Bug triage/2009-09-02/Transcript
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- [14:01] Alexa Linden: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage/Wednesday_Agenda
- [14:02] Youri Ashton: hi bambers
- [14:02] Yann Dufaux: hi fisher
- [14:02] xstorm Radek: hi Bambers can you please remove the bug magnet my av has ?
- [14:02] Bambers Linden: I cannot speak French unfortunately
- [14:02] Youri Ashton: speak dutch instead :)
- [14:02] Bambers Linden: xstorm - I plan to use that bug magnet of yours... :)
- [14:03] Youri Ashton: hey gooden, nice seeing you again
- [14:03] xstorm Radek: good take it *GIGGLES* :)~[14:03
- [14:03] Yann Dufaux: is usualy to use my viewer in english
- [14:03] Alexa Linden: babmer's you want to drive?
- [14:03] Alexa Linden: bambers*
- [14:03] Alexa Linden: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage/Wednesday_Agenda
- [14:03] Bambers Linden: but we can have some other comments in speech if everyone's ok with that
- [14:03] Bambers Linden: sure - I'll drive
- [14:03] Gooden Uggla: hiya youri
- [14:03] Yann Dufaux: yay! fire place LOL
- [14:03] Bambers Linden: lol
- [14:04] Bambers Linden: this week we're doing ALL SORTS of bugs, to get back into the swing of things....
- [14:04] Bambers Linden: first up... https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-4775
- [14:04] [[User:JIRA-helper: [#SVC-4775|JIRA-helper: [#SVC-4775]]:
- [14:04] Youri Ashton: and for todays dinner, roasted tiny tobot :)
- [14:06] Alexa Linden: this is an odd one
- [14:06] Youri Ashton: isnt this about a 3th party program?
- [14:06] Moon Metty: the grey goo fence is in the server
- [14:06] Youri Ashton: or do i miss something?
- [14:06] Bambers Linden: so this one looks like it's anti-griefing and is too strict. Is Dale's usage reasonable?
- [14:06] Youri Ashton: oh, lol
- [14:06] Alexa Linden: he says not a lot of prims
- [14:06] Yann Dufaux: yik, what the environement and viewer?
- [14:06] Youri Ashton: YAY!! SIM LAG!!
- [14:06] Bambers Linden: (this is a SVC bug)
- [14:06] Youri Ashton: was wondering about that
- [14:06] Alexa Linden: I'll ask for more info
- [14:07] Yann Dufaux: not SVC bugs ...
- [14:07] Alexa Linden: NMI
- [14:07] Bambers Linden: I'm wearing my laggy hat today
- [14:07] Alexa Linden: and move
- [14:07] Yann Dufaux: i think is snowglob bugs
- [14:07] Bambers Linden: yes, probably.
- [14:07] Alexa Linden: I'll ask that too
- [14:07] Aimee Trescothick: well, in theory if you lose the grey goo fence on your own parcel, a griefer could buy a small parcel on a sim and then grief the neighbours
- [14:07] Youri Ashton: i feel a crash coming soon....
- [14:07] Bambers Linden: yes probably - to alexa
- [14:07] Youri Ashton: so if i do crash, ill hurry back :)
- [14:07] Yann Dufaux: because some times i have thii sculpty ball, and all textures in grey when i clear my cache on snow
- [14:08] Bambers Linden: confesses to not knowing much about the grey goo fence
- [14:08] Alexa Linden: I wonder at what # this is kicked into action
- [14:08] Alexa Linden: 100 prims, 400?
- [14:08] Moon Metty: i think Andrew knows all about it
- [14:08] Bambers Linden: that's the info we'd need - how many triggers it, and why is that too few
- [14:08] Alexa Linden: I can poke him then
- [14:08] Alexa Linden: thanks moon
- [14:09] Yann Dufaux: poke Andrew?
