User:SignpostMarv Martin/Alert Request System/2007-10-27 19:00
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- [19:07] SignpostMarv Martin: this is the US-friendly meeting :-P
- [19:07] Jezzie McCellan: ah
- [19:07] Samantha Poindexter: U.S.A.!
- [19:07] Faithless Babii: oh.
- [19:07] Odysseus Fairymeadow: lol
- [19:07] Indego Hax: hey faith, how r u in both apprentice and mentor group?
- [19:07] Faithless Babii: its certainly not UK friendly at 2am lol
- [19:08] SignpostMarv Martin: shall we get started then ?
- [19:08] Jezzie McCellan: well as i am american i tend to be US friendly mostly
- [19:08] Faithless Babii: im not :(
- [19:08] Indego Hax: oh u rnt, thought i saw a mentor tag b4
- [19:08] Faithless Babii: maybe im not supposed to be at this one
- [19:08] Odysseus Fairymeadow: i don't see her in two groups
- [19:08] Faithless Babii: lol
- [19:08] Odysseus Fairymeadow: this is a resident organized meeting, don't think we'll kick you out quite yet. right signpost?
- [19:08] Bailey Longcloth: marv do you ever sleep?
- [19:08] Indego Hax: lol
- [19:08] Jezzie McCellan: I may have to pop out and back for a bit
- [19:08] Samantha Poindexter: Faithless: as far as I know, you're welcome to be here. It just won't help you graduate to full mentor status. :-)
- [19:09] SignpostMarv Martin: i sleep sometimes, yes :-P
- [19:09] Indego Hax: hi bailey
- [19:09] Faithless Babii: hmm well...
- [19:09] Bailey Longcloth: Hi Indego
- [19:09] Faithless Babii: maybe i need to do the right one...FIRST lol
- [19:09] Jezzie McCellan: but you will get some good info
- [19:09] Indego Hax: i havnt added a mentor buddy yet :P
- [19:09] SignpostMarv Martin: future volunteers have just as much input on this as current ones
- [19:09] Bailey Longcloth: you have now ;)
- [19:09] Indego Hax: =)
- [19:10] Jezzie McCellan: James excellant avatar
- [19:10] Bailey Longcloth: oooh a frog
- [19:10] Faithless Babii: do i kiss you?
- [19:10] Bailey Longcloth: do I get to kiss it? lol
- [19:10] Faithless Babii: lol
- [19:10] JamesReese Eddy: sure, if you like
- [19:11] JamesReese Eddy: sorry about sitting on your head there btw LOL
- [19:11] Faithless Babii: ao on
- [19:11] Jezzie McCellan: no don't he might turn into a prince
- [19:11] Indego Hax: lol mia asked me to put a popcorn machine here
- [19:11] Bailey Longcloth: I could handle a prince ;)
- [19:11] Indego Hax: what happened to it?
- [19:11] Odysseus Fairymeadow: bah, i get an error message just trying to open an im window :-P
- [19:12] JamesReese Eddy: that was strange!
- [19:12] SignpostMarv Martin: So anywoo, we're here to discuss whether or not the SL Volunteers should adopt the alert request system I've made
- [19:12] Mentor Summon Kiosk v1.1: Your alert request has been filed, a Mentor should be along shortly.
- [19:12] Indego Hax: woops
- [19:12] Odysseus Fairymeadow: i heard that a few times during the official meeting
- [19:12] JamesReese Eddy: is their a notcard or somthing on it?
- [19:12] SignpostMarv Martin: nope
- [19:13] SignpostMarv Martin sucks at writing non-technical documentation
- [19:13] Indego Hax: oh its your sign
- [19:13] Odysseus Fairymeadow: well, you do wonderful graphics
- [19:13] Samantha Poindexter is actually pretty good with the writing, and could help with that. At least in English.
