Bug triage/2008-05-07/Transcript
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- [15:06] Bridie Linden: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage/Wednesday_Agenda
- [15:06] Bri Gufler: And glad to have a stable 1.20 to use it with now :)
- [15:06] Squirrel Wood: is a squirrel. navigates trees. not space :p
- [15:06] Bambers Linden: My apologies if I careen around Bridie's living room bumping into innocent bystanders
- [15:06] Bridie Linden: And apologies for last week....
- [15:06] Bridie Linden: howdy Bambers
- [15:06] Bambers Linden: howdy Bridie
- [15:06] Garn Conover: gah inworld views not workin *checks*
- [15:07] Harleen Gretzky: Hi Bambers
- [15:07] Bridie Linden: First up...
- [15:07] Bridie Linden: VWR-6784[c
- [15:07] Bambers Linden: waves
- [15:07] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-6784
- [15:07] Pastrami Linden: wanna give to me to give to runitai?
- [15:08] Bridie Linden: Sure, Pastrami
- [15:08] Alexa Linden: k
- [15:08] Garn Conover: is in world web down? keps opening in external
- [15:08] Bridie Linden: did u change your preference Garn?
- [15:08] Garn Conover: nope
- [15:08] Bridie Linden: Working for me
- [15:08] Garn Conover: just checked and inworld is marked
- [15:08] Barry Reiter: works for me too
- [15:09] Garn Conover: odd
- [15:09] Torley Linden: Hmmm.
- [15:09] Bridie Linden: NExt up
- [15:09] Garn Conover: is there a debug setting?
- [15:09] Bridie Linden: VWR-6942[c
- [15:09] Bambers Linden: is the setting the same in your preferences and your browser?
- [15:09] Pastrami Linden: also me->Runitai
- [15:09] Bridie Linden: yup, Pastrami
- [15:09] Alexa Linden: k
- [15:10] Alexa Linden: weee for you!
- [15:10] Bridie Linden: Next up...
- [15:10] Bridie Linden: VWR-7031[c
- [15:10] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-7031
- [15:10] Pastrami Linden: well mem leaks are well known
- [15:10] Alexa Linden: yup
- [15:10] Torley Linden: I've often got Smartheap errors when quitting Second Life.
- [15:10] Bridie Linden: There's a fix for that Torley, coming soon!
- [15:10] Alexa Linden: same
- [15:11] Bambers Linden: yup torley
- [15:11] Simon Kline: me too torley... but on this issued i find if in a crowded area and i turn around to face the crowd it will lock up for a few seconds
- [15:11] Cummere Mayo: me three torley
- [15:11] Cummere Mayo: and i have that issue to simon. had ti with the 19.4 vieer too
- [15:11] Cummere Mayo: *viewer
- [15:12] Bridie Linden: hmms...
- [15:12] Garn Conover: 2 weeks and torley wearing the same AV, what is SL comming too?
- [15:12] Torley Linden: LOL you're sharp Garn. ;)
- [15:13] Bridie Linden: Should we wait an see what happens with 7031 in RC6 (coming soon)? or import and have a look?
- [15:13] Torley Linden: Or maybe I rotated in between and then rotated back to this one!
- [15:13] Bambers Linden: hmmm
- [15:13] Alexa Linden: I can mark with Last Triaged date
- [15:13] Simon Kline: sounds good.. for me it's not a big issue it just freezes and then works after 2 or 3 seconds
- [15:13] Torley Linden: Yeah, at least that, Alexa, to show we looked at it...
- [15:13] Alexa Linden: noted
- [15:13] Bridie Linden: Babmers waht do you t hink?
- [15:14] Bridie Linden: I've heard about the mini-freezes...
- [15:14] Bambers Linden: I cant imagine anything specific done that would fix it
- [15:14] Bridie Linden: *Bambers
- [15:14] Bambers Linden: but I haven't seen it on my end either, so...
- [15:14] Bambers Linden: (babmeerz iz checkin)
- [15:15] Bridie Linden: Well, let's mark it w/last triaged date as Alexa said...