- [14:09] Alexa Linden: but still nmi
- [14:09] Bambers Linden: cool. Next one? It's a VWR one
- [14:09] Youri Ashton: andrew would love his colleges today. nyx is going to bother him as well :p
- [14:09] Bambers Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-15361
- [14:09] [[User:JIRA-helper: [#VWR-15361|JIRA-helper: [#VWR-15361]]:
- [14:09] Ciaran Laval: Not sure you'll be able to reproduce that one
- [14:09] Yann Dufaux: duplicata ..
- [14:10] Ciaran Laval: Seems like it was related to yesterday's issues
- [14:10] Youri Ashton: sim restart may help in this case
- [14:10] Bambers Linden: yeah
- [14:10] Youri Ashton: also clean the cache
- [14:10] Alexa Linden: clear cache, go to quiet sim and try to reload inventory?
- [14:10] Youri Ashton: ill add it
- [14:10] Yann Dufaux: i,m not sure the pijira, but i see this trouble before that jira
- [14:10] Bambers Linden: I'm itching to suggest rebake avatar but I might sound like I'm new
- [14:10] Yann Dufaux: let me ask Samia bechir
- [14:10] Bambers Linden: ;)
- [14:10] Gooden Uggla: we had a avatar "stuck" iin one of our sims yesterday, the asset server wouldn't allow her to move till we restarted, most strange... yesterday was bad, very bad....
- [14:10] Alexa Linden: and if not contact support?
- [14:10] Youri Ashton: indeed
- [14:10] Youri Ashton: ill add the comment
- [14:10] Ciaran Laval: I'd ask if it's still happening, I logged off last night with missing body parts and hair and today it's all good
- [14:11] Alexa Linden: same ciaran
- [14:11] Gooden Uggla: ciaran other than the degradation of the past 2 weeks, things are back to "usual"
- [14:11] Bambers Linden: what should we do with this one then?
- [14:12] Alexa Linden: suggestions then support
- [14:12] Alexa Linden: clear cache, etc, etc
- [14:12] Gooden Uggla: nods
- [14:12] Bambers Linden: very good - I see comments are being added
- [14:12] Youri Ashton: added
- [14:12] Bambers Linden: yey! NEEEEXT!!!
- [14:12] Bambers Linden: (I've missed triage a lot)
- [14:12] Alexa Linden: lol
- [14:12] Moon Metty: :)
- [14:12] Bambers Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-15347
- [14:12] [[User:JIRA-helper: [#VWR-15347|JIRA-helper: [#VWR-15347]]:
- [14:13] Youri Ashton: a lot just forget the sim restart and clean cache, so was most obvious answer. if that doesnt help, people should contact custumer support.
- [14:13] Yann Dufaux: lol i see squirel no?
- [14:13] Alexa Linden: I haven't seen this myself
- [14:13] Gooden Uggla: nvidia driver update?
- [14:13] Youri Ashton: no
- [14:13] Ciaran Laval: Is this related to the issue where ground textures sometimes look different on a different day anyway?
- [14:13] Bambers Linden: lol - I recognise that photographic subject :)
- [14:13] Youri Ashton: this is happening at more places
- [14:14] Youri Ashton: I seen it during HKD event as well
- [14:14] Alexa Linden: restart help?
- [14:14] Youri Ashton: no, its the servers I think
- [14:14] Youri Ashton: not sure about it tho
- [14:14] Aimee Trescothick: I've seen this occassionally, network related I think
- [14:14] Bambers Linden: ooh, really?
- [14:14] Bambers Linden: hmmm
- [14:14] Youri Ashton: could help to find big textures and try to use those insteal of smaller ones
- [14:14] Alexa Linden: Squirrel!
- [14:14] Youri Ashton: small textures seem to do this as well
- [14:14] Alexa Linden: your ears burning?
- [14:14] Squirrel Wood: I hereby declare this bazar open!