- [19:14] SignpostMarv Martin: I didn't make the graphics either X-D
- [19:14] Odysseus Fairymeadow: well, must have been a group effort, makes it even better
- [19:14] Mentor Summon Kiosk v1.1: Your alert request has been filed, a Mentor should be along shortly.
- [19:14] Samantha Poindexter: ...well, whoever did the graphics did a lovely job. :-)
- [19:14] Jezzie McCellan: shouldn't a message be given to the resident to let them no that something has happened after they click
- [19:14] Jezzie McCellan: and i will be back
- [19:14] SignpostMarv Martin: there is a message Jezzie
- [19:15] SignpostMarv Martin: you're just too far away to hear it
- [19:15] JamesReese Eddy: is their another part to it? so that we know that somone clicked the sign?
- [19:15] Odysseus Fairymeadow: "Mentor Summon Kiosk v1.1: Your alert request has been filed, a Mentor should be along shortly."
- [19:15] Odysseus Fairymeadow: lol, did i just violate the TOS there?
- [19:15] Indego Hax: yes, bugga off lol, joking
- [19:15] Bailey Longcloth: lol shush indego ;)
- [19:16] SignpostMarv Martin: does anyone remember the old alert kiosk system we used to have ?
- [19:16] JamesReese Eddy: no
- [19:16] Odysseus Fairymeadow: i saw it when i was a newbie, with the green lightning
- [19:16] Samantha Poindexter shakes her head "no."
- [19:17] SignpostMarv Martin: there were two problems with the old system
- [19:17] SignpostMarv Martin: 1) For the most part of their existance, they only worked within a single island
- [19:18] SignpostMarv Martin: 2) You couldn't tell what language a person was requesting help in
- [19:18] Odysseus Fairymeadow: (3) people were screaming about not wanting to wear the hud
- [19:18] Mentor Kiosk whispers: Thank you! Your items will be delivered to you soon!
- [19:18] Odysseus Fairymeadow: that controversy escaped onto the forums and i caught a bit of it
- [19:19] SignpostMarv Martin: since the version I've written is primarily web based, it'll work anywhere, and you won't have to be logged into SL to keep an eye on things
- [19:19] SignpostMarv Martin: this version replaces "wearing a HUD" with "needing to have an account on a third party website because LL haven't released their OpenID server yet"
- [19:20] Odysseus Fairymeadow: can you still get a hud for this? :-/
- [19:20] SignpostMarv Martin: I do plan on releasing an API at some point
- [19:20] SignpostMarv Martin: I just have to get my head around how to track who answered a call
- [19:20] JamesReese Eddy: do you need to be logged on to the 3rd party site via a web browser?
- [19:21] SignpostMarv Martin: James: logged onto a 3rd party website with something that supports cookies, so you could log into with a command line tool if you really wanted to :-P
- [19:22] SignpostMarv Martin: although I shan't imagine using cURL would be a pleasant experiece
- [19:22] SignpostMarv Martin: experience*
- [19:22] Odysseus Fairymeadow: can it have a bypass if it detects a request coming from the grid? :-/
- [19:22] SignpostMarv Martin: Help > Inworld Help has an address bar (at least in the RC client)
- [19:22] JamesReese Eddy: yes, just trying to conferm how it works
- [19:22] SignpostMarv Martin: Odysseus: any script using llHTTPRequest() to access the service would have to go through the API
- [19:23] SignpostMarv Martin: since for some daft reason, we don't have full access to cURL's settings
- [19:23] Odysseus Fairymeadow: yah, but if you're requiring cookies or something then it' ain't gonna work
- [19:23] Odysseus Fairymeadow: request from grid would key off of the owner's uuid or name i would think
- [19:23] SignpostMarv Martin: Odysseus: going by HTTP headers alone for authentication is a very stupid thing indeed
- [19:23] SignpostMarv Martin can fake HTTP headers rather easily