- [15:15] Bambers Linden: yeah
- [15:15] Cummere Mayo: its one of the many many many issues with radeon cards and nvida cards that werent fixed with 1.5
- [15:15] Bridie Linden: Next up, I think Bri added some screen shots...
- [15:15] Bridie Linden: VWR-6604[c
- [15:15] Cummere Mayo: *1.2.5
- [15:15] Harleen Gretzky: Even with the supplied pictures I still do not see a difference
- [15:15] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-6604
- [15:16] Torley Linden: Those supplied pix aren't clear to me. :|
- [15:16] Bambers Linden: have the Combat Lag steps on the wiki been tried yet?
- [15:16] Pastrami Linden: I think one is a *teeny* bit less emo than the other
- [15:16] Torley Linden: I recommend the next person who tries to take comparisons sit on a scripted object that positions their camera the EXACT same way, and turn off atmospheric shaders so the contrast isn't so great.
- [15:16] Torley Linden: LOL!
- [15:16] Bambers Linden: which one, Pastrami?
- [15:16] Torley Linden: Emo avs. :p
- [15:16] Harleen Gretzky: I even put my avatar in a prim and compared it in and 1.20 and she was always the same height
- [15:16] Bri Gufler: I have been trying to get better screen shots since I have seen more profound differences on occasion.
- [15:16] Torley Linden: Thanks Bri!
- [15:16] Bridie Linden: lol
- [15:17] McCabe Maxsted: he does appear halfa head taller
- [15:17] Barry Reiter: could it be related to [1]
- [15:17] McCabe Maxsted: weird
- [15:17] Harleen Gretzky: Just the picture angle probably
- [15:17] Pastrami Linden: the neck- it's in the neck
- [15:17] Pastrami Linden: the neck of the second is much shorter
- [15:17] Alexa Linden: NO NECK!!!
- [15:17] Bri Gufler: I will be back home on Saturday and will attempt a more "scientific" data collection/screenshot process.
- [15:17] Bambers Linden: he might be sensitive! Ssssh!
- [15:18] Gellan Glenelg: that looks similar to me, barry
- [15:18] Bridie Linden: It does look related Barry...
- [15:18] Bridie Linden: let's link 'em up
- [15:18] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:18] Torley Linden: In a kinda funny way, this reminds me of those weight loss commercials.
- [15:18] Bambers Linden: lol
- [15:18] Bridie Linden: I'm not sure why 6604 is listed as duplicating svc-1281
- [15:18] Bri Gufler: haha I thought the same thng :)
- [15:19] Alexa Linden: me neither
- [15:19] Bridie Linden: Now if it were an emo swimmer...
- [15:19] Alexa Linden: lol - I can clear that
- [15:19] Barry Reiter: lol
- [15:19] Bambers Linden: I've discovered my place in life is a permanent "Before" picture...
- [15:19] Harleen Gretzky: It was brought up on the 23rd that the internal issues of both are marked as duplicates
- [15:19] Bri Gufler: Wow those are definitely related. Those screenshots on the 1620 entry look like what I have been seeing.
- [15:20] Bambers Linden: agreed
- [15:20] Torley Linden: Thanks for making the connection, Barry.
- [15:20] Bridie Linden: Yes, ty!
- [15:20] Bridie Linden: Next up then...
- [15:20] Bridie Linden: VWR-6897[c
- [15:20] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-6897
- [15:21] Garn Conover: rc4, might be diff in 5?
- [15:22] Bridie Linden: Not sure...
- [15:22] Bridie Linden: Darko might have diff pref settings for RC...
- [15:22] Bridie Linden: Have you noticed this Bambers?
- [15:22] Bri Gufler: Was it really disk usage? or was it a memory leak that was causing swapping? It was after 20 minutes.
- [15:23] Bridie Linden: good question Bri...
- [15:23] Bambers Linden: um
- [15:23] Bridie Linden: looks @ her activity mon...
