User:Nexii Malthus/SLMC/Combat Vehicles

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  • Introduction to Combat Vehicles
  • What a combat vehicle needs

What you need for a combat vehicle:

  • A movement engine
    • Most usually use the Linden Vehicle system, you can follow the normal tutorial on that and/or see this list of opensource vehicle scripts
    • It's possible to devise your own physics or non-physics based movement system
    • I've been working on non-physical multi-legged mechs that use raycasting for longer than llCastRay has existed, so in that tutorial I'll go over how to make one yourself
  • Setting SIT_FLAG_NO_DAMAGE on sit targets to prevent your vehicle crew from getting damaged and killed
    • On vehicle death you may choose to kill the crew via llDamage
  • Object-based health system, usually referred to as an armor system
  • Weapons or equipment if you want to turn it into an armed vehicle
    • For a weapon you want to follow similar approach as to making an attachment weapon, with a main script that manages the weapon and user controls as well as rezzer(s) depending on the firerate
    • In addition you may want to do prim animation in the case of a turret or pivot gun so that it rotates and aims per intentions of the driver or gunner