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Message Layout

	MoneySummaryReply Low NotTrusted Zerocoded
		AgentData		Single
		{	AgentID			LLUUID	}
		MoneyData			Single
		{	RequestID			LLUUID	}
		{	IntervalDays		S32	}
		{	CurrentInterval		S32	}
		{	StartDate			Variable	1	}	
		{	Balance				S32	}
		{	TotalCredits		S32	}
		{	TotalDebits			S32	}
		{	ObjectTaxCurrent	S32	}
		{	LightTaxCurrent		S32	}
		{	LandTaxCurrent		S32	}
		{	GroupTaxCurrent		S32	}
		{	ParcelDirFeeCurrent	S32	}
		{	ObjectTaxEstimate	S32	}
		{	LightTaxEstimate	S32	}
		{	LandTaxEstimate		S32	}
		{	GroupTaxEstimate	S32	}
		{	ParcelDirFeeEstimate			S32	}
		{	StipendEstimate		S32	}
		{	BonusEstimate		S32	}
		{	LastTaxDate			Variable	1	}	
		{	TaxDate				Variable	1	}	

Usage and Notes