Buy Currency Test
[LENGTH] 00:30
[OVERVIEW] An 'Object' would be an actual object in the Region, like a Vendor. An 'Item' would be an item for sale in the contents of an Object. Try all 5 ways in which we sell items. For each way, try to buy both an item you can and can't afford.
[SETUP] Have two users available to run this test.
[NOTE] The 5 ways to purchase an item (without using a money script, which we don't try to catch) are:
[Sell Object Original]
[0010] User A: Rez a prim (i.e. Right click on the floor; Select "Create" from the radial menu; Select a prim from the pop-up menu; Left-click on the floor/ground).
[0010.0010] User A: Copy the newly rezzed object.
[0010.0020] User A: Set the original object for sale (i.e General Tab of the Edit Window) (e.g. $L5) selecting "Original" for sale type.
[0010.0030] User A: Close the "Edit" Window.
[0010.0040] User B: Purchase User A's object (i.e. right-click on User A's object and select "Buy").
[0010.0050] User B: Confirm that the object purchased from User A, now lists User B as the owner of the object (i.e. right-click on the object, and check under the "General" Tab, that User B is listed as the new owner).
[Sell Object Copy]
[0020] User A: Using the copy made in step [0010.0010], above,
[0020.0010] User A: Set the copy of the object for sale (i.e.General Tab of the Edit Window) (e.g. $L5) selecting a sale-type of "Copy".
[0020.0020] User A: Close the "Edit" Window.
[0030.0030] User B: Purchase User A's object (i.e. right-click on the User A's object and select "Buy").
[0030.0040] User B: Check Inventory to see if a copy of User A's object appears in User B's Inventory as expected.
[0030.0050] User B: Check Inventory. Be sure that User B's "Inventory" view automatically highlights and scrolls to the object just acquired in the purchase.
[Sell Object Contents]
[0040] User A: Rez a prim (see [0010] above for procedure, if necessary).
[0040.0010] User A: Drag some items (e.g. 5) from inventory, having "Sell" and "Copy" permissions set, into the newly rezzed prim. Be careful of the possibility of losing your only copy: Verify that the items in question have the "Sell" *and* "Copy" permission set.
[0040.0020] User A: Set the object for sale (ie. $L5) and select the "Contents" permission for sale type (i.e. "Contents" radio-button in the "General" section of the Edit Window).
[0040.0030] User A: Close the "Edit" Window.
[0050.0010] User B: Right click on User A's object and select "Buy".
[0050.0020] User B: Be sure all the contents and next owner permissions expected to be purchased shows in the "Buy Content" window.
[0050.0030] User B: If the "Wear Clothing Now" options applies, then enable that feature.
[0050.0040] If all appears to be correct, as given above, then continue with the purchasing process and click "BUY".
[0050.0050] User B: Check <Inventory>.
[0050.0060] User B: Be sure that the Inventory view automatically - highlights - and - scrolls to - the folder containing the contents which had been just purchased, immediately prior.
[0050.0070] User B: Open the folder and check that all items appear with the correct "Next Owner" permissions.
[0050.0080] User B: Verify that any wearable items among those purchased, are being worn as expected.
[Sell Item Original]
[0060.0010] User A: Rez a prim (See [0010] above for procedure if needed.)
[0060.0020] User A: Copy the newly rezzed object.
[0060.0030] User A: Select the Content Tab of the Edit Window and have User A drag items (that he has permissions to sell) into the Content tab area of the object from their inventory.
[0060.0040] User A: right click on each of the items listed under the Contents Tab, and select Properties. In the Object Inventory Item Properties window, mark item for Sale, citing price and selecting Original. Close Properties and Edit windows.
[0070.0010] User B: right click on User A's Object, then select Edit.
[0070.0020] User B: goto the Content Tab, right click on each item and select Buy For $L. Check that the Confirm Purchase popup window states exactly what is expected to be purchased, then select BUY.
[0070.0030] User B: check their Inventory. Be sure that their Inventory view automatically highlights and scrolls to the object just acquired in the purchase.
[Sell Item Copy]
[0080.0010] User A: Using the copy made in step [0040.0020], above,
[0080.0020] User A: Select the Content Tab of the Edit Window and have User A drag items (that he has permissions to sell) into the Content tab area of the object from their inventory.
[0080.0030] User A: right click on each of the items listed under the Contents Tab, and select Properties. In the Object Inventory Item Properties window, mark item for Sale, citing price and selecting Copy. Close Properties and Edit windows.
[0090.0010] User B: right click on User A's Object, then select Edit.
[0090.0020] User B: goto the Content Tab, right click on each item and select Buy For $L. Check that the Confirm Purchase popup window states exactly what is expected to be purchased, then select BUY.
[0090.0030] User B: check their Inventory. Be sure that their Inventory view automatically highlights and scrolls to the object just acquired in the purchase.
[0090.0040] User B: right click on the User A's Object, then select Edit again. Goto the Content Tab and check to see if all the contents just purchased are still listed as expected.
[Open Buy Currency page from the help menu] (Seem to be deprecated)
[0100.0010] Open the Help menu > Purchase L$.... , click the L$ button to the right of the time on the upper right of the screen and also click on your account balance.
[0100.0020] A Buying Currency dialog should pop up. This will eventually time out for non linden testers and give an error message (This is normal)
[0100.0030] Enter an amount in L$ to purchase and make sure the US$ price is updated
[0100.0040] Verify the purchase button is grayed out while it is recalculating the US$ price when you change the L$ amount
[0100.0050] Click purchase and verify the popup displays the correct information (Do you want to buy XXXL$ for approx YYYUS$)
[0100.0060] Click Yes and Verify the transaction is completed
[0100.0070] Repeat the above steps and on confirmation click No and verify the transaction doesnt complete.