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Message Layout

	ParcelPropertiesUpdate Low NotTrusted Zerocoded
		AgentData		Single
		{	AgentID			LLUUID	}
		{	SessionID		LLUUID	}
		ParcelData			Single
		{	LocalID			S32				}
		{	Flags			U32				}

		{	ParcelFlags		U32				}
		{	SalePrice		S32				}
		{	Name			Variable	1	}	
		{	Desc			Variable	1	}	
		{	MusicURL		Variable	1	}	
		{	MediaURL		Variable	1	}	
		{	MediaID			LLUUID			}
		{	MediaAutoScale	U8				}
		{	GroupID			LLUUID			}
		{	PassPrice		S32				}
		{	PassHours		F32				}
		{	Category		U8				}
		{	AuthBuyerID		LLUUID			}
		{	SnapshotID		LLUUID			}
		{	UserLocation	LLVector3		}
		{	UserLookAt		LLVector3		}
		{	LandingType		U8				}

Usage and Notes