- [19:24] Odysseus Fairymeadow: yah, but it's a bit harder to fake headers *and* have it come from the grid
- [19:24] SignpostMarv Martin: no it isn't
- [19:24] Odysseus Fairymeadow: unless you like poisoning DNS servers too
- [19:25] SignpostMarv Martin: there won't be any unauthenticated access to group-restricted resources
- [19:25] Odysseus Fairymeadow: anyhow, i'm probably taking this meeting too far off track, lol
- [19:25] SignpostMarv Martin: the kiosks can be set to "no group",
- [19:25] SignpostMarv Martin: so requests can be made public :-P
- [19:25] SignpostMarv Martin: although the metric tracking means you can't answer them without being logged in
- [19:25] Indego Hax: your system, can they be used by 3rd party companies, like, i do mentor work for a non LL sim, would they be able to adopt your system?>
- [19:25] SignpostMarv Martin: yus
- [19:26] SignpostMarv Martin: club/store owners could use it so visitors could request customer support in-world
- [19:26] SignpostMarv Martin: the kiosk script is really, really dumb
- [19:27] SignpostMarv Martin: it keeps a track of it's location and the group it's set to and that's about it
- [19:27] Faithless Babii: ahem
- [19:27] SignpostMarv Martin: the language support is "approximated" by the name of the prim the touch_start() event was triggered from
- [19:27] JamesReese Eddy: the built-in browser can't accept cookies?
- [19:27] SignpostMarv Martin checks
- [19:28] Odysseus Fairymeadow: in-world objects don't take cookies, if you stick it in a hud
- [19:28] Mentor Kiosk whispers: Thank you! Your items will be delivered to you soon!
- [19:28] JamesReese Eddy: but the point was that it's no a HUD right?
- [19:28] Mentor Summon Kiosk v1.1: Your alert request has been filed, a Mentor should be along shortly.
- [19:29] SignpostMarv Martin is logged into the service via the in-world browser now :-)
- [19:29] Indego Hax: signpost, would we be able to access the system to look at it, i just told my boss about it and they seem interested
- [19:30] JamesReese Eddy: ok, so does that mean your security issue is solved or am I missing somthing?
- [19:30] SignpostMarv Martin: whoops
- [19:31] SignpostMarv Martin: Indego: I'll get to that in a moment
- [19:31] Indego Hax: kk
- [19:31] SignpostMarv Martin: James: which security issue are you referring to ?
- [19:32] SignpostMarv Martin was just clearing Destiny's alert request there :-P
- [19:33] SignpostMarv Martin pokes James
- [19:33] JamesReese Eddy: "*[19:23] Odysseus Fairymeadow: yah, but if you're requiring cookies or something then it' ain't gonna work"
- [19:33] SignpostMarv Martin: James, that's not a security issue
- [19:33] Odysseus Fairymeadow: uff, if he's gonna let huds work with it then he's gonna have to have a different auth system, which he doesn't want to implement for security reasons
- [19:33] SignpostMarv Martin: that's not what I said
- [19:33] Odysseus Fairymeadow: so no security problems with it as it stands
- [19:34] SignpostMarv Martin: allowing direct access to the site with llHTTPRequest() will not happen
- [19:34] JamesReese Eddy: ok, I'm lost then ;P
- [19:34] Odysseus Fairymeadow: i was just ranting about something
- [19:34] SignpostMarv Martin: an API would use a llMessageLinked()-based script
- [19:34] JamesReese Eddy: oh, ok
- [19:34] Odysseus Fairymeadow: probqbly to be dsicussed later
- [19:34] SignpostMarv Martin: the copy/trans script would do the llHTTPRequest() work, and peeps are free to work around that
- [19:34] SignpostMarv Martin: anywoo
- [19:35] SignpostMarv Martin: the reason why you need to log into the site:
- [19:35] SignpostMarv Martin: the service only dispalys alert requests to members belonging to the same group as the object the request was sent from
- [19:35] SignpostMarv Martin: in order to do that, the site needs to know who you are
- [19:36] Indego Hax: easily achieved?
