Beta Server Office Hours/Minutes/2012-05-24
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This meeting was held on May 24, 2012
- Region Idling project promoted to the main channel
- Threaded region crossing phase 1 is on LeTigre and Magnum
- BlueSteel has prebaked avatar textures.
- Second Life Server Channel
- Region Idling enabled
- First time deploying a conf file with our new process.
- BlueSteel RC Channel
- This channel has server changes to process prebaked avatar textures for library outfits. This will also have the region idling project enabled.
- LeTigre RC Channel
- This is the Threaded Region Crossing project.
- Magnum RC Channel
- This is the Threaded Region Crossing project also.
- PathFinding User Group right after this meeting.
Upcoming Stuff
- Next week
- Threaded Region Crossing to be promoted to main channel.
- Some infrastructure work.
- Experience Tools.
- BlueSteel to stay the same.
Interesting Stuff
- Pathfinding Beta Regions Live on AGNI
Transcript of Oskar Linden's Server Beta User Group for May 24, 2012:
- [14:55] Oskar Linden: oh no I'm early!
- [14:55] Kallista Destiny: Ave Oskar
- [14:55] Oskar LindenOskar Linden was expecting the login to take like 5 minutes
- [14:55] Ima Mechanique: just don't make it a habit Oskar ;-)
- [14:55] Oskar LindenOskar Linden goes back to work for 5 more minutes
- [14:58] Motor Loon: ey everybody
- [14:59] Nalates Urriah: SVC-7727 is still a pain...
- [14:59] Flame of Jira: [#SVC-7727] Aditi grid problem. After changing my password to cause my inventory on Aditi to update, my inventory no longer saves changes made to it from session to session.
- [15:00] arton Rotaru: looks like they won't fix this in the near future
- [15:01] Oskar Linden: now it's time for the meeting
- [15:01] Motor Loon: Awesomeness
- [15:01] Oskar Linden: it's not as easy as just fixing it
- [15:01] Rickk Turbo: :)
- [15:01] Oskar Linden: aditi is a weird place
- [15:01] Homeless: my frame rate is 6
- [15:01] Oskar Linden: lucky!!
- [15:01] Homeless: bad lag
- [15:01] Motor Loon: 6? ... i get 55
- [15:01] Homeless: lol
- [15:01] Nalates Urriah: Knowing which box to put the bandaid on is a problem.
- [15:01] Rickk Turbo: indeed
- [15:02] Rickk Turbo: why has ahern moved next to Racheleff?
- [15:02] Oskar Linden: we'll let people filter in for a few more meetings
- [15:02] Oskar Linden: no idea
- [15:02] Nalates Urriah: 18 FPS nVidia 301.42
- [15:02] Oskar Linden: so who else is doing the diablo 3 thing?
- [15:03] Nalates Urriah: not yet...
- [15:03] Motor Loon: hush Oskar
- [15:03] Ima Mechanique: I'm waiting on all the fuss to die down
- [15:03] Oskar Linden: I so am
- [15:03] Oskar Linden: it'll be too late Ima
- [15:03] Oskar Linden: get on now!
- [15:03] Ima Mechanique: so may be a year or two ;-)
- [15:03] Rickk Turbo: i'm still waiting for my PI
- [15:03] Oskar Linden: or just wait til diablo 4
- [15:03] Rickk Turbo: :\
- [15:03] Sigma Avro: lol. Or I will AR again
- [15:03] Oskar Linden: I made it to the Whimsyshire last night
- [15:03] Oskar Linden: so awesome
- [15:04] Motor Loon: dunno why you wanna run around clicking on trolls when you can be banning them in Second Life™ much easier ;-)
- [15:04] Ima Mechanique: diablo 4 is a possibility ;-) I didn't start playing Oblivion until Skyrim came out ;-)
- [15:04] arton Rotaru: don't advertise other games in SL :p
- [15:04] Rickk Turbo: is there an ARM port of SL for Linux?
- [15:04] Oskar Linden: discussion isn't advertising
- [15:04] arton Rotaru: depends on who is discussing perhaps^^
- [15:05] Oskar Linden: alright I suppose it is time to start this meeting
- [15:05] Oskar Linden: *ahem*
- [15:05] Oskar LindenOskar Linden gathers you all in a tight circle
- [15:05] Kallista Destiny: I liked DI, and didn't like DII so I;m not going to bather with DIII
- [15:05] arton Rotaru: same here Kallista
- [15:05] Oskar LindenOskar Linden whispers that d3 isn't like d2
- [15:05] Motor Loon: If you wanna get real close you can sit on my lap Oskar...