- [14:14] Alexa Linden: lol
- [14:14] Aimee Trescothick: tends to be when I'm getting a lot of packet loss, not really happened enough to nail it down to that though
- [14:15] Gooden Uggla: "network related" seems to be a growing field of bugs...
- [14:15] Squirrel Wood: and hellos!
- [14:15] Alexa Linden: we're on your ground texture issue squirrel
- [14:15] Bambers Linden: hi Squirrel
- [14:15] Squirrel Wood: Ah
- [14:15] Youri Ashton: i am however not sure about how presice my answer is, i think it could use a repro
- [14:15] Gooden Uggla: hiya squirrel
- [14:15] Youri Ashton: just to see what is happening
- [14:15] Bambers Linden: we're looking at https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-15347
- [14:15] Moon Metty: hey Squirrel
- [14:15] [[User:JIRA-helper: [#VWR-15347|JIRA-helper: [#VWR-15347]]:
- [14:15] Squirrel Wood: the problem I have with it is that there is no repro for it.
- [14:16] Squirrel Wood: It just decides to happen. but when it does, its from the point of logging in.
- [14:16] Alexa Linden: if you see it , do others around you see it too?
- [14:16] Squirrel Wood: no
- [14:16] Youri Ashton: sim lines? could be the problem as well
- [14:16] Squirrel Wood: parcel borders are off
- [14:16] Gooden Uggla: did you update any drivers recently?
- [14:17] Youri Ashton: if you have 2 sims next to eachother, and change the 2nd sim texture to snow for example, then you see not a smooth flow as well
- [14:17] Squirrel Wood: Windows Graphics Driver Version: 6.14.0011.9038
- OpenGL Version: 3.1.0
- [14:17] Youri Ashton: same with prims
- [14:17] Bambers Linden: what about ground texture elevation settings
- [14:18] Alexa Linden: I'm at a loss...
- [14:18] Alexa Linden: oh ya is it any altitude?
- [14:18] Alexa Linden: or only higher, etc?
- [14:18] Squirrel Wood: I have not yet tried to alter any ground related settings when this bug dared to rear its ugly head
- [14:18] Youri Ashton: elevating settings are also controlled by different textures, if you trow in only the default top to a new texture, you will see the other textures to be normal still
- [14:18] Youri Ashton: hoever, this does not cause this problem
- [14:18] Ciaran Laval: Have you tried logging back in with say snowglobe?
- [14:18] Squirrel Wood: one of the four textures does it. the others blend fine
- [14:19] Squirrel Wood: I'm not on snowglobe
- [14:19] Youri Ashton: doesnt matter what viewr you use cairan :)
- [14:19] Bambers Linden: wonders what elevations would do if changed when you were seeing the problem
- [14:19] Alexa Linden: if it always a specific texture it's happening with?
- [14:19] Alexa Linden: grass vs rock
- [14:19] Squirrel Wood: I will have to check those things next time I see it happen
- [14:19] Youri Ashton: i think it could be in the scripting of the elevation of one of the texture layers
- [14:20] Youri Ashton: worth trying
- [14:20] Squirrel Wood: could you nmi this for the time being ?
- [14:20] Ciaran Laval: I know in some mainland sims I have parcels that are one day sandy and the next more grassy but I've not seen this blending issue here
- [14:20] Bambers Linden: this is coming down to "NMI" but with very clear lines of investigation to force a repro
- [14:20] Bambers Linden: or at least to break it more when it DOES repro
- [14:20] Alexa Linden: ok
- [14:20] Youri Ashton: repro is in order indeed
- [14:21] Youri Ashton: think the server team should be available as well on this one
- [14:21] Alexa Linden: Hey Techwolf :)
- [14:21] xstorm Radek: i have seen rock to much in parts of Corsica in fact many people hate how the rock textures looks
- [14:21] Youri Ashton: atech and tech are the same alexa :p
- [14:21] Alexa Linden: cries
- [14:21] Youri Ashton: he just loves to use his alt often :)
- [14:21] Bambers Linden: ok, neeeeext!