- [19:36] JamesReese Eddy: ok, I see
- [19:36] Destiny Niles: can't you do that with a hud in-world?
- [19:36] SignpostMarv Martin: easily achieved, already done :-P
- [19:36] SignpostMarv Martin: Destiny: not without an API script
- [19:36] Odysseus Fairymeadow: the previous version was strictly a hud, and people were complaining about being required to wear it. the web interface provides more flexibility for people to use as they wish
- [19:36] Destiny Niles: k
- [19:37] Destiny Niles: sounds good, so you don't even need to be in-world to check requests
- [19:37] SignpostMarv Martin: precisely :-P
- [19:37] SignpostMarv Martin: so you can chill in WoW till a request comes along X-D
- [19:37] Indego Hax: is this admin controlled? like 1 person can allocate other admins to add users etc..?
- [19:38] SignpostMarv Martin: Indego: not entirely sure what you mean, but I'm guessing I'll be able to answer it anyway
- [19:38] SignpostMarv Martin: in order to use the service,
- [19:38] SignpostMarv Martin: you need to have an account on MN:SL or SLOpenID
- [19:38] Odysseus Fairymeadow: is SLOpenID different from OpenID ?
- [19:38] SignpostMarv Martin: SLOpenID is OpenID for Second Life Residents
- [19:38] Indego Hax: whats the link to that, this is interesting me alot
- [19:39] Odysseus Fairymeadow: so my OpenID won't work with this then :-P
- [19:39] SignpostMarv Martin: I beat LL to it twice and got the cool domain name :-P
- [19:39] SignpostMarv Martin: Odysseus, I'm hoping they won't mind :-P
- [19:39] SignpostMarv Martin: the OpenID Foundation are working on their trademark usage policy atm
- [19:39] Indego Hax: whats the website for OpenID?
- [19:40] SignpostMarv Martin:
- [19:40] SignpostMarv Martin: ^has links to OpenID resources
- [19:40] Indego Hax: and you can access your system through there?
- [19:40] SignpostMarv Martin: SLOpenID is hosted on MN:SL (which stands for "Marvulous Networks: Second Life")
- [19:40] SignpostMarv Martin: accounts on MN:SL are created via an in-world object
- [19:40] Indego Hax: tru
- [19:41] SignpostMarv Martin: making it easy to authenticate that the person creating an account on MN:SL is the Resident they're claiming to be
- [19:41] Click me if you're a Mentor: Bailey Longcloth has been added to the group cache for Second Life Mentor
- [19:41] SignpostMarv Martin: the next part of the service is provided through objects like those cubes
- [19:41] Click me if you're a Mentor: JamesReese Eddy has been added to the group cache for Second Life Mentor
- [19:42] SignpostMarv Martin: since getting libSL installed in my hosting environment is extremely complex,
- [19:42] JamesReese Eddy: SMAC?
- [19:42] Indego Hax: where did u just click lol?
- [19:42] Odysseus Fairymeadow: what are the clickme's for?
- [19:42] Bailey Longcloth: white box indego
- [19:42] SignpostMarv Martin: I need to use an LSL script in a deeded object to associate a Resident with their groups
- [19:42] SignpostMarv Martin: the white cube is deededto the SL Mentors,
- [19:42] SignpostMarv Martin: and the ply cube is deeded to SMAC Players
- [19:42] Indego Hax: woops
- [19:42] SignpostMarv Martin: SMAC = Sid Meieirs' Alpha Centauri
- [19:42] Click if you're a SMAC player whispers: You do not have the correct group tag on, JamesReese Eddy
- [19:42] Click me if you're a Mentor: Odysseus Fairymeadow has been added to the group cache for Second Life Mentor
- [19:43] Click me if you're a Mentor: Indego Hax has been added to the group cache for Second Life Mentor
- [19:43] JamesReese Eddy: I see!
- [19:43] SignpostMarv Martin: Because Residents can be ejected from groups,
- [19:43] Indego Hax: ok, so we get messages if someone clicks that??
