GWA Project/Meeting Agenda

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Title: German Mentors Meeting
Hosted by: German Mentors Group
Date: 27-Jul-2008 (Sunday)
SL Time: {{{sltime}}} SLT
Length: we'll see...
Location: undecided ^_^
Language: German/English as required
RSVP: (none required)
Description: A Meeting of the German Mentors. Please add further discssion topics to the agenda.

Notes: 11:00 AM SLT is 19:00 in Germany.

Everyone can submit suggestions for the next meeting / Jeder kann hier seine Vorschläge die diskutiert werden sollen Stichpunktartig eintragen:

Agenda / Vorschläge für Diskussionspunkte am Meeting

  1. Intentions of this project (Lisa Lowe)
  2. Voice/Transcripts/Language? [1]
  3. Status update (arrangements Monalisa seems to have made with Jean already about sims) [2]
  4. Sharing information within this team (Lisa Lowe)
  5. Groups? Group management for the sims. Public space, closed down, what about the Burg?
  6. Answers to questions as forwarded to Jean Linden
  7. Updates on the Contribute page
  8. Non-Mentors being speed mentorized to be able to contribute also (Monalisa Robbiani)
  9. Addtional 3d model or other suggestions?
  10. Danziel's plan for the 3 other sims (3rd attempt)
  11. Resume of current plans
  12. Next meeting?
  13. After meeting: Company outing to the newbie path built and being built by Carbon Sirbu? (Monalisa Robbiani)[3]


[1] Monalisa: Once for all settle the voice dispute! Please! My suggestion: Look into alternatives to Vivox technology (teamspeak, Skype - for privacy reasons create an account only for SL) to ensure voice reliability for everyone (take Mac und Linux into account, too). It is of course not a requirement to talk, because often you simply cannot speak aloud, but at least let's listen to those who can, to speed up the meetings, ensure faster communication and minimize misunderstandings between group members.

[2] Monalisa, would you please provide a transcript of the recent conversations/desicions with Jean Linden on the meeting transcripts page?

[3] The data gathered from this can be submitted under Inventarisation on the projectpage, wich leads to Brainstorming OI Structure