User:Which Linden/Office Hours/2009 July 22

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  • [11:03] Phantom Ninetails: Oh hey Which
  • [11:03] Which Linden: hey there!
  • [11:04] Phantom Ninetails: I must have sat down right inside your landmark
  • [11:04] Which Linden: yeah I guess so!
  • [11:04] Phantom Ninetails: Heh.
  • [11:05] Bau Ur: hehe Which, I do love that avatar. Especially in this setting.
  • [11:05] Saijanai Kuhn: Hey which. Its likely elementary for you,but I just found this link: [1]
  • [11:05] Which Linden: that's a nice overview!
  • [11:05] Saijanai Kuhn: several outline pages with larger discussions per topic. Like OpenID and so on
  • [11:05] Which Linden: sorta, if you look at the "document authentication" section it seems like it is some bad copy-n-aste
  • [11:06] Which Linden: so .... yeah, learn anything cool?
  • [11:07] reddot99 Republic: oh , now i see, which is hiding as a plant
  • [11:07] Saijanai Kuhn: "just" found it
  • [11:07] Saijanai Kuhn: hence the name "Which"
  • [11:08] Aimee Trescothick: copy-in-haste
  • [11:08] Saijanai Kuhn: my usual method
  • [11:08] Which Linden: an interesting link on a similar topic: [2]
  • [11:09] Aimee Trescothick: yeah, it's generally howI write code
  • [11:09] Aimee Trescothick: -l
  • [11:09] Which Linden: "My style of coding is cowboy!"
  • [11:09] reddot99 Republic: can i bug you about questions relating to communications between servers? or does that have to wait till, andrews hour
  • [11:09] Aimee Trescothick: lol
  • [11:09] Aimee Trescothick: I'dsay mine is more pirate, but that's prone to misunderstanding ;)
  • [11:10] Which Linden: sure you can ask me reddot, but I may defer if I don't know the answer
  • [11:10] Which Linden: HARRR
  • [11:11] reddot99 Republic: regarding accounts that get 'deleted', is it possible to recover their inventory?
  • [11:11] Bau Ur: Hi Jim. This is Which Linden's office hour at which people can ask questions pertaining to SL infrastructure, system, and distributed transactions.
  • [11:11] reddot99 Republic: through the archive servers?
  • [11:11] Which Linden: probably, though we might reap inventories after some time of disabledness
  • [11:12] Which Linden: but I don't think we'd do so as a matter of policy
  • [11:12] reddot99 Republic: but textures last that long, unless the assets were removed, the textures would still be there,
  • [11:13] Which Linden: the thing about an asset is that if it's not referenced by anything, it basically doesn't exist
  • [11:13] reddot99 Republic: along with anything else a person created, in theory,
  • [11:13] dogtow Hand: takes your money & inventory won't give it back when pay subscription
  • [11:13] Which Linden: well let's not get into discussing the actions of our support team, that's not really my thing
  • [11:14] Which Linden: but basically the answer is "maybe" :-) I don't know, maybe when we disable an account we also trigger an inventory reaper to clear out the inventory, maybe we just leave it forever.
  • [11:14] reddot99 Republic: so the only way to recover permissions on items that camefrom an account of someones that got deleted, but say they had no mod no trans backups, would there be a way to retrieve the original full permission version?
  • [11:14] Which Linden: I guess I'm deferringon that one
  • [11:15] Which Linden: If you have admin access there's always a way to do something, but I don't know about any public interfaces.
  • [11:16] Which Linden: lemme ask you all a question: seen anything weird or different with regard to L$ inworld in the last hour?
  • [11:16] reddot99 Republic: erm, not really,
  • [11:16] Which Linden: that's good :-)
  • [11:16] Bau Ur: Which, I have noticed that group IM s have been failing less frequently the last couple days. Have you guys gotten a handle on that problem?
  • [11:16] Jim Kenyon: I havent seen anything on my end
  • [11:16] reddot99 Republic: i'm flat broke as normal,
  • [11:16] Phantom Ninetails: I've not had any changes in L$ for a good while now
  • [11:16] ATechwolf Foxclaw: Yes. My main avatar it saying "Loading..."
  • [11:16] Which Linden: really.....
  • [11:17] Arletta Martian: i didnt try spending linden today
  • [11:17] Which Linden: where's your main av, techwolf?
  • [11:17] ATechwolf Foxclaw: Techwolf Lupindo
  • [11:17] Which Linden: where'd you log in?
