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Function: string llChar( integer val );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Construct a single character string from the supplied Unicode value.
Returns a string

• integer val Unicode value for character.

This function returns a single character string generated from the character at the indicated UTF-32 codepoint.
If val is negative, the codepoint has no valid single-character UTF-16 representation such as a part of a surrogate pair, or is outside defined range, the Unicode replacement character "�" (0xFFFD) is returned.
If val is 0, an empty string is returned.


    touch_start(integer total_number)
        string test_string = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog";
        list test_list = [];
        string test_string2 = "";
        integer index;
        integer ord;
        for (index = 0; index < llStringLength(test_string); ++index)
            ord = llOrd(test_string, index);
            test_list = test_list + [ ord ];
        string char;
        for (index = 0; index < llGetListLength(test_list); ++index)
            ord = llList2Integer(test_list, index);
            char = llChar(ord);
            test_string2 = test_string2 + char;
        llSay(0, "\"" + test_string + "\" -> [" + 
            llDumpList2String(test_list, ", ") + "] -> \"" + test_string2 + "\"");

See Also


• llOrd Convert a character into an ordinal
• llHash Calculate a 32bit hash for a string


•  "Wikipedia logo"UTF-32

Deep Notes


function string llChar( integer val );