- [14:21] xstorm Radek: sorry to have to say that but the rock looks fuzzy
- [14:22] Squirrel Wood: as far as I know the perlin noise used to blend the textures is generated anew each time you log in. so the ground does indeed look different for everyone and different each time you log in.
- [14:22] Bambers Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-15335
- [14:22] [[User:JIRA-helper: [#VWR-15335|JIRA-helper: [#VWR-15335]]:
- [14:22] Moon Metty: oh
- [14:22] Moon Metty: that must be yet another report of vwr-5574
- [14:22] JIRA-helper: http//jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-5574:
- [#VWR-5574] load sticking: at 100% on both cores of Core2Duo (Mac *and* PC) computers
- [14:23] Youri Ashton: thats for ALL viewers it seems
- [14:23] Youri Ashton: I keep having the same issues ever since 1.22
- [14:23] Youri Ashton: CPU on pretty much ALL viewers i used were higher then usually
- [14:23] Techwolf Lupindo: I've get that 100% peg on one CPU due to the voice client exiting or crashing.
- [14:23] Moon Metty: i've spent weeks on that bug
- [14:24] Youri Ashton: core 1: 68%, core 2: 45%
- [14:24] Moon Metty: but it was marked internally as a FR for a frame-rate limiter
- [14:24] Alexa Linden: moon would you say this is a dup or related?
- [14:24] Moon Metty: so noone ever really looked at it
- [14:24] Youri Ashton: ram:71%
- [14:24] Youri Ashton: and i got 4gb of ram o_0
- [14:24] Moon Metty: looking at the core 1 at 100% it is a dupe
- [14:24] Youri Ashton: so that must be a leak
- [14:24] Bambers Linden: does this still happen in 1.23.4 Production?
- [14:25] Moon Metty: i have a new video card, i don't have the problem any more
- [14:25] xstorm Radek: ok that core bit is not working for me im on a server
- [14:25] Youri Ashton: leak that eats ram and CPU power
- [14:25] Youri Ashton: yes
- [14:25] Youri Ashton: yes @ bamber
- [14:25] Youri Ashton: s
- [14:25] Yann Dufaux: yik, i know that, my picture at the french club in same times i,m on aditi
- [14:25] xstorm Radek: i have a Processor Quad-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 1352, 2100 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
- [14:25] Youri Ashton: even on snowglobe and nightly
- [14:25] Moon Metty: there is a workaround now
- [14:26] Bambers Linden: oh?
- [14:26] xstorm Radek: and snowglobe
- [14:26] Moon Metty: i put it in the description of vwr-5574
- [14:26] xstorm Radek: is there moon ?
- [14:26] Youri Ashton: CPU: Intel Core 2 Series Processor (2999 MHz)
- Memory: 4095 MB
- [14:26] Moon Metty: yes, a NVIDIA control panel setting
- [14:26] Bambers Linden: hmm
- [14:26] xstorm Radek: thats GPU ?
- [14:27] xstorm Radek: not the cpu
- [14:27] Youri Ashton: GPU is for videocard indeed
- [14:27] Moon Metty: the SL client should be in the NVIDA list of programs that can't handle threading
- [14:27] Bambers Linden: would this make that a dupe? Or just the same symptoms?
- [14:27] Moon Metty: then the bug doesn't occur
- [14:27] Bambers Linden: dup sorry
- [14:27] Youri Ashton: dont have to dupe it bambers
- [14:27] Bambers Linden: ;)
- [14:27] Youri Ashton: its there from the starty
- [14:27] Yann Dufaux: not, integrated my card is an nvidia 1024mbs and the viewer use a full memory cache ..