  • [11:17] ATechwolf Foxclaw: *thinks*
  • [11:18] reddot99 Republic: isnt there a log of that?
  • [11:18] ATechwolf Foxclaw: A private estate, tp a few times to here and there, and is now at Jack Linden OH.
  • [11:18] Which Linden: probably, but I'm not really sure how to look it up aside from grepping the logs of every host
  • [11:18] reddot99 Republic: well, i was thinking more his chat logs
  • [11:18] reddot99 Republic: the first teleport in todays log,
  • [11:18] Which Linden: does it ever show up as "loading..." normally or is this the first time you've seen that?
  • [11:19] Latif Khalifa: i have not seen Loading.... balace in a year or more
  • [11:19] Phantom Ninetails: I've never seen it like that.
  • [11:19] Latif Khalifa: used to be common back then lol
  • [11:19] ATechwolf Foxclaw: First time I've seen that.
  • [11:20] ATechwolf Foxclaw: In fact, didn't notice untill you asked.
  • [11:20] Latif Khalifa: ok perhaps two years
  • [11:20] reddot99 Republic: i've seen it a few times, just blamed networking,
  • [11:20] Latif Khalifa: lol
  • [11:20] Saijanai Kuhn: you mean the L$2,000,000,000 that just appeared in my account?
  • [11:20] Which Linden: I should explain: we recently rolled out L$ web services to half the grid, this means that L$ requests still hit the dataserver but then go through a web service
  • [11:20] reddot99 Republic: mostly my modem, that got the blame 95 percent of the time,
  • [11:21] Which Linden: trying to find out whether there have been any problems as a result
  • [11:21] reddot99 Republic: that and the microwave
  • [11:21] reddot99 Republic: oh hey twisted,
  • [11:22] Which Linden: that's odd techwolf I see no requests involving your agent id in the web server logs, so.... didn't make it to the web server
  • [11:22] reddot99 Republic: so you hve things getting lost in transit?
  • [11:22] Which Linden: either it didn't use that path (because you logged in on the half of the grid that doens't use web services), or the failure was so hard that it didn't even leave the host
  • [11:23] ATechwolf Foxclaw: This is the first time I notice any L failure.
  • [11:23] reddot99 Republic: what would you mean by failure was so hard?
  • [11:24] Bau Ur: Does the use of web services present new security problems Which? I am a mentor and I got a lot of concerned questions today about account security, which I culd not answer, and weren't clear in teh KB. And G-Team, the pansies, no longer hold office hours. I did not know where to tell the person to go. Can they come to your office hour to discuss such things?
  • [11:25] reddot99 Republic: oh, yes, any idea on when gteam office hours return?
  • [11:25] Which Linden: Bau: no, everything is purely internal, it's actually slightly more secure than before
  • [11:25] Which Linden: reddot: no idea, sorry
  • [11:25] Bau Ur: Thank you Which, that's good to hear.
  • [11:25] reddot99 Republic: could you check around the offices some?
  • [11:25] reddot99 Republic: at a later point?
  • [11:26] Which Linden: I'll ask about the gteam office hours
  • [11:26] Bau Ur: ye,s it is a bit ridiculous. Their web page says office hours were discontinued "for the rest ofg 2008" and would resume in 2009, which is now more than half over. And Zara is listed as a G-Team member -- Zara isn't even on staff anymore.
  • [11:26] reddot99 Republic: they were supposed to have resumed by now i think,
  • [11:28] reddot99 Republic: only chance weget to ask questions about governance is when we get very lucky and catch one of them in conversation,
  • [11:28] Bau Ur: One of the questions I was asked was whether objects received in SL could have any kind of malicious code that would operate outside SL.
  • [11:29] Bau Ur: Also whtehre email and IM messages logged outside SL could be written in such a way as to constitute a code that would infect email
  • [11:29] Bau Ur: also whether inside SL anyone could monitor your keystrokes.
  • [11:29] Which Linden: so hey there techwolf I'm seeing that you logged in before 10am so....whatever the issue is it's not due to the web service
  • [11:29] reddot99 Republic: nothing unless you have a veiwer thats been hacked, and possibly anything like that,
  • [11:29] ATechwolf Foxclaw: ok
  • [11:30] Which Linden: paid you 1 L$...should correct your balance :-)
  • [11:30] ATechwolf Foxclaw: It poped up now.
  • [11:30] reddot99 Republic: and ims no, plain ttext file, no formatting even,
  • [11:30] reddot99 Republic: so no way it could turn to code
  • [11:30] Bau Ur: IMs and chat cannot be used as code? Good to know.
