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LSL Portal | Functions | Events | Types | Operators | Constants | Flow Control | Script Library | Categorized Library | Tutorials |
Name | Creator | Description |
StringIsNum | Zion Tristan | Return TRUE if a string based input consists entirely of a whole number, and return FALSE otherwise. |
Base2Dec | Siann Beck | Convert a number to decimal from any base. |
BinaryDecimalConverter | Soundless Smalls | Converts a binary value to a decimal value and vice versa. |
Float2Hex | Strife Onizuka | Very useful for transporting floats. |
Object to Data | Xaviar Czervik | Turns an object into text (and back). Allows people to transfer objects through notecards (or otherwise). |
UUID2Channel | Project Neox | Optimised version of the original key2channel generators. |