- [15:05] SonicAnd Miles: o.O
- [15:05] Oskar Linden: i'll pass
- [15:05] Oskar Linden: here is the agenda
- [15:05] Oskar Linden:
- [15:06] Oskar Linden: there might have been some confusion around release this week
- [15:06] Motor Loon: thats a short agenda
- [15:06] Oskar Linden: we didn't have a rolling restart
- [15:06] Oskar Linden: but we did a live confinguration file deploy for the first time
- [15:06] Oskar Linden: which enables dormant code
- [15:06] Kallista Destiny: Ahhh
- [15:06] Oskar Linden: simple as that
- [15:07] Oskar Linden: this was the Region Idling project
- [15:07] arton Rotaru: will it survive region restarts this time?
- [15:07] SonicAnd Miles: I did notice the no restart thing
- [15:07] Oskar Linden: so the code was enabled on the fly
- [15:07] Oskar Linden: no restarting necessary
- [15:07] Simon Linden: Yes, it survives restarts. That bug is for configurations specific to channels
- [15:07] arton Rotaru: ok
- [15:07] Motor Loon: I actually KINDA see if as a problem with no restarts... lots of mainland regions only gets restarts when you do rolls and some of them reaaally needs em
- [15:08] Oskar Linden: oh that's what you were talking about
- [15:08] Oskar Linden: well we've done a lot to fix that actually
- [15:08] Oskar Linden: with the rebalancing
- [15:08] SonicAnd Miles: :)
- [15:08] Oskar Linden: longer term region stability has improved
- [15:08] Oskar Linden: we do monitor it though
- [15:08] Motor Loon: aha... intersting!
- [15:08] Oskar Linden: and can do a rolling restart with the conf deploy if needed
- [15:08] Oskar Linden: but it wasn't needed
- [15:09] Oskar Linden: now that all regions have region idling has anyone seen anything worth talking about?
- [15:09] Oskar Linden: horses dying?
- [15:09] Oskar Linden: massive failures?
- [15:09] Oskar Linden: :-)
- [15:09] arton Rotaru: not yet
- [15:09] Motor Loon: My hamster died...
- [15:09] Simon Linden: Rabid Meeroos?
- [15:09] Oskar Linden: I'm so sorry Motor
- [15:10] Motor Loon: Might be related to it not being fed though...
- [15:10] Simon Linden: Did you file a jira?
- [15:10] Homeless: I'll have to look and see if the horse farm next door is still there
- [15:10] SonicAnd Miles: I havent noticed any issues yet at all :)
- [15:10] Oskar Linden: if you look homeless the region will start up again
- [15:10] Oskar Linden: just don't look
- [15:10] Homeless: it's in the same region I'm in
- [15:10] Oskar Linden: oh
- [15:11] Homeless: so it will start up just because i'm there
- [15:11] Oskar Linden: we will keep an eye on jira and the forums, but Region Idling seems to be going well
- [15:11] Motor Loon: So how do we change sim idle so it'll kill more breedables? °͜°
- [15:11] Sigma Avro: sure, it does nothing
- [15:11] Oskar Linden: I can't tell you that Motor
- [15:11] Sigma Avro: why would it not do nothing well ?
- [15:12] Motor Loon: damn
- [15:12] Oskar Linden: it could have done bad nothings Sigma
- [15:12] Oskar Linden: anyway
- [15:12] Kallista Destiny: It's a SEKRIT
- [15:12] Sigma Avro: yes, haha
- [15:12] Oskar Linden: BlueSteel has some simulator changes
- [15:12] Motor Loon: prebaking....
- [15:12] Homeless: prebaking sounds interesting
- [15:12] Motor Loon: how does that work?
- [15:13] Oskar Linden: not much but some changes to allow the simulator to deliver the library avatars prebaked
- [15:13] Oskar Linden: so new user load time is improve
- [15:13] Oskar Linden: d
- [15:13] Motor Loon: aah library avatars
- [15:13] Homeless: Is prebaked content in the pipeline?
- [15:13] Motor Loon: so... noobs are less laggy...
- [15:13] Oskar Linden: I don't know the particulars
- [15:13] Homeless: Most of the stuff I have rezzed is never changed...
- [15:13] Rickk Turbo: less ruthing then?