- [14:28] Youri Ashton: you start up the viewer, its normal. you login, it drasticly starts to eat
- [14:28] Youri Ashton: it stops only when ever you shut down the viewer
- [14:28] Squirrel Wood: Omnomnom
- [14:28] Youri Ashton: so deffo a leak
- [14:28] xstorm Radek: ok so there is a nvidia setting for SL to help it stop using the CPU as much ?
- [14:29] Youri Ashton: yes there is x
- [14:29] Moon Metty: yes, in the NVIDIA control panel
- [14:29] Youri Ashton: just shut down as much graphical things you can possibily do :p
- [14:29] Moon Metty: but of course the client should be fixed
- [14:29] Youri Ashton: the less you ask of your pc, the less it will leak
- [14:29] Youri Ashton: but that may be a good thing to test
- [14:30] Bambers Linden: agreed
- [14:30] Youri Ashton: to see what part laggs most
- [14:30] Youri Ashton: this is just basicly a lag problem in general
- [14:30] Alexa Linden: action on this one Bambers?
- [14:30] Bambers Linden: perhaps add the workaround suggestion (I'm not 100% yet) but we're still waiting for a response to maestro's question
- [14:30] xstorm Radek: ok can there be a tech blog posted about the nvidia cards and its settings ?
- [14:30] Alexa Linden: link as related to Moon's?
- [14:31] Bambers Linden: i'd still say nmi
- [14:31] Alexa Linden: ok
- [14:31] Bambers Linden: yes, related
- [14:31] Bambers Linden: huh? I lost my chat
- [14:31] Moon Metty: i think it's a duplicate
- [14:31] Bambers Linden: oh, just lag :)
- [14:31] Youri Ashton: chat is slow today bambers
- [14:31] Alexa Linden: do you moon?
- [14:31] Gooden Uggla: yes, just...
- [14:31] Moon Metty: yes, it looks just like vwr-5574
- [14:31] Moon Metty: one core normal
- [14:32] Bambers Linden: yeah, I think I leaned on the chat throttle leaver again when I tied my shoelaces
- [14:32] Moon Metty: the other at 100%
- [14:32] Moon Metty: doing nothing i might add
- [14:32] Alexa Linden: bambers? dup and wait for response? NMI
- [14:32] Bambers Linden: yes
- [14:32] Alexa Linden: ok
- [14:32] Youri Ashton: strange moon, dual cores should share the load
- [14:32] Alexa Linden: thanks Moon :)
- [14:32] Moon Metty: :)
- [14:32] Yann Dufaux: gave you Its me!.
- [14:32] Youri Ashton: meaning splitting what is asked of it
- [14:32] Youri Ashton: did you update its drivers yet?
- [14:33] Bambers Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-15310
- [14:33] [[User:JIRA-helper: [#VWR-15310|JIRA-helper: [#VWR-15310]]:
- [14:33] Bambers Linden: oh, a patch
- [14:33] Bambers Linden: are we going to do these here?
- [14:33] Youri Ashton: just for moon's problem babmers
- [14:34] Youri Ashton: her CPU isnt reacting as it should
- [14:34] Alexa Linden: no, Robla's team will take that
- [14:34] Bambers Linden: ok
- [14:34] Alexa Linden: I'll poke them
- [14:34] Bambers Linden: ty
- [14:34] Bambers Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-15308
- [14:34] [[User:JIRA-helper: [#VWR-15308|JIRA-helper: [#VWR-15308]]:
- [14:34] Squirrel Wood: Audiodg.exe is a vista/W7 thing. does not exist on xp systems afaik.
