list to reproduce the bug in the bug report, this helps Linden Lab concentrate on bugs that can be verifiably fixed. Unless a bug can be reproduced, it is impossible to know if it has been fixed or not. Do what the bug reporter said they were doing, write a detailed step-by-step list of things you did to cause the bug to happen, and add it to the bug saying that you have successfully reproduced the bug. Such bugs with solid reproductions get higher priority in the development process, and help the Bug Triage Team work more efficiently.
Recursos relacionados
¿Quiere aprender más sobre nuestro Issue Tracker?
- Issue Tracker Forum Transcript - Información aportada por Rob y Aric Linden sobre por qué tenemos un Issue Tracker, su funcionamiento entre bastidores, y respuestas a varias cuestiones.