- [15:13] Oskar Linden: the sim changes were minor
- [15:14] Oskar Linden: we should just make all new users download ALL of Second Life
- [15:14] Motor Loon: YES!
- [15:14] arton Rotaru: lol
- [15:14] arton Rotaru: Blue Life ^^
- [15:14] Kallista Destiny: Blue Mars Eh?
- [15:14] SonicAnd Miles: LOL
- [15:14] Motor Loon: Or order the 2.500 dvd's
- [15:14] Oskar Linden: Premium Accounts come with a 5000TB thumb drive
- [15:14] Theresa Tennyson: Can we get that on floppys?
- [15:14] SonicAnd Miles: lol :p
- [15:14] Rickk Turbo: network clown?
- [15:14] Oskar Linden: no more lag :-p
- [15:14] Sigma Avro: llPreload(SL*)
- [15:14] Rickk Turbo: clowd*
- [15:15] Kallista Destiny: No that would make Permium accounts worthwhile
- [15:15] Oskar Linden: BlueSteel and Magnum have Threaded Region Crossing again
- [15:15] Oskar Linden: the TRC project failed promotion last week because it was crashing too much
- [15:15] Motor Loon: we're crossings fingers for it this time
- [15:15] Oskar Linden: the project has calmed down
- [15:16] Oskar Linden: settled into her new home
- [15:16] Oskar Linden: and the crashes have gone
- [15:16] Oskar Linden: so we will promote that project Tuesday morning
- [15:16] Oskar Linden: if all continues to go well over the weekend
- [15:16] arton Rotaru: really?
- [15:16] Kallista Destiny: well that is promising
- [15:16] Oskar Linden: it's great when code crashes LESS over the weekend than during the week
- [15:16] Nalates Urriah: That's optimistic
- [15:17] Oskar Linden: it will be good to get that code out
- [15:17] Oskar Linden: since it's just phase 1
- [15:17] Theresa Tennyson: My sim on Magnum was re-started a few times right when the code came out but it hasn't seemed to happen lately.
- [15:17] Sigma Avro: It is against all facts that
- [15:17] Motor Loon: Optimistic! - that's US!
- [15:17] Oskar Linden: I try to be optimistic
- [15:17] Nalates Urriah: It's a good thing
- [15:18] Sigma Avro: what performances are expected for the neew TRC ?
- [15:18] Sigma Avro: will see
- [15:18] Sigma Avro: ?
- [15:18] Oskar Linden: I'll get carmilla in here again to talk about the changes
- [15:18] Nalates Urriah: Yay
- [15:18] Oskar Linden: when we're ready for phase 2
- [15:18] Kallista Destiny: I prefer to be pessimestic, that way my surprises are happy ones.
- [15:18] Oskar Linden: until then we have some more new stuff
- [15:18] arton Rotaru: thinking of how long it took for phase 1, I can imagine phase 2 is already done as well^^
- [15:19] arton Rotaru: when can we expect phase 2?
- [15:19] Oskar Linden: not sure
- [15:19] Homeless: How many phases are planned?
- [15:19] Oskar Linden: we have a few things in the pipe for next week
- [15:19] Simon Linden: Phase 2 is still in deveopment
- [15:20] Oskar Linden: the changes on BlueSteel for avatar prebaking will be there again
- [15:20] Oskar Linden: then we have some infrastructure changes for another channel
- [15:20] Simon Linden: Phase 1 was ground work, 2 should have some performance boost that will cut down on crossing lag events
- [15:20] Oskar Linden: no perceptual SL changes
- [15:20] Oskar Linden: ( i hope )
- [15:21] Oskar Linden: then we have the experience tools project coming to the 3rd RC
- [15:21] arton Rotaru: aha
- [15:21] Oskar Linden: that should be fun
- [15:21] SonicAnd Miles: et on magnum first i hope -lol
- [15:21] Oskar Linden: I forget the order
- [15:21] Motor Loon: at the point I just want PF to be done with so we can move on with more dev's free'd up °͜°
- [15:22] Oskar Linden: soon(tm)
- [15:22] Motor Loon: indeed
- [15:22] Sigma Avro: PF on Agni is a mess presently
- [15:22] Sigma Avro: still in beta
- [15:22] arton Rotaru: can we read some documentation about the expirience tools somewhere?