- [15:23] Bambers Linden: I have actually on occasion
- [15:24] Bambers Linden: ummm
- [15:24] Bambers Linden: usually manifests itself as slowing down, often when turning around...
- [15:24] Bri Gufler: I have tried 1.20.5 on my Macbook Pro - I can't use it for more than a few minutes without beachballing. But haven't really looked at settings since I dont use the mac much.
- [15:25] Bambers Linden: realises something sounds familiar...
- [15:25] Bridie Linden: Yes?
- [15:25] Bridie Linden: The lock up issues we thought were fixed?
- [15:25] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/vwr-5623
- [15:26] Bambers Linden: I was thinking more the earlier issue about lag when turning round
- [15:26] Simon Kline: i was just going to add also that i think it's worse when ppl are animated ie. dancing
- [15:26] Bambers Linden: and high disk usage - I've experienced both of those today
- [15:27] Bridie Linden: Let's import and investigate a bit further...
- [15:27] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:27] Alexa Linden: triage?
- [15:27] Bridie Linden: Assign to Aric
- [15:27] Bridie Linden: pls
- [15:27] Alexa Linden: k
- [15:27] Bridie Linden: Next up...
- [15:27] Bridie Linden: VWR-6828[c
- [15:28] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-6828
- [15:28] Torley Linden: Hm, it's a debug feature, but can be a very useful one.
- [15:28] Torley Linden: Those traditionally get prioritized as "Small" tho.
- [15:28] Bridie Linden: Let's import...
- [15:28] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:28] Bridie Linden: but what Torley said is true...
- [15:29] Bridie Linden: Next up...
- [15:29] Bridie Linden: VWR-6847[c
- [15:29] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-6847
- [15:29] Bridie Linden: This was with RC3 so hopefully fixed now?
- [15:29] Torley Linden: I haven't tried this most recently...
- [15:30] Garn Conover: want me to aks on channel?
- [15:30] McCabe Maxsted: maybe they have two versions of sl installed? Settings are still wiped if you switch between them
- [15:30] Bridie Linden: I'll try after this meeting, but am pretty sure Mani knocked this one out
- [15:30] Bambers Linden: I believe the joystick settings have just been fixed
- [15:31] Bridie Linden: Zorin tried it in RC4
- [15:31] Cummere Mayo: I think that they fixed soem of them in .5
- [15:31] Bambers Linden: I think the others may be fixed in 6
- [15:31] Bridie Linden: I think so too Cummere
- [15:31] Bambers Linden: or for then, anyway
- [15:31] Bridie Linden: So, prolly mark as Fixed Pending...
- [15:31] Garn Conover: dang group wont load
- [15:31] Bambers Linden: sounds right Bridie - Fixed Pending
- [15:32] Bridie Linden: I think the next one is known...
- [15:32] Bridie Linden: VWR-6865[c
- [15:32] Pastrami Linden: me
- [15:32] Pastrami Linden: :)
- [15:32] Bridie Linden: Just need to link up w/internal issue
- [15:32] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:32] Bridie Linden: I can do that in a bit...Cogs found it
- [15:32] Torley Linden: :)
- [15:32] Bridie Linden: Next...
- [15:32] Bridie Linden: the award for long bug titles today... :)
- [15:32] Bridie Linden: VWR-6226[c
- [15:33] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-6226
- [15:33] Cummere Mayo: yeah that one is a pain in the ass
- [15:33] Bridie Linden: Is this a dupe?
- [15:33] Bridie Linden: Sounds familiar...
- [15:33] Bri Gufler: I have seen that problem.
- [15:33] Torley Linden: Oh yeah I heard pains of this one...
- [15:33] Torley Linden: I think we looked at it before?
- [15:34] Torley Linden: Maybe that's why it sounds familiar... the # on it.
- [15:34] Bridie Linden: maybe so...good repro in comments
- [15:34] Bridie Linden: let's import
- [15:34] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:35] Bridie Linden: Next...
