User:Lum Pfohl/LSL Goodies/LumVision Presentation Script v0.1
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LumVision Presentation Script v0.1This is my script for an in-world slide show. Rez a cube and fill it with textures followed by this script. If the textures are named to be sequential, this presentations script will display each texture in that order. Touch the cube to start. A drop down menu will provide options to go back, go forward in the sequence of textures, or reset the script. // // LumVision-Presentation Script v 0.1 // // Written by Lum Pfohl December 11, 2007 // // set to TRUE if you want debug messages written to chat screen integer __debug=FALSE; string __version_id = "LumVision-Presentation Script v 0.1"; // global variables integer interval; integer currentTexture = 0; integer totalTextures = 0; list textureList = []; // these variables are used to make the drop down menues work. integer messageChannel = 999888; list dynMenu = ["Back", "Version", "Forward", "Reset"]; // this is a list of all the possible inventory types, as constants. list list_types = [INVENTORY_NONE, INVENTORY_TEXTURE, INVENTORY_SOUND, INVENTORY_LANDMARK, INVENTORY_CLOTHING, INVENTORY_OBJECT, INVENTORY_NOTECARD, INVENTORY_SCRIPT, INVENTORY_BODYPART, INVENTORY_ANIMATION, INVENTORY_GESTURE]; // this list is of the string names corresponding to the one above. list list_names = ["None", "Texture", "Sound", "Landmark", "Clothing", "Object", "Notecard", "Script", "Body Part", "Animation", "Gesture"]; default { state_entry() { // Read in the texture names in the prim and store it // This list will be in alphanumeric order, as found in the prim integer typeCount = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE); integer j; for ( j = 0; j < typeCount; j++) { string invName = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE,j); if (__debug) { llOwnerSay("Inventory " + invName ); } textureList += invName; totalTextures++; } if (__debug) { llOwnerSay("Found " + (string)totalTextures + " textures"); } // If there are textures found, set the very first texture in the list // onto face 0 of the prim. if (totalTextures > 0) { llSetTexture( llList2String(textureList, 0), 0 ); currentTexture = 0; } // initialize the channel on which the Presentation Script will talk to the owner via dialog messageChannel = (integer)llFrand(2000000000.0); llListen(messageChannel, "", NULL_KEY, ""); if (__debug) { llOwnerSay("Listenting on " + (string)messageChannel); } } // Reset the script when the object is rezzed - so that the Presentation is ready-to-go // on_rez( integer start_param ) { llResetScript(); } //Activate the menus, when the Presentation object is clicked (Touched) // touch_start(integer total_number) { if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) { llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), "What do you want to do?", dynMenu, messageChannel); } } // listen for for dialog box messages and respond to them as appropriate // listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { // If someone other than the owner attempts to click, do nothing and return // if( id != llGetOwner() ) { return; } // Evaluate the button presses // if ( message == "Version" ) { llWhisper(0, __version_id); return; } if ( message == "Reset" ) { llResetScript(); return; } if ( message == "Back" && currentTexture > 0 ) { currentTexture--; } else if ( message == "Forward" && (currentTexture >= 0) && (currentTexture < totalTextures)) { currentTexture++; } else { llDialog(llGetOwner(), "What do you want to do?", dynMenu, messageChannel); return; } // If there are textures to apply, do so now. Otherwise - quietly // do nothing. if ( totalTextures > 0 ) { // Ensure that we do not go out of bounds with the index if (currentTexture >= totalTextures) { currentTexture = 0; } // Set the new prim texture llSetTexture( llList2String(textureList, currentTexture), 0 ); // Pressing a menu button dismisses the blue card menu. //We need to show a new one, and wait for the user llDialog(llGetOwner(), "What do you want to do?", dynMenu, messageChannel); } } } Lum Pfohl 20:18, 13 December 2007 (PST) |