- [15:22] Oskar Linden: I'm not sure what the current communications plan is for the ET beta
- [15:22] SonicAnd Miles: good question ;)
- [15:23] Oskar Linden: if there is documentation to be had I'll post it in the forums next week
- [15:23] Theresa Tennyson: Communications PLANS? There ARE such things?
- [15:23] Motor Loon:
- [15:23] SonicAnd Miles: cool
- [15:23] arton Rotaru: kk thx :D
- [15:23] Oskar Linden: next week Monday is a holiday at the lab
- [15:23] Homeless: I thought everything was done on-the-fly..!
- [15:23] SonicAnd Miles: its a holiday for me too :p
- [15:23] Sigma Avro: also for me ! good monday !
- [15:23] Motor Loon: Holidays should be kept during weekends
- [15:23] Motor Loon: !
- [15:23] Homeless: Holiday for me too!
- [15:24] Johan Neddings: Oskar ?
- [15:24] Johan Neddings: When will we see a change on the Main Channel again ?
- [15:24] Kallista Destiny: I'm retired, don't get holidays any more.
- [15:24] Johan Neddings: or better asked, when will one of the RC's be promoted to Main ?
- [15:24] Motor Loon: change?
- [15:25] Motor Loon: you just got sim idling
- [15:25] Oskar Linden: Johan...
- [15:25] Sigma Avro: (you mean plenty of Kalista ?)
- [15:25] Oskar Linden: did you just get here? :-)
- [15:25] Motor Loon: lol
- [15:25] Johan Neddings: Yes, sadly, I was on the wrong side of the grid it seemed
- [15:25] Oskar Linden: ok
- [15:25] Oskar Linden: well here is the agenda:
- [15:25] Oskar Linden: Main channel got Region Idling this week
- [15:25] Motor Loon: we'll send you a log afterwards Johan
- [15:25] Oskar Linden: Main channel will get Threaded Region Crossing next week
- [15:25] Oskar Linden: summary done
- [15:25] Oskar LindenOskar Linden goes home
- [15:26] Oskar LindenOskar Linden remembers he is at home
- [15:26] Motor Loon: haha
- [15:26] Oskar LindenOskar Linden stays home
- [15:26] Johan Neddings: Ahh, finally Threaded ...
- [15:26] SonicAnd Miles: lol
- [15:26] Oskar Linden: phase 1!
- [15:26] HomelessHomeless can't stay home
- [15:26] Oskar Linden: just phase 1
- [15:26] Motor Loon: of 40
- [15:26] Motor Loon: °͜°
- [15:26] Oskar Linden: no performance enhancements
- [15:26] Oskar Linden: not yet
- [15:26] SonicAnd MilesSonicAnd Miles wants to go to bed
- [15:26] Oskar Linden: we're waiting on phase 2 which is still in development
- [15:27] Johan Neddings: Oskar, have you had any reports lately from Concierge about Main channel sims losing Caps ?
- [15:27] Oskar Linden: I haven't no
- [15:27] Sigma Avro: not sure what prebaked avatar means. Can I have a link ?
- [15:27] NeoBokrug Elytis: That happened to me earlier today.
- [15:27] Johan Neddings: Shame, hoped TJ and his team communicted it with you
- [15:27] Kallista Destiny: So what are the extra cpu cycles made available by Idling going to be used for. More Chat servers?
- [15:27] Motor Loon: prebaked LIBRARY avatars
- [15:28] Sigma Avro: ah, yes, sorry
- [15:28] Oskar Linden: oh Kallista. so cheeky
- [15:28] Motor Loon: haha
- [15:28] Kallista DestinyKallista Destiny chuckles
- [15:28] Sigma Avro: A few/megas
- [15:29] Rickk Turbo: gabage collection
- [15:29] Kallista Destiny: Sorry I get bit by mega chat lage all the time... I't extreamly frustrating.
- [15:29] Oskar Linden: so we're 30 minutes into this meeting and I'm done with the basic agenda
- [15:29] Rickk Turbo: :)
- [15:29] Oskar Linden: how do you want to spend the other 30?
- [15:29] arton Rotaru: idling ^^
- [15:29] Johan Neddings: It seems since the was jumped to Main, Caps are lost when RR are lanned
- [15:29] Motor Loon: groupchat is a little troublesome again... well, have been for a while really
- [15:29] Oskar Linden: hah
- [15:30] Oskar Linden: the Meeting Idling Project
- [15:30] Johan Neddings: planned*
- [15:30] Kallista Destiny: Moaning wineing and whinging.