  • [11:30] ATechwolf Foxclaw: Sad thing is those Linden on got on there now may be cashed out for food....:-(
  • [11:30] reddot99 Republic: without being done by hand,
  • [11:31] Which Linden: Bau: well I'm pretty sure that no one inside SL can log your keystrokes unless they've haxed your computer some other way
  • [11:31] Morgaine Dinova: 'Morning folks .... overslept :P
  • [11:31] Bau Ur: Good to hear. ia always tell people never to give away their password. But I also tell people not to fall in love here :) My advice does not seem to be very potent.
  • [11:31] Which Linden: ha ha ha
  • [11:32] ATechwolf Foxclaw: LSL can only get text, but not keystokes? What all LSL input takeover can do?
  • [11:32] reddot99 Republic: llol, tell that to folks who are married,
  • [11:32] Which Linden: but yes not giving away your password is the most important thing you can do to keep yourslef safe
  • [11:32] Saijanai Kuhn: Morgaine have you heard something funny from the client in the past couple of minutes?
  • [11:32] Morgaine Dinova: Falling in love is required before marriage? Someone should have said!
  • [11:32] Which Linden: Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't input takeover just receive specific events, not all keystrokes?
  • [11:32] Bau Ur: There are those...hideously offensive...slave collars that monitor a person's chat and IMs and send them to the email of the "master" I think? Can those be used to obtain any other information that might be without consent?
  • [11:32] Morgaine Dinova: Sai: no, but just woke up so might have missed it.
  • [11:33] Which Linden: like instead of receiving "j key" it receives "forward key"
  • [11:33] Which Linden: Bau: I think those involve the use of Restrained Life viewer
  • [11:33] Saijanai Kuhn: I guess it doesn't work on LInxu, Mealea
  • [11:33] Which Linden: Hi Morgaine :-)
  • [11:34] reddot99 Republic: input only receives the directional keys, and only when not in life,
  • [11:34] Morgaine Dinova: Hi Which :-)
  • [11:34] Mealea Ying: its ok, I pasted the library of congress into her IM window
  • [11:34] Arletta Martian: bau, i think its possible to script an object to capture chat ... not just the slave collars
  • [11:34] Bau Ur: Yes, there are spy devices that capture public chat.
  • [11:34] Jim Kenyon: i know for a fact that tehre are chat spys
  • [11:35] Mealea Ying: and devices that detect them too
  • [11:35] Jim Kenyon: yep
  • [11:35] reddot99 Republic: chat and ims are too fast to emailon a real time basis, each llemail call takes 3 seconds of sleep
  • [11:35] Which Linden: Objects can capture chat but not IM I don't think
  • [11:36] Phantom Ninetails: I think you mean 30 seconds, red
  • [11:36] Mealea Ying: not IM no
  • [11:36] Mealea Ying: thank goodness
  • [11:36] reddot99 Republic: oh, well, it's an insanely long delay,
  • [11:36] Phantom Ninetails: Yes
  • [11:37] Which Linden: use http-out for your chat-logging purposes!
  • [11:37] Phantom Ninetails: Heh.
  • [11:37] Phantom Ninetails: I was just thinking that
  • [11:37] reddot99 Republic: and those 'spy' devices are also used legitly as well,
  • [11:37] reddot99 Republic: by sim owners
  • [11:37] Bau Ur: Yes, as legitimate4 relays for example.
  • [11:37] Morgaine Dinova: You can't really expect privacy from chat that is in the clear at the world provider. You need an independent client chat that you can trust, and it has to encrypt its traffic before that's injected in-world. Anything else is not being serious.
  • [11:37] Latif Khalifa: you get limited to 1 req/sec per region there for all your scripts
  • [11:37] Jim Kenyon: agreed reddot
  • [11:37] Bau Ur: Or as monitors for abusive language.
  • [11:38] Mealea Ying: Emereld has encryption
  • [11:38] reddot99 Republic: to moniter trouble in world,
  • [11:38] Which Linden: True Morgaine
  • [11:38] Latif Khalifa: so if you are not careful with your chat relay you might stop all llHttpRequest scripts from working
  • [11:38] reddot99 Republic: or watching for greifers or abuse,
  • [11:38] Bau Ur: or calls for help
  • [11:39] Mealea Ying: or those things that amplify people speaking publicly right?
  • [11:39] Bau Ur: Interesting latif.
