Difference between revisions of "PERMISSION CONTROL CAMERA"

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(worn/sat only)
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#REDIRECT [[LSL Permissions/Script/PERMISSION_CONTROL_CAMERA]]{{#vardefine:sort|pERMISSION_CONTROL_CAMERA}}{{LSLC|Constants}}{{LSLC|Integer}}
{{LSL Constant
|value={{LSL Hex|0x800}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llSetCameraParams]]|}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llClearCameraParams]]|}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llGetPermissions]]|Get the permissions granted}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llRequestPermissions]]|Request permissions}}
|events={{LSL DefineRow||[[run_time_permissions]]|Permission receiving event}}
|caveats=*This permission can only be granted if the avatar is sitting on or wearing the object containing the script.|cat1=Camera

Latest revision as of 13:56, 22 September 2010