- [15:30] Oskar Linden: group chat isn't going to be looked at in a while I am afriad
- [15:30] Motor LoonMotor Loon sets up a script to whine for him to prevent meeting IDLE
- [15:30] Johan Neddings: It especialy happens when RCs Bluesteel are their neighbours
- [15:31] Johan Neddings: Will threaded hopefully solve this ?
- [15:31] Oskar Linden: hard to say at this point
- [15:31] Motor Loon: threaded crossings aint a bug fix
- [15:32] Johan Neddings: If you'd want the support call about it, TJ has it
- [15:32] Oskar Linden: any questions?
- [15:32] Theresa Tennyson: Where are we at with SVC-7902?
- [15:32] Flame of Jira: [#SVC-7902] Problem of not being able to rez on my land continues
- [15:32] Motor Loon: oh that again °͜°
- [15:32] Oskar Linden: it won't be fixed by next week Theresa
- [15:32] Motor Loon: you may aswell stick it on the "open items" wall Oskar
- [15:32] MartinRJ Fayray: 7902 spams my inbox more than Pfizer does
- [15:33] Theresa Tennyson: Ew.... It's not a problem for ME but it affects new people who are willing to spend money.
- [15:33] Oskar Linden: I apologize for the difficulties in getting things fixed. we're really taxed for resources at the moment
- [15:33] Motor Loon: Theresa will ask at every meeting anyway °͜°
- [15:33] Oskar Linden: that's fine :-)
- [15:33] Motor Loon: I've never seen 7902 happen
- [15:33] Sigma Avro: Maybe not the right place, but any idea why this could happen ? PATHBUG-138
- [15:33] Flame of Jira: [#PATHBUG-138] hiccups of some avatars in close contact in PF regions of Agni
- [15:33] Theresa Tennyson: It's mostly a problem with small lots. Linden homes are a nightmare.
- [15:33] Motor Loon: except when mabye trying to rez something and I try to do it "thru" a transparent prims boundingbox
- [15:34] Oskar Linden: maybe ask at the pathfinding meeting after this one :-)
- [15:34] Sigma Avro: sure, but I alm not sure it is PF related
- [15:34] Sigma Avro: ? anyway, ok
- [15:35] Motor Loon: if its not PF related why is it a pathbug jira?
- [15:35] Oskar Linden: I blame PF
- [15:35] Sigma Avro: it is faster
- [15:35] Sigma Avro: lol
- [15:35] Motor Loon: haha
- [15:35] Johan Neddings: :P
- [15:35] Motor Loon: Im'a tell Falcon you said that Oskar
- [15:35] Sigma Avro: and pathbug is a new concept Motor
- [15:35] Sigma Avro: explain please
- [15:36] Motor Loon: what do you want to have explained Sigma?
- [15:36] Sigma Avro: pathbug, what is that ?
- [15:36] Motor Loon: Bug relating to the pathfinding project?!
- [15:37] Motor Loon: as in... PATH - BUG °͜°
- [15:37] NeoBokrug Elytis: Was there some grid wonkyness this morning? I got a SERVICE_ERROR from Transaction result, and then a capabilities error when trying to teleport to the location.
- [15:37] Oskar Linden: you can tell falcon I said that
- [15:37] Oskar Linden: tell him all bugs are his bugs
- [15:37] Motor Loon: I will... unless you pay me....
- [15:37] Motor Loon: alot
- [15:37] Oskar Linden: not sure NEO
- [15:37] NeoBokrug Elytis: And about the same time a few friends had long login times.
- [15:38] NeoBokrug Elytis: Then a random 500 error on some HTTP stuff later on in the day.
- [15:39] Oskar Linden: if there was I don't have details
- [15:39] Motor Loon: I haven't seen wierd things today... but then again... I dont get out much ,-)
- [15:39] Oskar Linden: sorry
- [15:40] NeoBokrug Elytis: Hmm, too bad I don't have anymore information other than "it was broke"
- [15:40] Motor Loon: How many new dev's have you got in the last few months Oskar?
- [15:40] Oskar Linden: I'll try to get huseby in here next week to chat about the experince tools project
- [15:40] arton Rotaru: cool
- [15:40] Oskar Linden: not sure Motor
- [15:40] Oskar Linden: why?