  • [11:39] reddot99 Republic: thats a legit use as well,
  • [11:39] Which Linden: Hm yeah a chat logger should buffer
  • [11:39] reddot99 Republic: megaphone sorta thing,
  • [11:39] Morgaine Dinova: Mealea: Emerald's encryption in the in Emerald viewer, and the viewer is too big an application to be a trusted vehicle for privacy. The app that takes your input needs to be an external, independently trusted and signed app, injecting its encrypted output into the viewer, for example using Dahlia's proxy.
  • [11:40] Mealea Ying: that makes sense, but its still a start
  • [11:40] ATechwolf Foxclaw: catches up "I have a chat relay. Created by Stickman for the seawolf dragon so more then four can stay in chat range so to speak.
  • [11:40] Morgaine Dinova: Yeah
  • [11:40] Latif Khalifa: you mean GridProxy?
  • [11:40] Which Linden: dayum morgaine, just encrypting the network traffic would probably solve about 99% of security concerns
  • [11:41] Mealea Ying: what would it do to speed?
  • [11:41] Which Linden: lol the dragon avs! that cracks me up so much
  • [11:41] Which Linden: too big to talk to each other! I love SL
  • [11:41] Phantom Ninetails: Heh
  • [11:41] Mealea Ying: grins!!!!
  • [11:41] reddot99 Republic: lol,
  • [11:41] Mealea Ying: but they can set each other on fire
  • [11:42] Mealea Ying: so theres a trade off
  • [11:42] reddot99 Republic: i have a friend with an av so big you gotta shour regardless,
  • [11:42] Morgaine Dinova: Which: no it wouldn't, since the world provider is not a trusted entity in a crypto sense. The only trusted parties are those to whom you've given the decryption key by another route.
  • [11:42] reddot99 Republic: shout,
  • [11:42] Which Linden: Morgaine: but what about if you trust the world provider more than you trust the other person you're speaking to?
  • [11:43] Which Linden: waits for the "no one should do that" response
  • [11:43] Mealea Ying: can they be trusted?
  • [11:43] reddot99 Republic: there should be no trust over a network, only way to be sure your chat is secure is by using quantom physics as a guid
  • [11:43] reddot99 Republic: guide
  • [11:44] Which Linden: there it is :-)
  • [11:44] reddot99 Republic: as at that scale, anything monitered is visibly changed
  • [11:44] Which Linden: but really, if you read the paper I posted above, the top two threats to security are people essentially giving away their password
  • [11:44] Bau Ur: Which, is your area of expertise involved in the problem of group IM failures?
  • [11:44] reddot99 Republic: just observing it will change it by nature, thats the only reall way to know if your being watched,
  • [11:45] Which Linden: Bau: no....I investigated replacements for group chat but am not the expert on the current architecture
  • [11:45] Bau Ur: Failures seem a bit rarer lately and I was wondering if perhaps I might thank you :)
  • [11:45] Bau Ur: Hi, good Scotts.
  • [11:45] reddot99 Republic: group im failures are from lack of scalibilty, i think i heard
  • [11:45] Mealea Ying: honestly I dont care if Im being watched, and if I am I hope that who ever is watching is entertained
  • [11:45] reddot99 Republic: lol
  • [11:45] Which Linden: oh we are.... I mean.... you're not being watched
  • [11:45] Which Linden:  :-P
  • [11:46] Morgaine Dinova: Which: I think we're talking about different levels of trust here. :P We trust LL to handle the normal operation of the SL world. That level of trust is quite different to "trust that LL is keeping private chat out of the hands of the NSA, FBI, ... <infinite set of snoops>, as well as out of the hands of LL's own employees." Very different.
  • [11:46] Bau Ur: I do not cyber, but i do say vicious things about some people's art in galleries, so I value privacy :)
  • [11:46] Mealea Ying: hahahaha! good! wait till you see this!
  • [11:46] Arletta Martian: lol
  • [11:47] reddot99 Republic: any american company with logs cant resist a court order to hand them over without the possiblity of being shut down,
  • [11:47] Which Linden: Morgaine: hm yes I suppose that's true; any service provider that sees your data has that issue
  • [11:47] Bau Ur: How long are IM logs archived, Which?
