Revision as of 19:21, 14 July 2008 by Chaz Longstaff (talk | contribs) (New page: {{LSL_Function |mode=user |func=mySay |p1_type=string|p1_name=objectName |p2_type=string|p2_name=msg |return_type=string |return_text= |func_desc=Cleaner chat on a user's screen. Gives a l...)
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Function: string mySay( string objectName, string msg );
Cleaner chat on a user's screen. Gives a less-cluttered, more professional looking output.
Returns a string
• string | objectName | |||
• string | msg |
<lsl> mySay(string objectName, string msg) {
string name = llGetObjectName(); llSetObjectName(objectName); llSay(0, "/me " + msg); llSetObjectName(name);
}</lsl> See also: mySayOwner, Chat
mySay("","Processing, please wait.");
//user sees just: 17:04 Processing, please wait.
What this does:
Instead of users having their vision obscured by text like this covering half their screen:
[14:04] Animated Living Sofa Combo Couple & Solo 2.1e whispers: Lie F 1
They see just this:
[14:04] Lie F 1