- [15:35] Bridie Linden: VWR-6707[c
- [15:35] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-6707
- [15:35] Torley Linden: (And yeah, VWR-6226 did come up before in https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage/2008-04-23/Transcript , where Bridie said it sounded familiar back then :) )
- [15:36] Bridie Linden: sarts for consistency?
- [15:36] Bridie Linden: ;)
- [15:36] Torley Linden: Hahaha.
- [15:36] Torley Linden: Early 1.20 RCs crashed me a lot on login, I've had much better luck recently.
- [15:36] Garn Conover: its linked to the mega 6343 jira
- [15:36] Torley Linden: Sad to see it (at least in some manifestations) is still a problem tho.
- [15:36] Bridie Linden: nods
- [15:37] Garn Conover: so this might be fixed or it might be Per's attemoted to get pp lto make a new jira
- [15:37] Bridie Linden: Reporter is on XP but last comment is on Vista
- [15:38] Bridie Linden: Yeah, good comments from Peri in https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-6343
- [15:39] Torley Linden: Yeah totally, sarts for Peri!
- [15:39] Garn Conover: we need to remove all those old Jira tho
- [15:39] Bridie Linden: Now I'm reading VWR-3878
- [15:39] Garn Conover: its hard to tell which are new additions and which have been fixed
- [15:40] Bridie Linden: but that's an older patch from Nicholaz
- [15:40] Garn Conover: because Peri tried to close 6343 on the weekned
- [15:40] Bridie Linden: Yes, Garn and asked for new reports...
- [15:41] Bridie Linden: is there enough new info in 6707 Pastrami?
- [15:41] Garn Conover: i agree 6343 is way to big now
- [15:41] Bridie Linden: I'll point Peri @ 6707, but let's move on for now
- [15:41] Pastrami Linden: I mean, it's essentially all of Shiny's Viewer Stability work right now
- [15:41] Garn Conover: hey Brindie
- [15:41] Garn Conover: Bridie*
- [15:41] Pastrami Linden: crash rates are going up and back down
- [15:42] Bridie Linden: Yes Garn?
- [15:42] Garn Conover: i linked that one way back b4 the origional nvidia was fixed
- [15:42] Cummere Mayo: um theres allot mroe crashes then being reported
- [15:42] Cummere Mayo: the crash loggers STILL Fails allot in the .5
- [15:42] Garn Conover: so thats from RC3 or 4
- [15:43] Bridie Linden: Cummere, so no crash reporter after a hard crash? related to nvidia issues?
- [15:43] Cummere Mayo: sometimes theres not for me
- [15:43] Cummere Mayo: no
- [15:43] Cummere Mayo: BUT .5 has less nvidea issues then previous
- [15:43] Bridie Linden: yes
- [15:43] Bri Gufler: Actually the crash reporter never seems to work for me.
- [15:44] Bridie Linden: do you 2 get crash logs?
- [15:44] Cummere Mayo: it often either doesnt come on or crashes or jsut hangs up on tryign to transmit
- [15:44] McCabe Maxsted: most of the time when I attempt to send a crash report it freezes on "trying alternate server"
- [15:44] Dante Linden: sounds like we need a crash reporter crash reporter
- [15:44] Bri Gufler: Yes I get them - it just fails to send them.
- [15:44] Cummere Mayo: same
- [15:44] Bri Gufler: It says that its trying - flashes a lot and then exits.
- [15:44] Bridie Linden: Can you repro it?
- [15:45] Ellla McMahon: yes my crash reporter never works
- [15:45] Bri Gufler: If I leave the viewer up for 3-4 hours until it crashes it will happen every time.
- [15:45] Garn Conover: ok i must poof got a but try to bbs :) *poofs*
- [15:45] Bridie Linden: Would you mind opening a PJIRA for it?
- [15:45] Magnet Homewood: My crash report never seems to connect either
- [15:45] Bridie Linden: cya Garn
- [15:46] Cummere Mayo: there should be one
- [15:46] Ellla McMahon: I was wondering if it doesn;t work when it is marked send every time
- [15:46] Bri Gufler: I think I saw one out there. Thats why I didn't open another.