  • [11:47] Which Linden: of course you generally use a service provider because you want them to do somethign cool with your data so it's sort of a catch-22
  • [11:48] Mealea Ying: so the NSA is watching me be delighted by the word "cookie" great, Im glad I pay taxes
  • [11:48] reddot99 Republic: lol,
  • [11:48] Arletta Martian: lol, mealea
  • [11:48] Which Linden: no idea Bau; just no idea what we do in terms of logging
  • [11:48] reddot99 Republic: they have to get a court order to see that :p even if the court is secret,
  • [11:49] Mealea Ying: cookie
  • [11:49] Arletta Martian: reddot, everything is being monitored, since Bushco started it
  • [11:49] Which Linden: btw, I got a response about the gteam office hours: there are no plans to restore them, they're running everything through the support ticketing system now
  • [11:49] Arletta Martian: NSA or whomever is filtering everything
  • [11:49] Jim Kenyon: time to go
  • [11:50] Aimee Trescothick: everyone should just seed their chat all the time with things which are likely to be trigger words for the NSAand co
  • [11:50] Aimee Trescothick: flood them with data :)
  • [11:50] reddot99 Republic: erm, what about basic residents, we dont get a real 'support' ticket system,
  • [11:50] Mealea Ying: it seems to me that using SL as a place for secure comunication is a bit on the farfetched side, not that people arnt doing so, but I dont think they are at all serious about keeping things privet if they are
  • [11:51] Bau Ur: bomb. Allah. Jihad. Bomb. Bomb. Ladies room at Which Linden's office.
  • [11:51] Arletta Martian: no i dont think sl is the place for a secure conversation, if thats what you want
  • [11:51] Which Linden: ha ha ha
  • [11:51] Which Linden: it's always ladies' night a which linden's place!
  • [11:51] Mealea Ying: this isint an anomouse remailer in Finnland or something its a #D world...
  • [11:51] Mealea Ying: great, typos
  • [11:52] Which Linden: agreed Mealea -- you're not here to be private, you're here to share
  • [11:52] Arletta Martian: but NOTHING on the internet is secure ... NOTHING ... its just different levels of insecurity
  • [11:52] Mealea Ying: exactly
  • [11:52] reddot99 Republic: and no, monitering of private citzens conversations has been around since hoover founded the fbi for god's sake, without warrents even,
  • [11:52] Which Linden: reddot: you can file support tickets without a premium account
  • [11:52] reddot99 Republic: they had illegal wiretaps on robert oppenhiemers friends and family,
  • [11:53] Which Linden: the brazennes of the government always amazes me
  • [11:53] Mealea Ying: not that I wont try at times to keep things between my self and someone else but Im not putting important personal information in here, or the plans for my latest submarine either
  • [11:53] reddot99 Republic: not all the various types, and not normally the relevent typos
  • [11:53] Morgaine Dinova: Mealea: sure, but that's because we're not doing anything of any interest to anyone else. If you were a politician you wouldn't be keen on your exploits as a furry appearing on the front page, and if you were a business person developing a market product, you wouldn't want competitors to have access to your plans. There are lots of reasons people have for privacy, which we may not have ourselves.
  • [11:53] reddot99 Republic: types
  • [11:53] Arletta Martian: wiretaps on individuals is one thing, wiretapping EVERYING going thru the network is another,,, on the plus side, they cant read all of that info, they have to filter for certain words
  • [11:53] reddot99 Republic: arletta, they did that,
  • [11:53] Morgaine Dinova: Mealea: and in many countries, privacy is a matter of life and death. The government not liking you can be a terminal experience.
  • [11:54] reddot99 Republic: some countries, not many,
  • [11:54] Mealea Ying: Kitty, thats a good point I suppose, but on the other hand by now you would think a politition would have learned som other..... hmmmmmm never mind
  • [11:54] reddot99 Republic: many involves an majority,
  • [11:55] Mealea Ying: I used the word learned, and that dosentfit
  • [11:55] Morgaine Dinova: Mealea: you used the word "politician" and "learn" in the same sentence. Epic fail
  • [11:55] Morgaine Dinova: Hehe
  • [11:55] reddot99 Republic: lol
  • [11:55] Arletta Martian: lol
  • [11:55] Mealea Ying: HAHAHAHAHA!
  • [11:55] Mealea Ying: grins at BlooooKitty!
  • [11:56] Bau Ur: One of the reasons I like Which Linden is that he actually says useful stuff rather than delivering prefabricated preapporved text when asked something sensitive.
  • [11:56] Bau Ur: LIke an engineeer rather than a PR drone or a politician.
