Transaction result
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LSL Portal | Functions | Events | Types | Operators | Constants | Flow Control | Script Library | Categorized Library | Tutorials |
Event: transaction_result( key id, integer success, string data ){ ; }34 | Event ID |
Triggered when task receives asynchronous data
• key | id | – | matches the return of the llTransfer* function | |
• integer | success | – | TRUE if the transfer succeeded otherwise FALSE. | |
• string | data | – | On successful transactions this will contain a CSV of information pertaining to the transaction. In failure, a string will be returned matching one of the error tags below. |
llTransfer* Function
data CSV Contents |
Error Tag (Returned from data) | Error Tag Description |
key llTransferLindenDollars( key destination, integer amount )
LINDENDOLLAR_INSUFFICIENTFUNDS | The source agent does not have enough L$ for the transfer |
LINDENDOLLAR_ENTITYDOESNOTEXIST | The destination UUID is not a valid agent. | |
LINDENDOLLAR_BADCLOCKSKEW | There is bad clock skew between the sim host and the L$ service | |
INVALID_DESTINATION | Destination agent is not a valid UUID | |
INVALID_AMOUNT | Amount is <= 0 | |
THROTTLED | The scripted L$ throttle was hit for this object owner. | |
MISSING_PERMISSION_DEBIT | The script does not have debit permission | |
GROUP_OWNED | The object is group owned and thus can't give money | |
TRANSFERS_DISABLED | L$ transfers are disabled in the region | |
EXPIRED | The simulator timed out waiting for a response from the back-end service. | |
SERVICE_ERROR | There was an error connecting to the back-end service | |
LINDENDOLLAR_TRANSACTIONTIMEOUT | The transaction timed out. |
* A simple piggy bank, anyone can pay in money and anyone can click it to get money out.
* TO DO:
* - handle different errors differently based upon CSV output
* original by Strife Onizuka
* modified by Kireji Haiku:
* - because weird things happen in LSL when using more than one state
* - one should say thanks when being payed
* - added 0 L$ payment when bank is empty, to show failed payment notifications
* - added target UUID and L$ amount into transaction history, too
* Note from Traven Sachs (VWR-28201):
* In testing this script using an account with no funds - it has been noted that when the INSUFFICIENT FUNDS
* error occurs on Transaction Results that the Display of L$ on the account attempting to transfer funds will
* read as -1 on some viewers, even if the account has funds less than the transaction amount available to it.
* (i.e. if account has 7L and attempts to pay 10L the viewer display will read -1 L until the next L$ transaction
* occurs that is actually valid. Don't know if this is a viewer glitch or back end glitch but felt it should
* be mentioned.)
integer hasBeenGrantedDebitPerms;
integer amountGivenAwayOnClick;
integer totalLindenDollarsInBank;
list listOfTransactionRecords;
string floattext = "I have no L$ to give away :(";
if (amountGivenAwayOnClick <= totalLindenDollarsInBank
&& hasBeenGrantedDebitPerms)
floattext = "I have L$ "+ (string)totalLindenDollarsInBank + " to give away!";
llSetText(floattext, <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, (float)TRUE);
on_rez(integer start_param)
changed(integer change)
if (change & CHANGED_OWNER)
// how much money to give away each time?
amountGivenAwayOnClick = 10;
// how much money do we initially "have" in the bank?
totalLindenDollarsInBank = 50;
// request permissions to give away money, otherwise this won't work
key owner = llGetOwner();
llRequestPermissions(owner, PERMISSION_DEBIT);
touch_start(integer num_detected)
// if the script has been granted debit permissions
if (hasBeenGrantedDebitPerms)
key id = llDetectedKey(0);
// if we have at least as much money in the bank as we would be giving away
if (amountGivenAwayOnClick <= totalLindenDollarsInBank)
// we add the transaction ID, the target avatar UUID and the L$ amount to a list
listOfTransactionRecords += [llTransferLindenDollars(id, amountGivenAwayOnClick), id, amountGivenAwayOnClick];
// we take the money from the bank
totalLindenDollarsInBank -= amountGivenAwayOnClick;
// will not work, cause paying 0 L$!
// will send a "failed payment" notification!
// only for DEMO purposes, usually you should do something like:
// llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Sorry, no money in the bank!");
// instead !!!
listOfTransactionRecords += [llTransferLindenDollars(id, 0), id, 0];
money(key id, integer amount)
// someone payed the bank!
totalLindenDollarsInBank += amount;
// be nice, say thanks
llInstantMessage(id, "Thanks a bunch!");
transaction_result(key id, integer success, string data)
integer index = llListFindList(listOfTransactionRecords, [id]);
//if the ID was found in our list
if (~index)
// if payment failed, give notice
if (!success)
key targetUUID = llList2Key(listOfTransactionRecords, index + 1);
integer amountNotPayed = llList2Integer(listOfTransactionRecords, index + 2);
llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "\n \nSorry, somehow the transaction has failed!"
+ "\ntransaction ID: " + (string)id
+ "\ntarget UUID: " + (string)targetUUID
+ "\namount not payed: " + (string)amountNotPayed
+ "\nfailure reason: " + data);
// if the amount that wasn't payed is more than 0 L$, put the money back into the bank
if (amountNotPayed)
totalLindenDollarsInBank += amountNotPayed;
// remove the entry again [transaction ID, target UUID, L$ amount]
listOfTransactionRecords = llDeleteSubList(listOfTransactionRecords, index, index + 2);
// total amount could have changed again...
run_time_permissions (integer perm)
// when owner granted debit perms, enable piggy bank functionality
hasBeenGrantedDebitPerms = TRUE;