Mentor Messenger HUD
Latest Release: Beta 0.3
What is it?
The Second Life Mentor Messenger is a HUD designed and built by a talented Resident for the Second Life Mentors as a means for communication, in particular calling for a Mentor speaking a specific language to a location.
The reason for the HUD is because at present there are many Chat Bugs for Group Chat, especialy in the Second Life Mentor Groups, and so communication can be very tricky, however with this HUD it becomes alot easier, and alot more effective.
See the Pjira to search for these Bugs, and to sign up and find out more on how to Volunteer go here and remember mentors to check out the VTeam Blog here.
- Language Request
- Thai, Dutch, Polish, Chinese, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, German, Japanese, English, Spanish and French
- Teleport to Location
And more...
If you find a Bug with the HUD please edit this page, and list it below.
- Example
New Feature Requests
If you'd like to have a feature added to the HUD, please list your suggestions below.
- Show the name of the person who made the request
How to get one?
To get one of these HUD's you can IM James Benedek or Meghan Dench, alternatively look in the Group 'Chatty Mentors' Notice History.
Please respect the following conditions;
Don't use it to spam. Remember it is in Beta, be patient. Only if you are a Mentor may you use it. It is NOT for ReSale.