  • [11:56] reddot99 Republic: and, as far as exploits as a furry go, i think i'd personally make that public long before i run,
  • [11:56] Which Linden: Almost as if I was an engineer! :-)
  • [11:56] Phantom Ninetails: lol
  • [11:56] reddot99 Republic: so there arent any accusations during a race,
  • [11:56] Aimee Trescothick: he's a plant
  • [11:56] Latif Khalifa: there are project like OpenVPN that let you jam all of your network traffict to ssl encrypted stream on port 443 esentially making it look like plain old https to someone listening in
  • [11:57] Mealea Ying: can you demolish 40 beers?
  • [11:57] ATechwolf Foxclaw: CSI actually help us. We can point to that and say "Do you really think that happens?" Lol
  • [11:57] Arletta Martian: lol ...... and do furries do something embarassing for a politician or is being a furry potentially embarassing????
  • [11:57] Which Linden: ha ha ha, yes, I drink rum every day
  • [11:57] Aimee Trescothick: hmmm, when he gets lots of stuff done he becomes a power plant ;)
  • [11:57] reddot99 Republic: lol,
  • [11:58] Mealea Ying: I do too actualy, and from Cuba lately, Gloria's is fantastic
  • [11:58] reddot99 Republic: i hope you dont drink and code :p
  • [11:58] Which Linden: A coder is a machine for turning coffee^H^H^H^H^H^H into code
  • [11:58] reddot99 Republic: that kinda thing causes region crossing failures :p
  • [11:58] Which Linden: uh forgot to put in "rum" into that ^H
  • [11:59] Which Linden: it's not cause I'm drunk
  • [11:59] Mealea Ying: hahaha!!!!
  • [11:59] Mealea Ying: not yet anyway
  • [11:59] Arletta Martian: a drunk plant?
  • [11:59] reddot99 Republic: no, you're not making enough typos to be drunk yet,
  • [11:59] Mealea Ying: its almost noon!
  • [11:59] Phantom Ninetails: Hmmm, I don't drink coffee or alcohol, I guess tea and soda work too
  • [11:59] Which Linden: "let me show you what it looks like when I'm drunk"
  • [12:00] Phantom Ninetails: lol
  • [12:00] Mealea Ying: at 1.6 fps this should be fun
  • [12:00] reddot99 Republic: considers knocking the plant over as part of the demo :p
  • [12:00] Which Linden: ha ha ha, well, we kinda avoided technical topics didn't we today?
  • [12:00] Arletta Martian: my fault, sorry
  • [12:00] reddot99 Republic: we got a few in,
  • [12:00] Phantom Ninetails: Yeah I noticed that too :P
  • [12:01] reddot99 Republic: at the start.
  • [12:01] Mealea Ying: technicly rum is a topic
  • [12:01] Arletta Martian: but one last question, can you WALK in that plant av???
  • [12:01] Which Linden: yeah
  • [12:01] Which Linden: check it
  • [12:01] Bau Ur:  :)
  • [12:01] Aimee Trescothick: runs on coke
  • [12:01] Phantom Ninetails: lol
  • [12:01] reddot99 Republic: lol
  • [12:01] Phantom Ninetails: Awesome
  • [12:01] Bau Ur:  :)
  • [12:01] Which Linden: the default animation makes it bob so cutely
  • [12:01] Aimee Trescothick: err, the legal kind that is
  • [12:01] Arletta Martian: no feet but he walks
  • [12:02] Which Linden: so yeah! I should go
  • [12:02] Mealea Ying: ha! and I was looking at your nose
  • [12:02] Which Linden: it's magic damn it
  • [12:02] reddot99 Republic: i didnt even realize you were on a pedastol,
  • [12:02] Phantom Ninetails: Fare well, Which
  • [12:02] Phantom Ninetails: lolo
  • [12:02] Phantom Ninetails: Er, lol*
  • [12:02] Aimee Trescothick: mind you, Which clearly runs on pot
  • [12:02] Which Linden: so yeah keep your eyes out for L$ problems
  • [12:02] reddot99 Republic: k,
  • [12:02] Which Linden: it uses the web service on even-numberes simhosts
  • [12:02] Bau Ur: Good luck with the server change WHich.
  • [12:02] Which Linden: hah zing aimee
  • [12:02] Which Linden: thanks!
  • [12:02] Aimee Trescothick:  ;)
  • [12:02] Latif Khalifa: Which got serveral transactions while here, so far so good
  • [12:02] Bau Ur: Must go.
  • [12:03] Morgaine Dinova: Bye Which, take care :-)
  • [12:03] Aimee Trescothick: waves
  • [12:03] Which Linden: take care yourself!
  • [12:03] Which Linden: see ya next week!