Describe Chatter

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Another avatar or object can ask what your avatar's name is, what your avatar's date-of-birth is, whether payment info is on file for your avatar, etc. The Linden servers will return this information without asking you for permission and without notifying you.

If you can see an avatar's profile, then Profile > 2nd Life will tell you things like Currently Online, Born mm/dd/yyyy, No Payment Info On File. If you can't, then this script can tell you those kinds of things.

Sample Results

Avatar info:
    Name: John Doe
    Birthday: 2007-09-23
    Payinfo: Has unused payment info on file.
    Online status: Offline


//  Touch prim to get avatar info as shown in the profile

key nameRequestId;
key birthdayRequestId;
key payinfoRequestId;
key onlineStatusRequestId;

string avatarLegacyName;
string avatarBirthday;
string avatarPayinfo;
string avatarOnlineStatus;

integer    gEventsReceived;               // Bit pattern of received dataserver events
integer    gMaskName = 1;
integer    gMaskBirthday = 2;
integer    gMaskPayinfo = 4;
integer    gMaskOnline  = 8;

key        gToucher;

    gEventsReceived = 0;
    avatarLegacyName = "";
    avatarBirthday = "";
    avatarPayinfo = "";
    avatarOnlineStatus = "";

        //  yellow and opaque
        llSetText("<~!~ touch to get avatar info ~!~>", <1, 1, 0>, 1);
    on_rez(integer start_param)

    changed(integer change)
        if (change & (CHANGED_OWNER | CHANGED_INVENTORY))

    touch_end(integer num_detected)
        gToucher = llDetectedKey(0);
        state working;

state working
        llSetText("=== please wait ===", <1, 0, 0>, 1);
        nameRequestId = llRequestAgentData(gToucher, DATA_NAME);
        birthdayRequestId = llRequestAgentData(gToucher, DATA_BORN);
        payinfoRequestId = llRequestAgentData(gToucher, DATA_PAYINFO);
        onlineStatusRequestId = llRequestAgentData(gToucher, DATA_ONLINE);

    dataserver(key query_id, string data)
        if (query_id == NULL_KEY)

        if (query_id == nameRequestId)
            gEventsReceived = gEventsReceived | gMaskName;
            avatarLegacyName = data;
        else if (query_id == birthdayRequestId)
            gEventsReceived = gEventsReceived | gMaskBirthday;
            avatarBirthday = data;
        else if (query_id == payinfoRequestId)
            gEventsReceived = gEventsReceived | gMaskPayinfo;
            integer payInfo = (integer)data;
            if (payInfo  & ~(PAYMENT_INFO_ON_FILE | PAYMENT_INFO_USED))
                avatarPayinfo = "- payinfo request failed -";

                integer hasPayinfo = (payInfo & PAYMENT_INFO_ON_FILE);
                integer usedPayinfo = (payInfo & PAYMENT_INFO_USED);
                avatarPayinfo = "Has no payment info on file.";
                if (hasPayinfo)
                    avatarPayinfo = "Has unused payment info on file.";
                    if (usedPayinfo)
                        avatarPayinfo =  "Has used payment info on file.";
        else if (query_id == onlineStatusRequestId)
            gEventsReceived = gEventsReceived | gMaskOnline;
            avatarOnlineStatus = "Offline";
            if ( (integer) data )
                avatarOnlineStatus = "Online";

        if (gEventsReceived == (gMaskName | gMaskBirthday | gMaskPayinfo | gMaskOnline ) )
            llSay(0, "Avatar info:"
                + "\n\tName: " + avatarLegacyName
                + "\n\tBirthday: " + avatarBirthday
                + "\n\tPayinfo: " + avatarPayinfo
                + "\n\tOnline status: " + avatarOnlineStatus);
            state default;

        llSay(0, "Sorry, did not get a response for all requested info. Please try again!");
        state default;

See Also


llRequestAgentData - ask to receive information about of an agent, such as birth date

llSetText - float text over a prim