- [14:35] Youri Ashton: this one is related to the other CPU problem
- [14:35] Youri Ashton: dupe
- [14:35] Moon Metty: no no
- [14:35] Moon Metty: there is another report of voice using a lot of CPU
- [14:35] Bambers Linden: not sure it'd be a dupe
- [14:35] Youri Ashton: oh wait
- [14:35] Youri Ashton: i see it, lol
- [14:35] Youri Ashton: sound
- [14:35] Bambers Linden: this is Vista's audio engine
- [14:35] Gooden Uggla: vista audio engine host
- [14:36] Gooden Uggla: and it's as good as the rest of vista :)
- [14:36] Squirrel Wood: and windows 7
- [14:36] Bambers Linden: :)
- [14:36] Ellla McMahon: Could it be related to this [1]
- [14:36] [[User:JIRA-helper: [#VWR-14914|JIRA-helper: [#VWR-14914]]:
- [14:36] Youri Ashton: could be why my sound and mic turn on me all the time
- [14:36] Youri Ashton: haha
- [14:37] Youri Ashton: System Error
- A system error has occurred.
- If this problem persists - please notify your JIRA administrator of this problem.
- [14:37] Youri Ashton: i tried to push the watch it button
- [14:37] Alexa Linden: don't look at me!
- [14:37] Bambers Linden: huh?
- [14:37] Gooden Uggla: it's the engine that protect DRM, and it's causing problems, go figure...
- [14:37] Youri Ashton: i do, your the boss of it :D
- [14:37] Bambers Linden: flees
- [14:37] Alexa Linden: lol
- [14:37] Youri Ashton: just letting know :)
- [14:38] Youri Ashton: it logged me out as well
- [14:38] Alexa Linden: :(
- [14:38] Bambers Linden: anyone on Vista or Win 7?
- [14:38] Youri Ashton: vista ultimate
- [14:38] Bambers Linden: (I don't have a box to test it on here)
- [14:38] Alexa Linden: nope
- [14:38] Bambers Linden: do you see the problem?
- [14:38] Youri Ashton: I do actually
- [14:39] Squirrel Wood: at work.. W7... but can't run SL there. thanks to a web proxy that uses ntlm authentication :p
- [14:39] Bambers Linden: is there anything else you can add based on the observation Youri?
- [14:39] Bambers Linden: and should we get more info or bring it in?
- [14:39] Youri Ashton: ill look further into it tomorrow, ill try to test a bit and see what i can add
- [14:40] Alexa Linden: thanks youri
- [14:40] Alexa Linden: Last Traiged date for now then?
- [14:40] Bambers Linden: ossm - thank you
- [14:40] Alexa Linden: triaged*
- [14:40] Bambers Linden: yes
- [14:40] Alexa Linden: k
- [14:40] Bambers Linden: if it sees action we can triage it next time
- [14:40] Bambers Linden: neeeeeeeEEEEEEEeeeeeeeext
- [14:40] Yann Dufaux: i have my laptop amd x2 with vista for friday, if you want more test
- [14:40] Bambers Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-15306
- [14:40] [[User:JIRA-helper: [#VWR-15306|JIRA-helper: [#VWR-15306]]:
- [14:41] Youri Ashton: k, its placed on watch it and i got it noted
- [14:41] xstorm Radek: im so glad im on a pc server
- [14:42] Gooden Uggla: hmmm... bad timing?
- [14:42] Bambers Linden: why do you say that Gooden?
- [14:43] Bambers Linden: you mean sim or grid disruption at the reported time?
- [14:44] Bambers Linden: does anybody have Snow Leopard yet, by the way?
- [14:44] Youri Ashton: ugh, some peopel never seem to know when im busy :p
- [14:44] Gooden Uggla: yes, i have snow leopard, and just crashed lol
- [14:45] Bambers Linden: d'oh!
- [14:45] Moon Metty: hehe
- [14:45] Youri Ashton: hey patty
- [14:45] Bambers Linden: send up then crash report! :D
- [14:45] Youri Ashton: :p
- [14:45] Squirrel kisses: xstorm's Nose.
- [14:46] xstorm Radek: EEEPPPP
- [14:46] Squirrel Wood: Muhaha!
- [14:46] Gooden Uggla: bad timing in that there was a nvidia driver update that causes problems and the systemic degradation of the grid AND a upgrade to snow leopard hit that guy all at once - the suggestions in the jira are about all he can do
- [14:46] xstorm Radek: i have a kiss nose ?