- [19:43] SignpostMarv Martin: in order to access group-restricted resources, you would need to revisit the group lookup kiosk
- [19:44] Odysseus Fairymeadow: once a month?
- [19:44] SignpostMarv Martin: the cron job is set to expire things once a week
- [19:44] SignpostMarv Martin: or rather,
- [19:44] SignpostMarv Martin: it expires the group lookup cache where entries' last actions are older than a week
- [19:45] SignpostMarv Martin: While the service website uses this information to allow you to view requests made to your groups,
- [19:45] SignpostMarv Martin: SLOpenID uses the information in the mini-profile widgets
- [19:46] SignpostMarv Martin: I am also working on tweaking bbPress to have group-restricted forums :-P
- [19:46] Odysseus Fairymeadow: lol, type it wrong and it suggests a number of tables to check
- [19:46] SignpostMarv Martin: ??
- [19:46] SignpostMarv Martin: so while the old system had the disadvantage of wearing a HUD,
- [19:47] SignpostMarv Martin: and an advantage of an (insecure) comms network,
- [19:47] SignpostMarv Martin: the new system has the disadvantage of having to have an account on MN:SL or SLOpenID,
- [19:47] SignpostMarv Martin: and the advantage of having an account on MN:SL/SLOpenID :-P
- [19:49] SignpostMarv Martin: any questions/comments ?
- [19:49] Odysseus Fairymeadow: lol, i've already done all mine :-P
- [19:50] Indego Hax: yea, i have no clue how to set up this syetem :P
- [19:51] SignpostMarv Martin: you rez a kiosk
- [19:51] SignpostMarv Martin: someone clicks it
- [19:51] SignpostMarv Martin: peeps check the site
- [19:51] SignpostMarv Martin: click a link and tp in
- [19:51] Indego Hax: where do i get the koisk from?
- [19:51] SignpostMarv Martin: well, you get the script from me :-P
- [19:51] Bailey Longcloth: marv have you worked out how each notification gets taken off, when someone answers the call?
- [19:51] SignpostMarv Martin: where you get the kiosk from is up to you
- [19:52] SignpostMarv Martin: Bailey: via the website, it's done automagically
- [19:52] Bailey Longcloth: cool :)
- [19:52] SignpostMarv Martin: if you'd like to run about the island and test it, I can bring out the account creation kiosk,
- [19:52] SignpostMarv Martin: but there is a slight issue of peeps not getting their passwords sent to them if too many peeps click it at once,
- [19:53] SignpostMarv Martin: so you'll have to take turns :-P
- [19:53] Odysseus Fairymeadow: i just clicked it and tried to login, lol
- [19:53] Indego Hax: i would like to make an account on this, would also like to set a few up.
- [19:54] SignpostMarv Martin: as ya can tell, I'm not a graphics designer :-P
- [19:54] Odysseus Fairymeadow: hey, it's a lot better than mine look :-P
- [19:55] Indego Hax: ok, where do we log in
- [19:55] SignpostMarv Martin: well you need to get your account first
- [19:55] SignpostMarv Martin: clicking the main body of the cheesy sign will give you a blind MN:SL account
- [19:55] Odysseus Fairymeadow: i tried to login and got a "you do not have permission to access your profile" error
- [19:56] SignpostMarv Martin: clicking the logo-less SLOpenID logo will give you a SLOpenID profile
- [19:56] Indego Hax: ok well, i recieved the password, havnt got the login name
- [19:56] SignpostMarv Martin: your login name is your avatar name :-)
- [19:56] JamesReese Eddy: is your SL name your user name?
- [19:56] Indego Hax: kk, well i got the same error as ody
- [19:57] Odysseus Fairymeadow: it does say i'm logged in now if i go into the main page though
- [19:57] SignpostMarv Martin: what URL are you trying to access ?