- [15:40] Motor Loon: Was just wondering if you guys was hiring alot of devs these days
- [15:40] Sigma Avro: I do not understand what is behind the word "experience project"
- [15:41] Sigma Avro: *tools
- [15:41] Johan Neddings: Sigma, the tools behind it
- [15:41] Motor Loon: experience project is about giving permissions once and the sim letting you do things according to those perms given
- [15:41] Sigma Avro: buf, what does taht mean
- [15:41] Motor Loon: instead of having to get permissions every time
- [15:41] Theresa Tennyson: Similar to what was done in Linden Realms.
- [15:41] NeoBokrug Elytis: Sim or estate? :)
- [15:41] Ima Mechanique: No new dev, they're all slightly used
- [15:41] Johan Neddings: It means you can make your own Linden TRealsm :D
- [15:41] Sigma Avro: ah, ok, thanks Motor
- [15:41] Sigma Avro: remember now
- [15:42] Motor Loon: its per SIM aint it?
- [15:42] Sigma Avro: Big exploit source
- [15:42] SonicAnd Miles: I have a quick question Oskar. Are the RC sims not going to be restarted with updates anymore?
- [15:42] Oskar Linden: to make Linden Realms we needed new experiences
- [15:42] Motor Loon: not really Sigma
- [15:42] SonicAnd Miles: since u can do the live updates?
- [15:42] Oskar Linden: they are locked to those sims
- [15:42] Sigma Avro: hope tools are easy of access
- [15:42] Oskar Linden: but we're opening the tools to a larger audience
- [15:42] Johan Neddings: Think there's even a group for it
- [15:43] Ima Mechanique: there is a group, and there was supposed to be some beta testing done by resis
- [15:43] Oskar Linden: there is
- [15:43] Motor Loon: its only config stuff or awaking sleeping code you can do without restarts right?
- [15:43] Nalates Urriah: As far as I know Experience Tools are still in closed beta. Right?
- [15:43] Johan Neddings: Advanced Creator Tools Notification
- [15:43] Ima Mechanique: but I never got my NDA form sent to me so I've no idea what happened with it
- [15:43] NeoBokrug Elytis: Same Ima
- [15:44] SonicAnd Miles: I have a quick question Oskar. Are the RC sims not going to be restarted weekly with updates anymore?
- [15:44] Motor Loon: Lorca will know at the following PF meeting
- [15:45] SonicAnd Miles: since the live update is there now
- [15:45] Oskar Linden: live updates only work for config changes
- [15:45] Oskar Linden: like settings
- [15:45] Oskar Linden: new code will still need a restart
- [15:45] SonicAnd Miles: ahh, ok :)
- [15:45] Ima Mechanique: yeah, the code still has to get onto the sims first ;-)
- [15:46] Ima Mechanique: unless they start using a plug-in system ;-)
- [15:46] Motor Loon: in your dreams °͜°
- [15:46] Ima Mechanique: yup, exactly
- [15:46] Ima Mechanique: plug and pray SL ;-)
- [15:47] Oskar Linden: instead of plug and (loading...)
- [15:47] Motor Loon: hehe
- [15:48] Homeless: Approx how many lines of code make up the servers?
- [15:48] Motor Loon: so.... after PF... can we expect most dev's working on old bugs or is there something big new shiny stuff in the scope already?
- [15:48] Johan Neddings: For the Experience project, is there a new RC being created or just pushing the into all at once ??
- [15:49] Oskar Linden: homeless I have no idea
- [15:49] Oskar Linden: I'm too scared to find out
- [15:49] Homeless: lol
- [15:49] Motor Loon: why wouldn't they just use a regular RC?
- [15:49] Ima Mechanique: homeless, if it's like the viewer... too damn many ;-)
- [15:49] Sigma Avro: an airbus is about billions
- [15:49] Oskar Linden: johan there may be an AGNI channel just for it
- [15:49] Sigma Avro: *
- [15:49] Oskar Linden: not sure yet
- [15:49] Johan Neddings: Well, someone pushed PF onto Snack
- [15:49] Simon Linden: Too many, and there are a lot of different server flavors in the whole system
- [15:49] Johan Neddings: so, that's why the Q
- [15:50] Theresa Tennyson: When Phase 2 of the region crossing is closer can we have some connected sims on Aditi to play with?
- [15:50] Motor Loon: I expect you may be expecting too much Theresa ,-)
- [15:51] Homeless: I can see why changes come slowly... a huge swamp of code to get lost in
- [15:51] Oskar Linden: not sure yet Theresa but I'll let you know when it is
- [15:51] Johan NeddingsJohan Neddings was about to think something about SL9B on Aditi
- [15:51] Homeless: plenty of quicksand
- [15:51] Johan Neddings: but forgot what it was ...
