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Function: key llRequestAgentData( key id, integer data );
0.1 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Requests data about agent id. When data is available the dataserver event will be raised
Returns the handle (a key) for the dataserver event when it is raised.

• key id avatar UUID
• integer data DATA_* flag

data Constant Type Description
DATA_ONLINE 1 (integerboolean If the requested agent is online
DATA_NAME 2 string The requested agent's legacy name
DATA_BORN 3 string The account creation/"born on" date as a string in an ISO 8601 format of YYYY-MM-DD.
DATA_RATING 4 llCSV2List() Deprecated: Returns [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Used to return: [pos_behavior, neg_behavior, pos_appearance, neg_appearance, pos_building, neg_building]
DATA_PAYINFO 8 (integermask Flag Description
PAYMENT_INFO_ON_FILE 0x1 If payment info is on file.
PAYMENT_INFO_USED 0x2 If payment info has been used.


  • This function causes the script to sleep for 0.1 seconds.
  • DATA_BORN is not UTC. It is Pacific Time based.
  • It's worth restating: if the requested data does not exist - or if the key given is not for an agent - then dataserver will not be raised.


key owner_key;
key owner_name_query;
string owner_name;

        owner_key = llGetOwner();
        owner_name_query = llRequestAgentData(owner_key, DATA_NAME);
    dataserver(key queryid, string data)
        if ( owner_name_query == queryid )
            owner_name = data;
            llSay(0, "The owner of this script is called : " + owner_name );
}//Anylyn Hax 06:19, 23 July 2007 (PDT)
    Server friendly online status example by Daemonika Nightfire.
    It is not a big load for the server to check every 2 minutes if there is an avatar in the region.
    But it is nonsense to trigger a dataserver event for online status when nobody is in the region.
    For this purpose, the script checks the number of avatars in the region on each pass.

key owner;
float repeat = 120.0; // 60 - 120 sec. Recommended, faster than 60 seconds and LL will kick your XXX.

key status_request;
    integer agent_count = llGetRegionAgentCount();
    if(agent_count > 0) // skip the request if nobody is in the region
        status_request = llRequestAgentData(owner, DATA_ONLINE);

        owner = llGetOwner();

    dataserver(key queryid, string data)
        if(queryid == status_request) 
            // requested data contains the string "0" or "1" for DATA_ONLINE
            // i convert it to an integer and use the boolean as index
            //list index = [   0,       1,     2(0+2), 3(1+2)  ]
            list status = ["OFFLINE","ONLINE",<1,0,0>,<0,1,0>];
            string text = llList2String(status,(integer)data);    // boolean/index = 0   or 1
            vector color = llList2Vector(status,(integer)data+2); // boolean/index = 0+2 or 1+2
            llSetText(text, color, 1.0);
    on_rez(integer Dae)

See Also


•  dataserver


•  llGetAgentInfo

Deep Notes

If you merely wish to show avatar name information in the viewer window, it may be more straightforward to avoid a DATA_NAME dataserver event and simply output:
llSay(0, "secondlife:///app/agent/" + (string)id + "/about");


function key llRequestAgentData( key id, integer data );