MLPV2 Users Reference
This document describes what standard MLPV2 menu buttons do. Note that this applies only if the builder used the standard OPTIONS menu without modifications and followed common conventions.
STAND button
STAND brings up a standing pose, suitable for use when beginning or quitting.
STOP button
STOP causes the STAND pose to happen momentarily, and then unseats all avatars and deletes the poseballs. It also shuts down any scripts that are not needed while the product isn't active. The product remains ready for immediate use.
SWAP button
SWAP exchanges the participants' roles in the pose. It has no effect with solo poses. For couples, it exchanges the two participants. For poses with more than two poseballs, the default is to swap the first two, but more sophisticated swaps can be configured in the notecards.
BACK button
BACK returns to the previous menu in the menu hierarchy.
Chat button
Chat turns menu action chatting on and off. Typically, MLPV2 chats the pose name when a pose is selected. This button alternately enables and disables that, along with other chat messages that MLPV2 issues. That means that if you happen to be toggling options such as "MenuUsers" and "BallUsers", which normally chat to you what setting you have just selected... that means that you won't hear that. You need to have Chat on to hear what setting you have just selected.
Adjust Pos button
Adjust Pos turns pose adjustment mode on or off.
Normally, adjustment mode is off.
When adjustment mode is on, poseballs that are sat upon turn into semi-transparent beams that are easy to select and reposition.
In adjustment mode, whenever a new pose is selected, the current pose's position (including props, as of MLPV2.4TBD ) is saved before starting the new pose. Selecting the same pose abandons any changes to the current pose and returns it to the last saved position.
Save Pos button
This button saves the curren't pose's position to MLPV2 memory (but not to notecards).
Dump Pos button
This button dumps all pose positions from MLPV2 memory, suitable for saving to .POSITIONS notecards.
Save Prop button
This button saves the curren't pose's position to MLPV2 memory (but not to notecards).
Dump Prop button
This button dumps all prop positions from MLPV2 memory, suitable for saving to .PROPS notecards.
Ball Users button
This button cycles through three settings for who can use the poseballs
- OWNER - only the owner can sit
- GROUP - avatars other than the owner must wear group tag to sit (matching the MLPV2 object's group)
- ALL - any avatar can sit
Show/Hide button
This buttons alternately shows and hides the MLPV2 prim. It does not affect other prims.
Menu Users button
This button cycles through three settings for who can use the MLPV2 menus:
- OWNER - only the owner can use the menus
- GROUP - avatars other than the owner must wear group tag to use the menus (matching the MLPV2 object's group)
- ALL - any avatar can use the menus
However, specific menus may be further restricted to OWNER or GROUP based on notecard configuration, regardless of this setting.
Height button
This button presents a menu for adjusting the height of all poses.
Shutdown... Menu
Typically, only the owner can use this menu. However, for rental land, it may be wise to set this menu to GROUP (in the .MENUITEMS notecard).
Pos Reset button
This button causes MLPV2 to re-read the .POSITIONS and .PROPS notecards.
Menu Reset button
This button causes MLPV2 to re-read the .MENUITEMS notecards.
Restart button
This button does a full restart of MLPV2, including re-reading .MENUITEMS, .POSITIONS, and .PROPS notecards.
Shutdown! button
This button stops all MLPV2 scripts except one which remains running to allow restart on owner-click. Only the owner can use this button, regardless of other settings, because only the owner can click to restart MLPV2.
Sequence control buttons
These buttons are commonly found in menus that contain sequences. (Sequences are series of poses with optional sounds and chat.)
PAUSE button
The sequence pauses, staying in the current pose.
RESUME button
The sequence resumes with the next pose. If the sequence was not paused, this advances to the next pose rather than waiting for the timeout.