User:Eva Nowicka
I'm eva Nowicka from Spain. I speak Spanish and English.
I am dedicated to the Second Life Volunteer program.
My house in SL:
House of eva
Open Stargate Network Address: ♎♑♋♉♈♊☼
My profile in other forums:
SL Forums
Aventura y Viajes
Spanish Orientation
Pictures on flickr
HelpKit of eva
HelpKit of eva is a set of notecards orientated to the user/resident of Spanish speech in Second Life, which can go as folder in the inventory. Also it can consult his content in a wiki, as well as detailed information about his evolution and in his different versions and applications.
Second Life Volunteer Program
Fui nombrada Mentor de SL el día que cumplía 1 año en Second Life. Desde esa fecha he realizado diferentes labores dentro del campo de trabajo del Voluntariado en SL, enfocadas tanto a los nuevos residentes en las Islas oficiales de Orientación y Ayuda (actuando como Mentor Greeter), a otros Mentores y en general, a cualquier residente que se me ha acercado con una duda, principalmente a través de los foros sobre SL en español, tal y como llevo haciendo desde prácticamente el principio de mi vida en Second Life.
Junto con Irene Muni, y en ocasiones con otros residentes, me he dedicado a una serie de actividades para facilitar el acceso de otros residentes de habla española al Voluntariado de SL dentro de los roles creados por el VTeam:
Helping Mentors
The Mentors also help other Mentors and there are specific roles for this. In my case are:
- Mentor Scribe
- Collaboration with Mentors and other Residents in the translation of pages from this site into Spanish.
- Maintenance of wiki pages.
- Mentor Coach (and the special rol Orientation Coach)
- Mentor Buddy (and the special rol Apprentice Buddy)
Orientation Sessions in Spanish for Apprentice Mentor
Residents who have signed up to Volunteer Program are called SL Apprentice Mentors. To become Mentors have to fulfil two conditions. The first is to attend an Orientation Session for Mentor Apprentice. Since January 2008, Irene Muni and I host Orientation Sessions in Spanish once a week, usually on Thursdays at 1:00 PM SLT.
Shadowing Experience
The second condition which requires an Apprentice to be appointed as Mentor is to carry out a Shadowing Experience with a Mentor Buddy. Not all Budies provide this experience: only those who are Apprentice Buddy. In this link you can see the approaches and conditions to made a Shadowing Experience with me.