Landmarks test

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Landmarks Test

work in progress For this test, you will need two accounts, A and B. You may find the test easier to complete if B is a god.

Landmarks In Inventory

  1. A: Log in, make sure you are over public and create a landmark by clicking on the 'World | Create Landmark Here' drop down menu. A floater should appear containing "Teleport", "Map" and "Discard". Click "Discard". Open 'Inventory | My Inventory | Landmarks' and make sure the inventory is sorted by date. Make sure the newly discarded landmark is not in your inventory. Recreate the landmark and close the floater that is created upon landmark creation. Open 'Inventory | My Inventory | Landmarks' and make sure the inventory is sorted by date. At the top of your landmarks there should be a new landmark named '$REGION_NAME ($X, $Y)'.
  2. A: Double click on the landmark. A floater should appear with options to "Teleport" and "Tap"." Click "Map" to open the map. A red circle should appear at your location in the map and a highlight beacon should show up at your current location.
  3. B: Log in and buy two parcels side by side on the public land where A was creating landmarks. You may need to approve the parcels in the webdev csr tool or force ownership to B using the god tools. Name one of the parcels 'yes landmarks' and the other one 'no landmarks.' In the 'About land | Options' set 'no landmarks' to not allow landmarks, and make sure 'yes landmarks' allows landmarks.
  4. A: Walk into 'yes landmarks' and create a landmark by clicking on 'World | Create Landmark Here.' You should have a new landmark named 'yes landmarks, $REGION_NAME ($X, $Y)'.
  5. A: Walk into 'no landmarks' and create a landmark by clicking on 'World | Create Landmark Here.' You should get a message explaining that you cannot create a landmark in your current location.
  6. A: Log out, log back in, teleport to a different region, and double click one of landmarks created above. The now familiar floater should appear. Clicking "Map" should create many things: a highlight beacon at the location in world with an arrow indicating relative direction from you, a distance indicator should indicate the distance to the landmark, and a red circle should appear in the maps.
  7. A: Log out, clear your cache and vfs, log back in, teleport to a third region, and double click one of landmarks created above. The now familiar floater should appear. Clicking "Map" should create many things: a highlight beacon at the location in world with an arrow indicating relative direction from you, a distance indicator should indicate the distance to the landmark, and a red circle should appear in the maps.
  8. A: Teleport to the landmark from the map window or the "Teleport" button that is in the floater that appears when you doulbe click the landmark in your inventory. You should be teleported to the nearest telehub and the beacon and circle should still appear in the world and map.

Landmarks In Scripts

  1. A: Rename one of the landmarks above to 'foo', create a box, click on the contents tab, drag 'foo' into the contents, click on new script, and put the landmark script in the appendix below into the script and save it.
  2. A: After the script has been saved, click on the box. You should get the request message, and a response message shortly. Verify that the position given is correct.

Landmarks to Events

  1. B: Create an event on one of your properties.
  2. A: Find the event created by B in the find dialog, click on create landmark. You should get a landmark in your inventory for the event.


This is the landmark script used above.

   dataserver(key k, string data)
       llSay(0, "Response: " + (string)k + ", " + data);
   touch_start(integer total_number)
       key k = llRequestInventoryData("foo");
       llSay(0, "Request: " + (string)k);