Message Layout
{ GroupAccountTransactionsRequest Low NotTrusted Zerocoded { AgentData Single { AgentID LLUUID } { SessionID LLUUID } { GroupID LLUUID } } { MoneyData Single { RequestID LLUUID } { IntervalDays S32 } { CurrentInterval S32 } } }
Usage and Notes
This message is used to ge the account transactions for a given group over a set period of time.
RequestID - A unique identifier which identifies this request. Any reply to this message will have the request ID in it so as go signifgy which replies go with which requests
IntervalDays - The current interval (in days) in which the group transactions will be computed for. For example, if you want a week's worth of data, the interval would be 7. Any number less than 1 will rounded to 1.
CurrentInterval - The interval (where the length of the interval is defined by IntervalDays) in which to end the details history in intervals ago. A value of 0 means "ending today". For example, if the interval is a week and you want to request the data for this past week, you would specify 0 here. For data from 2 weeks ago until last week, you would specify a value of 1. Any number less than 0 will be rounded to 0.