- [14:46] xstorm Radek: OMG!!
- [14:47] Squirrel Wood: yes you has.
- [14:47] Bambers Linden: oh wow... that's quite bad timing
- [14:48] Bambers Linden: in that case ask if the problem persists now?
- [14:48] Bambers Linden: (and are we sure the crash wasn't related..?) ;~)
- [14:48] Alexa Linden: ok
- [14:48] Gooden Uggla: that and tell him to disable anti-aliasing...
- [14:48] Bambers Linden: good call
- [14:48] Alexa Linden: ok
- [14:48] Bambers Linden: ok, let's move on...
- [14:48] Gooden Uggla: lol i'm sure it was related, i love irony...
- [14:49] xstorm Radek: i had to do that
- [14:49] Bambers Linden: another SVC one
- [14:49] Bambers Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-15306
- [14:49] [[User:JIRA-helper: [#VWR-15306|JIRA-helper: [#VWR-15306]]:
- [14:49] Moon Metty: lol
- [14:49] Bambers Linden: huh?
- [14:49] Ciaran Laval: looks to be mostly sorted
- [14:49] Squirrel Wood: deja vu
- [14:49] Bambers Linden: well it wouldn't be the same if I didn't mess up ONCE at least
- [14:49] Youri Ashton: lol
- [14:49] Squirrel Wood: ^^
- [14:49] Bambers Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-4757
- [14:49] [[User:JIRA-helper: [#SVC-4757|JIRA-helper: [#SVC-4757]]:
- [14:49] Youri Ashton: your only human bambers
- [14:49] Bambers Linden: lol
- [14:50] Squirrel Wood: Ha!
- [14:50] Squirrel Wood: We can't test that one
- [14:50] Ciaran Laval: lol
- [14:50] Bambers Linden: lol
- [14:50] Gooden Uggla: hmmm... a bug that only effects lindens when they're being sneaky?
- [14:50] Bambers Linden: I don't think I can
- [14:50] Youri Ashton: euhm... linden god mode used by a non linden?? am i the only one curious about that???
- [14:50] Squirrel Wood: unless you enable god mode for all squirrels in SL so we can take over the wo.. errrrmmm... ya.
- [14:50] Gooden Uggla: invokes the karma rule
- [14:50] Alexa Linden: who said we hid?
- [14:50] Bambers Linden: is a bug that only affects lindens really a feature..?
- [14:50] Bambers Linden: :P ok, a sensible one...
- [14:51] Moon Metty: :)
- [14:51] Bambers Linden: a web bug!
- [14:51] Bambers Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-1281
- [14:51] Alexa Linden: I like this one
- [14:51] [[User:JIRA-helper: [#WEB-1281|JIRA-helper: [#WEB-1281]]:
- [14:51] Bambers Linden: cool
- [14:51] Bambers Linden: aw, no url?
- [14:51] Gooden Uggla: yup, the new events calendar is all kinds of b0rked, where to start...
- [14:52] Youri Ashton: the calender is borked indeed
- [14:52] Youri Ashton: old one was pretty useless as well
- [14:52] Bambers Linden: we should report this...
- [14:52] Youri Ashton: agreed bambers
- [14:52] Gooden Uggla: introducing flash to a old system is neever a good idea...
- [14:52] Ciaran Laval: Yeah it ignores the selected date
- [14:53] Bambers Linden: does this specific bug still repro?
- [14:53] Alexa Linden: import then?
- [14:53] Bambers Linden: import
- [14:53] Alexa Linden: kk
- [14:53] Gooden Uggla: yes, it repros, try it
- [14:53] Bambers Linden: hopefully we'll get more issues reported about the other event issues
- [14:54] Bambers Linden: I'll poke people here
- [14:54] Youri Ashton: ill poke back :)
- [14:54] Bambers Linden: realises he just confessed to Lindens being people! d'oh!