- [15:46] Gellan Glenelg: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-4207 ?
- [15:46] Bridie Linden: And you're sure you have Adk Before Sending pref checked for Crash REporter?
- [15:46] McCabe Maxsted: [2]
- [15:46] Bri Gufler: At first I suspected my software firewall on my machine but it still happens with that off.
- [15:47] Cummere Mayo: 6369 is oen of them and part of the reason
- [15:47] Bridie Linden: hmms...internal issue looks resolved...
- [15:48] Bridie Linden: looks @ 6369
- [15:48] Cummere Mayo: but there were other pjiras for it, but if you want ill make another bridie
- [15:48] Cummere Mayo: yeah it says fixed but I cant find that file at all on my sytem
- [15:49] Bri Gufler: 4207 is still open. Should we just add to that one?
- [15:49] Light: off:
- [15:49] McCabe Maxsted: hm reading the comments they dont' seem to say about the specific issue I've seen, which is failing to connect. Might warrent a new issue
- [15:50] Bridie Linden: Let's make a new issue, but link to previous one, pls
- [15:50] Ellla McMahon: also here https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-548
- [15:50] Cummere Mayo: ok ill make one then
- [15:50] Cummere Mayo: oh heres antoher one part of it https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-5832
- [15:51] Bridie Linden: thx
- [15:51] Bridie Linden: There has been more work done on the crash reporter, so I'd love it if you linked up these issues to new issue
- [15:52] Bridie Linden: ping me w/new issue when you get to it...
- [15:52] Bridie Linden: let's see if we can get through a couple of more issues before closing time.
- [15:52] Bridie Linden: another freeze issue...
- [15:52] Bridie Linden: VWR-6912[c
- [15:53] Torley Linden: Reminds me of that one you asked me about earlier today, Bridie...
- [15:53] Torley Linden: except this one is with a single core.
- [15:53] Torley Linden: I'm curious what Fast Timers says.
- [15:53] Bridie Linden: oops, did I skip 6658?
- [15:54] Bridie Linden: but yes Torley...I'll link those up
- [15:54] Bridie Linden: Going back to...
- [15:54] Bridie Linden: VWR-6658[c
- [15:54] Torley Linden: That's a great repro image.
- [15:55] Gellan Glenelg: :)
- [15:55] Torley Linden: :D
- [15:55] Bridie Linden: I'm bettting this is fixed...
- [15:55] Torley Linden: Gellan, still seeing it in RC5?
- [15:55] Gellan Glenelg: haven't check recently
- [15:55] Torley Linden: Hmmm I can't repro it in RC5.
- [15:55] Torley Linden: Spatial position looks correct to me...
- [15:55] Gellan Glenelg: it wasn't my issue originally - just spoke to the guy ans added s/shot
- [15:56] Gellan Glenelg: yeah - it looks to be fixed
- [15:56] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:56] Bridie Linden: Yea!
- [15:56] Alexa Linden: will mark as such
- [15:56] Bri Gufler: looks OK on windows
- [15:56] Torley Linden: Also, for those of you builders who appreciate temporal precision, I hope you have Options' (in Edit Tools) "Show Cross Sections" on.
- [15:56] Torley Linden: It's another useful tool which isn't known about very well.
- [15:56] Torley Linden: ("Options" button under "Use Grid" checkbox.)
- [15:56] Bridie Linden: and remember Tools menu doesn't show until you're building something now...
- [15:57] Torley Linden: aka Tools menu > Grid Options
- [15:57] Torley Linden: very good reminder Bridie, I'll have to include mention of that in upcoming building video tutorials =)
- [15:57] Bri Gufler: That took a bit of getting used to :)
- [15:57] Torley Linden: Aye.
- [15:57] Bridie Linden: nods
- [15:57] Torley Linden: I often have to reset my mind and think like a newcomer again.
- [15:57] Bridie Linden: Well, we're bumping up against 4:00pm