Ohio Microcontinent
Ohio is a Microcontinent placed in Grid Sector I9, inside Estate Sea, Little Pacific Ocean. Its position is West to Jeogeot and South-East to Estate Continent. It has the transitory name A042, given by the Second Life Geography team. Current name, Ohio, comes from the fact that all sims are named Ohio.
The estate that owns this place is Ohio University Edu, so this is in fact an estate for teen people. Even so, access is granted for everybody. If you decide to come here, you must think that this is a General rating place, you must not be dressed in a provocative way and you must know that this is an institution.
It is formed of 6 sims, so this is a tiny microcontinent, but they all share common features. In center there is a building (the university). Around it, there are a many hills, plateaus and rivers. Trees can be seen on the plateaus, creating small forests. Many other buildings can be found in depressions or surrounded by trees. Sometimes, they are connected by roads.
There are a few parcels of Land With Restricted Access, but the largest part of this microcontinent can be visited easy.