- [14:54] Youri Ashton: POKE!!!!
- [14:54] Alexa Linden: :|
- [14:54] Alexa Linden: lies....
- [14:54] Patty1 Rosca: POKE!
- [14:54] Youri Ashton: POKE!!!!
- [14:54] Youri Ashton: :)
- [14:54] Fisher Linden: Too much facebook for you guys
- [14:54] Sea Urchin: beanbags: Going to next texture.
- [14:54] xstorm Radek: /POKE!
- [14:55] [[User:JIRA-helper: [#WEB-1280|JIRA-helper: [#WEB-1280]]:
- [14:55] Gooden Uggla: when i getr some time, i'll sart a meta issue with a few of my new favorites, including the lindex management link
- [14:55] Youri Ashton: actually bambers...
- [14:55] xstorm Radek: drats
- [14:55] Bambers Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-1280
- [14:55] Youri Ashton: torley beaten you to that :)
- [14:55] Bambers Linden: torley's not human - don't be silly
- [14:55] xstorm Radek: Poke!
- [14:55] xstorm Radek: poke!
- [14:55] Ciaran Laval: Is that a bug or by design? I'd imagine the former as it never used to do it
- [14:55] Bambers Linden: he's some kind of omniscient super teacher
- [14:55] Garn Conover: closing eyes in bliss to the scritch
- [14:56] Garn Conover: closing eyes in bliss to the scritch
- [14:56] Moon Metty: wow , chat is really arriving in the wrong order now
- [14:56] Garn Conover: Mrewp Mrewp! ^_^
- [14:56] Garn Conover: cuz im here prbly
- [14:56] Bambers Linden: yeah - even Jirabot got there before me
- [14:56] Moon Metty: yes hehe
- [14:56] Bambers Linden: so web 1280 is more event calendar
- [14:56] Youri Ashton: chatlag is really bad lately
- [14:56] Alexa Linden: yup
- [14:56] Youri Ashton: has been bad for past month
- [14:57] Alexa Linden: I can ask on this and import if needed
- [14:57] Youri Ashton: i wonder why no linden has noticed it and actually tried fixing it
- [14:57] Garn Conover: nci is about to hit the 10k members mark.. we are not looking forward to that lol
- [14:57] Alexa Linden: Grats Garn
- [14:57] Gooden Uggla: *smiles* at youri
- [14:57] Garn Conover: be nice if groups worked smoothly :)
- [14:58] Damnred Daines: hah what a cute place to sit :D
- [14:58] Alexa Linden: Shall we call it a lagtastic ending to our meeting?
- [14:58] Bambers Linden: import then?
- [14:58] xstorm Radek: cute ?
- [14:58] Alexa Linden: yup
- [14:58] Bambers Linden: yup
- [14:58] xstorm Radek: Hi Welcome to scond life if you need help please let us know.
- [14:58] Alexa Linden: and we're done for the Day!
- [14:58] Garn Conover: Alexa u gonna try and import my lagggyness? lol
- [14:58] Ciaran Laval: Sure it never used to ask you every time you posted an event and the warning is generic
- [14:58] Squirrel Wood: hmm
- [14:58] Alexa Linden: and are good to go for next Wednesday too
- [14:58] Youri Ashton: :)
- [14:58] Garn Conover: its been how long sicne ive made it? hehe
- [14:58] Squirrel Wood: SVC-4751 is not really an issue. Its bad scripted lsl code :p
- [14:58] JIRA-helper: http//jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-4751:
- [#SVC-4751] rotation Presets: no longer work when transfered from one sim to another
- [14:58] Youri Ashton: always the next bug to fix :)
- [14:59] Alexa Linden: I don't think it used to either
- [14:59] Alexa Linden: thanks everyone!
- [14:59] Gooden Uggla: nope, only the first one, not after that