Sitting test

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Revision as of 17:05, 20 August 2007 by Dan Linden (talk | contribs)
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  • Assumption: UserA and UserB are not wearing any attachments.

Basic Sitting

  1. A and B, fly into the air.
  2. A, make a linked set of boxes near a sim boundary, and sit on it.
  3. B, sit on the ground on the other side of the sim boundary.
  4. Verify both users look correct.
  5. A and B verify your appearance, position, and posture matches what the other person sees.
  6. Verify your view is in an appropriate place in both 1st and 3rd person views.
  7. A, adjust your appearance while B watches. A should stand up. A, close appearance and sit back down.
  8. B, adjust your appearance while A watches. B should stand up. B, close appearance and sit back down.

Social Interaction

  1. A, attach the popgun and wear it for the rest of this test. Verify it appears attached correctly to both A and B.
  2. A and B, take turns chatting to each other. Verify you hear the chat animation sounds.
  3. Verify you see the other's chat animations and chat text.
  4. Verify that the listening Avatar looks in your direction after you chat.
  5. A shoot at B. Verify both users can hear the popgun when A shoots it.
  6. B, Verify that A looks in your direction when firing at you.
  7. A and B, make gestures at each other. Verify you can see each other's gesture animation and hear the gesture sound.

Inventory interaction

  1. A give an object to B by dragging it onto his avatar. B give the item back to A by dragging it onto her popgun attachment.
  2. A, offer to trade cards with B. B, accept the card, delete the card, then offer to trade cards with A. A, Accept the offer.
  3. B, IM A by right clicking A's popgun and clicking IM from the pie menu. Veryify the IM works.
  4. A pay money to B. Verify you both see the correct message and that your balance is updated correctly. B, pay money back to A by right clicking B's popgun and Pay.. it. Verify both users get the correct message.


  1. A stand up and fly back and forth across the sim boundary. Verify that B appears normal. Sit down where you were previously sitting.
  2. B stand up and fly back and forth across the sim boundary. Verify that A appears normal. Sit down where you were previously sitting.
  3. B stand up and fly away until you cannot see A. Fly back to where A is sitting. Verify A appears normal.
  4. B claim some land and set your home near A. Fly away until you cannot see A. Teleport home. Verify A appears normal. Sit on the ground again.
  5. B log out. Log back in and verify you can still see A.
  6. B move to the sim A is on. Log out. Log back in and verify you can still see A.
  7. B move back to the other sim. Sit on the ground again.


  1. User A, do following steps while B observes:
  2. Create a box on the ground.
  3. Verify your arm correctly points to the box while you manipulate it.
  4. Change the box's size with the edit tool.
  5. Move the box to the other sim with the move tool.
  6. Rotate the box with the edit tool.
  7. Add the default script to the box and click it. Verify both users can see the script's chat.
  8. User B, do above steps while A observes.
  9. A, Drop a copy of the Beach Ball. Sit on it.
  10. B, move the ball on which A is sitting onto your sim using the edit/position tool.
  11. B, move the ball on which A is sitting back onto the other sim using the move tool.

Scripts and sitting avatars

       llSensorRepeat("", "", AGENT, 3, PI, 0.5);
   sensor(integer number_detected)
       llSetText((string)llKey2Name(llDetectedKey(number_detected - 1)), <1,1,1>, 1);
       llSetText("nobody detected", <1,0,0>, 1);
  1. A, add the above script to the ball.
  2. Verify it says your name while you are sitting on it. Stand up and roll the ball near B, who should be just in the next sim. Verify that it goes to "nobody detected" when away from you, and then says the name of user B when near.
  3. A. rez the Kart from your inventory/Library/Objects. Sit on it. Go into mouselook mode (View menu, Mouserlook) and verify that your view is where your head is positioned.
  4. Drive across a sim boundary and verify that you are still sitting in the same location on the Kart. B, Verify A appears to be sitting in the same location.

Sitting and standing up

  1. A, Rez "Basic Chair" from your inventory/Library/Objects.
  2. A, make your avatar tall. B, make your avatar short.
  3. A and B, take turns sitting and standing up from the chair. Verify that you do not get stuck in the chair when you stand up.
  4. After you stand up, verify you look normal and are not squatting.
  5. B observe while A sits down on a hillside. Does A appear to be sitting correctly?
  6. A attempt to sit on an object on a different sim. This should fail with the message "Alert: Try moving closer. Can't sit on object because it is not in the same sim as you."
  7. A attempt to sit on the ground on a different sim. Your Av should fly across the boundary and take a seat.