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Function: list llLinksetDataDeleteFound( string pattern, string pass );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

The llLinksetDataDeleteFound function finds and attempts to delete all keys in the data store that match pattern. This function will delete protected key-value pairs only if the matching pass phrase is passed in the pass parameter. The function returns a list, the first entry in the list is the number of keys deleted, the second entry in the list is the number of keys that could not be deleted due to a non-matching pass phrase. If this function successfully deletes any keys from the datastore it will trigger a linkset_data event with the type of LINKSET_DATA_MULTIDELETE, the key name will consist of a comma separated list of the key names removed from the datastore.
Returns a list of the number of keys deleted or skipped.

• string pattern A regular expression describing which keys to delete.
• string pass Optional pass phrase to delete protected keys.


pattern is a Regular expression.



Regular Expression Cheat Sheet

. Matches any character
^ Matches the beginning of the string.
$ Matches the end of the string.
Expression Prefixes
(?i) Makes search string case insensitive. This must be the first thing that appears in the search string.

"(?i)apple" will match "apple", "APPLE", "ApPlE", and any other combination of upper and lower case characters.

$ Matches the end of the string.
* Matches the preceding atom 0 or more times.
+ Matches the preceding atom 1 or more times.
? Matches the preceding atom 0 or 1 times.


{n, m}

Matches the preceding atom n, n or more, or between n and m times.
(expression) Text enclosed in parentheses is a marked sub-expression. Text matched as part of a sub-expressions is split out and may be repeated.
a | b Match either a or b.
Character Sets
[abc] Matches any one of the enumerated characters.
[a-c] Matches any character in the specified range.
[^abc] Matches any character other than the enumerated characters.
[[:name:]] Matches any character of the named class.
Any of the above character set definitions may be combined.
Escape Sequences
Specific Characters
\e ASCII 0x1B, ESC
\n New line
\r Carriage return
\t Tab
\xdd Matches an ASCII character with the code dd
Single character classes


Any decimal digit.
  • \d → [[:digit:]] or [0-9]
  • \D → [^[:digit:]] or [^0-9]


Any lower case character.
  • \l → [[:lower:]] or [a-z]
  • \L → [^[:lower:]] or [^a-z]


Any whitespace character.
  • \s → [[:space:]] or [ \t\r\n]
  • \S → [^[:space:]] or [^ \t\r\n]


Any upper case character.
  • \u → [[:upper:]] or [A-Z]
  • \U → [^[:upper:]] or [^A-Z]


Any "word" character.

Alphanumeric plus underscore

  • \w → [[:upper:][:lower:][:digit:]_] or [A-Za-z0-9_]
  • \W → [^[:upper:][:lower:][:digit:]_] or [^A-Za-z0-9_]
Word boundaries
\< Start of word.
\> End of word
\B Not a word boundary.

*Note* LSL uses '\' as an escape character in strings. The escape characters above must be double escaped. So "\d" needs to be written in LSL as "\\d"

Please see LSL Strings, Escape Codes

Named Character Classes
alnum Any alpha-numeric character.
  • [[:alnum:]] → [0-9a-zA-Z]
  • [^[:alnum:]] → [^0-9a-zA-Z]
alpha Any alphabetic character.
  • [[:alpha:]] → [a-zA-Z]
  • [^[:alpha:]] → [^a-zA-Z]
blank Any whitespace character that is not a line separator.
cntrl Any control character
  • [[:cntrl:]] → [\x01-\x31]
  • [^[:cntrl:]] → [^\x01-\x31]


Any decimal digit
  • [[:digit:]] → [0-9]
  • [^[:digit:]] → [^0-9]


Any lower case character.
  • [[:lower:]] → [a-z]
  • [^[:lower:]] → [^a-z]
print Any printable character.
punct Any punctiation character.


Any whitespace character.


Any upper case character.
  • [[:upper:]] → [A-Z]
  • [^[:upper:]] → [^A-Z]


Any control character
  • [[:word:]] → [0-9a-zA-Z_]
  • [^[:word:]] → [^0-9a-zA-Z_]
xdigit Any hexadecimal digit character
  • [[:xdigit:]] → [0-9a-fA-F]
  • [^[:xdigit:]] → [^0-9a-fA-F]

Deep Notes


function list llLinksetDataDeleteFound( string pattern, string pass );