- [19:57] Odysseus Fairymeadow: /wp-admin
- [19:57] SignpostMarv Martin: full URL :-P
- [19:57] Indego Hax: wordpress thing
- [19:57] Odysseus Fairymeadow:
- [19:57] Odysseus Fairymeadow:
- [19:57] Indego Hax:
- [19:57] SignpostMarv Martin: you'll need to go to the /wp-admin for your SLOpenID profile
- [19:58] SignpostMarv Martin: e.g.
- [19:58] Indego Hax: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.
- [19:58] Odysseus Fairymeadow: lovely, so you can't use either the login or profile link on the main page :-P
- [19:59] SignpostMarv Martin: insufficient permissions just means the Resident hasn't granted you perms on their profile
- [19:59] Odysseus Fairymeadow: ok, got another "fatal error, check database tables" with that
- [19:59] SignpostMarv Martin: oh joy
- [19:59] Indego Hax: i,, pl
- [19:59] Indego Hax: umm ok
- [19:59] Indego Hax: lol
- [19:59] Odysseus Fairymeadow: "Searched for in network_secondlife::wp_blogs table. Is that right?"
- [20:00] SignpostMarv Martin: did any of you click the SLOpenID logo ?
- [20:00] JamesReese Eddy: well, I gotta go, tc everyone :)
- [20:00] SignpostMarv Martin:
- [20:00] SignpostMarv Martin: that indicates you didn't :-P
- [20:01] Odysseus Fairymeadow: i see my picture there, should i see something else?
- [20:01] SignpostMarv Martin: nope
- [20:01] Indego Hax: howd u get ur pic in lol
- [20:01] Odysseus Fairymeadow: i'll click it again
- [20:01] SignpostMarv Martin: if you've got a blind MN:SL account, the key word is "blind"
- [20:01] Odysseus Fairymeadow: got an error trying to click again: account already exists
- [20:02] SignpostMarv Martin: e.g. you only have access to general MN:SL resources such as the alert request notifier website
- [20:02] SignpostMarv Martin: Odysseus: which prim are you clicking
- [20:02] Indego Hax: oh wow, thats cool
- [20:02] Odysseus Fairymeadow: the bottom one
- [20:02] Odysseus Fairymeadow: right click -> touch
- [20:02] SignpostMarv Martin: if you want a SLOpenID profile, you'll need to click the SLOpenID prim
- [20:02] Odysseus Fairymeadow: ack, ok
- [20:02] Odysseus Fairymeadow: yes i can be dense
- [20:03] SignpostMarv Martin: the idea behind this sucky sign is each time someone gets a site hosted on MN:SL I'll add an icon to it
- [20:03] SignpostMarv Martin: I have spoken with Lexie about the possiblity of LL putting a site on MN:SL to replace the little-used visl blog on
- [20:04] Odysseus Fairymeadow: profile links on the main page still all error out, but the link you gave me is now going to a page
- [20:04] SignpostMarv Martin: try logging into the alert request site via the Help > Inworld Help browser
- [20:04] Indego Hax: ok now i have access to my account
- [20:04] SignpostMarv Martin:
- [20:05] Odysseus Fairymeadow: you're requiring a valid email address? hmmm...
- [20:06] Mentor Summon Kiosk v1.1: Your alert request has been filed, a Mentor should be along shortly.
- [20:06] Indego Hax: oh wow, this is cool
- [20:06] SignpostMarv Martin: Odysseus: technically speaking, no
- [20:07] SignpostMarv Martin: WordPress likes to have an email address
- [20:07] SignpostMarv Martin: but in order to have and use your account, you don't need to hand over any extra info
- [20:07] Odysseus Fairymeadow: especially if you don't like random passwords :-P
- [20:09] SignpostMarv Martin: you all logged int othe alert request site now ?