- [15:51] Theresa Tennyson: Cool.
- [15:52] Moundsa Mayo: And only seven comments in the entire code suite!
- [15:52] Johan NeddingsJohan Neddings smiles
- [15:52] Theresa TennysonTheresa Tennyson wonders whether to mention the mysterious island to the south sheh's discovered. Perhaps she's already seen too much.
- [15:52] Zoidberg DeluxeZoidberg Deluxe beats up oskar
- [15:52] Oskar Linden: don't beat me up
- [15:52] Motor Loon: No hitting the "special people"
- [15:52] Zoidberg Deluxe: I'll hurt you if iwant
- [15:52] Motor Loon:'s not their fault
- [15:52] Oskar Linden: zoidberg...
- [15:53] Zoidberg Deluxe: YES! mistress
- [15:53] Rickk Turbo: lol
- [15:53] SonicAnd Miles: o.O
- [15:53] Oskar Linden: did you have something to contribute to the meeting?
- [15:53] arton Rotaru: entertainment?^^
- [15:53] Zoidberg Deluxe: I had NO! idea a meeting was going on
- [15:53] Theresa Tennyson: A silent gray blob.
- [15:53] Sigma Avro: they are usualy not that welcomed
- [15:53] Zoidberg Deluxe: What's it about
- [15:54] Grid Crash Protection Box: Zoidberg Deluxe, you are now shielded from the effects of any Grid crashes which might occur!
- [15:54] Oskar Linden: this is the server beta user group
- [15:54] Oskar Linden: and we're talking about simulator changes
- [15:54] Johan Neddings: But Oskar, congrats on the things so far
- [15:54] Zoidberg Deluxe: I think you should do something about the 15k prim limit and raise it to 45k
- [15:54] Sigma Avro: I would like some tools to find non scripted object in region tab
- [15:54] Rickk Turbo: and this isn't the main grid either :)
- [15:54] Johan Neddings: Still have to see the Idling
- [15:54] Rickk Turbo: it's aditi
- [15:54] Ima Mechanique: now seems like a good time to leave early ;-)
- [15:55] Oskar Linden: it might be :-)
- [15:55] Oskar Linden: I have nothing else for this meeting
- [15:55] Zoidberg Deluxe: oh really
- [15:55] Ima Mechanique: see some of you at PF
- [15:55] Ima Mechanique: thanks for the time Oskar
- [15:55] Oskar Linden: thanks for coming everyone
- [15:55] Zoidberg Deluxe: oskar a good idea is to raise hte prim count in sims
- [15:55] Simon Linden: I have to run as well - thanks everyone
- [15:55] Sigma Avro: thanks for the meeting Oskar, Simpon, Maestro, Caleb
- [15:55] Zoidberg Deluxe: the*
- [15:55] Moundsa Mayo: Oskar, Maestro, Simon, Caleb, thanks for your time and hard work!
- [15:55] Nalates Urriah: Off to PF... Thx Oskar and Simon
- [15:55] SonicAnd Miles: thanks Oskar, im off to the other grid :)
- [15:55] MartinRJ Fayray: goodbye
- [15:55] Oskar Linden: you should go get some water during the break
- [15:55] Motor Loon: ok then... just time to run for coffee before next one then
- [15:55] Oskar Linden: thanks for coming everyone
- [15:55] Oskar Linden: have a good weekend
- [15:55] Theresa Tennyson: Thank you!
- [15:55] SonicAnd Miles: i wont be here next week ill b on vacation at Indiana Beach and Holiday World riding roller coasters :)
- [15:56] Johan Neddings: Have a good one everyon at PF
- [15:56] arton Rotaru: have a nice weekend every1
- [15:56] Motor Loon: yeah... you guys rock... we whine as usually... but deep down we still luv' ya
- [15:56] Homeless: thankx for the meeting!
- [15:56] Homeless: tc everyone
- [15:56] Oskar Linden: I <3 all of you!
- [15:56] Grid Crash Protection Box: Zoidberg Deluxe, you are no longer protected from the vagaries of the Grid - beware!
- [15:56] MartinRJ Fayray: even alexa?
- [15:56] Johan Neddings: Oskar, will you have a talk with TJ about the Main / RC channel issues with Caps ?
- [15:56] Oskar Linden: ok