- [20:09] Indego Hax: yep
- [20:09] SignpostMarv Martin: btw, for those of you using IE, the design will suck because IE sucks
- [20:09] Odysseus Fairymeadow: lol, my day job is designing for IE, very specialized :-P
- [20:09] Bailey Longcloth: thanks marv ;)
- [20:09] Indego Hax: lol i see that
- [20:09] SignpostMarv Martin: as you can see from the screenshot,
- [20:10] SignpostMarv Martin: it looks perfectly fine in a standards-based rendering engine
- [20:10] Odysseus Fairymeadow: page updates every 8sec it looks like
- [20:10] SignpostMarv Martin: if you click on "My Groups" you will see the page for pending request for groups you belong to
- [20:10] SignpostMarv Martin: Odysseus: the in-world browser does auto-refreshing, that's not from me
- [20:11] Odysseus Fairymeadow: i pushed f5 repeatedly and the numbers don't change until 8sec has passed
- [20:11] SignpostMarv Martin: If you don't see your group listed at the bottom of the sidebar, that means you need to go visit the group lookup kiosk
- [20:11] SignpostMarv Martin: ah
- [20:11] SignpostMarv Martin: Odysseus: I've got a 5 second cache lifetime on the pages
- [20:12] SignpostMarv Martin: or rather,
- [20:12] SignpostMarv Martin: 5 seconds on pending pages,
- [20:12] SignpostMarv Martin: and about 5 minutes on non-pending pages
- [20:13] SignpostMarv Martin: requests are auto-expired by a cron job if they've been waiting more than 15 minutes
- [20:13] SignpostMarv Martin clears Indego's request
- [20:14] SignpostMarv Martin: Indego's request now appears in
- [20:14] Odysseus Fairymeadow: you went to the sign each time to clear it, isn't it just clicking on a link that does it?
- [20:14] SignpostMarv Martin: nope
- [20:15] SignpostMarv Martin: the request is cleared when a Resident clicks the location link
- [20:15] SignpostMarv Martin: if you don't have the viewer open,
- [20:15] SignpostMarv Martin: you will log into the sign's location
- [20:15] SignpostMarv Martin: if you do,
- [20:15] SignpostMarv Martin: it'll open the world map so you can teleport there
- [20:15] SignpostMarv Martin: automagical transparency :-P
- [20:16] SignpostMarv Martin: try going to the request I just left
- [20:17] Odysseus Fairymeadow: don't forget to put portugese up there, i hear requests for them every day i'm online :-P
- [20:17] SignpostMarv Martin: the service supports over 7000 languages
- [20:17] SignpostMarv Martin could probably put in l337 and LOLCATZ if he wanted :-P
- [20:17] SignpostMarv Martin: I CAN HAZ HALP ?
- [20:18] Odysseus Fairymeadow: would be nice if it were able to figure out that no one is around to help...
- [20:18] SignpostMarv Martin: Odysseus: that is possible to do,
- [20:18] SignpostMarv Martin: but the problem is that just because someone is logged in,
- [20:18] SignpostMarv Martin: doesn't mean they're paying attention
- [20:19] Odysseus Fairymeadow: the page auto-refreshes on its own, right? then you don't know if anyone's there then. unless it has a short logout period
- [20:19] SignpostMarv Martin: nope
- [20:20] SignpostMarv Martin: there are plenty tools available to people to auto-refresh a page without me having to add extra code to the site
- [20:20] Odysseus Fairymeadow: i may need to go soon (haunted house), i hope mine wasn't the loudest voice here, wasn't meant to prok this meeting, lol. This does show a lot of potential, but there are quite a few pieces that need to fall into place before i see myself making use of it. Very interested though :-)
- [20:20] SignpostMarv Martin: such as ReloadEvery for firefox :-P
- [20:21] Indego Hax: sign, i will talk to my boss about this, and we may call u in so u can explain it to them
- [20:21] Indego Hax: if youd like?
- [20:21] SignpostMarv Martin: sure :-)
- [20:21] Indego Hax: very good, ill be in touch
- [20:21] Indego Hax: have a good arvo