Difference between revisions of "Release Notes/Second Life RC BlueSteel/12"

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* Scheduled 2012-10-17
* Contains low-level changes for general stability improvement.
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=== ===
* This is a maint-server project.
* This is a maint-server project.

Revision as of 14:01, 17 October 2012

  • Scheduled 2012-10-17
  • Contains low-level changes for general stability improvement.

  • This is a maint-server project.
  • Scheduled 2012-09-13
  • Bug Fixes

  • This is a maint-server project.
  • Scheduled 2012-09-06
  • Bug Fixes
    • VWR-5044: Attachments only change/inherit the active group when they're "rezzed
    • VWR-25762: group owned objects appear as owned by (nobody) in Top Scripts and Top Colliders
    • VWR-20320: Show in search and set for sale remain enabled after owner changed
    • SVC-7760: Large object instant messages can corrupt returned object location URL making it impossible to determine the object's location.
    • STORM-1840: Searching legacy names in the "Choose Resident" floater with a period returns no result
    • SVC-7525: Selected objects move when a new keyframe motion is started
    • SVC-7793: Scripted agents can't abandon land on private estates
    • SVC-7917: Please automatically unmute avatars who have muted themselves, and prevent this from occuring server-side.
    • SVC-7968: When TPing using a landmark the server sends two TeleportStart packets
    • SCR-247: Scripts created by Residents who are limited to only the General maturity rating do not function as expected when inside an object that the scripter created that is running in a Moderate or Adult region
    • SCR-318: llInsertString & llSubStringIndex support for 4 bytes characters broken since
    • SCR-359: The http_request() event fails to trigger in child prims that do not use llHTTPResponse() after it has received 64 HTTP requests and will not trigger again even if the script is reset.
    • SVC-8124: Excessive "ParcelOverlay reliable" messages sent by regions since last rolling restart (2012-08-08)
    • SVC-8136: Attachment point pelvis not being released
    • SVC-8146: llRezAtRoot() does not set correct parameters (for sale) on rezzed object in Second Life RC BlueSteel
    • SVC-7641: Add object location info to messages, was "Object on land sending excessive messages
    • SVC-8177: There is different behaivior between the RC channels and the main channel involving permissions, objects lose modify permissions
    • SVC-8208: L$ received notification not appearing when on an RC region

  • This is an maint-server project again.
  • Scheduled 2012-08-29
  • Bug Fixes
    • VWR-5044: Attachments only change/inherit the active group when they're "rezzed
    • VWR-25762: group owned objects appear as owned by (nobody) in Top Scripts and Top Colliders
    • VWR-20320: Show in search and set for sale remain enabled after owner changed
    • SVC-7760: Large object instant messages can corrupt returned object location URL making it impossible to determine the object's location.
    • STORM-1840: Searching legacy names in the "Choose Resident" floater with a period returns no result
    • SVC-7525: Selected objects move when a new keyframe motion is started
    • SVC-7793: Scripted agents can't abandon land on private estates
    • SVC-7917: Please automatically unmute avatars who have muted themselves, and prevent this from occuring server-side.
    • SVC-7968: When TPing using a landmark the server sends two TeleportStart packets
    • SCR-247: Scripts created by Residents who are limited to only the General maturity rating do not function as expected when inside an object that the scripter created that is running in a Moderate or Adult region
    • SCR-318: llInsertString & llSubStringIndex support for 4 bytes characters broken since
    • SCR-359: The http_request() event fails to trigger in child prims that do not use llHTTPResponse() after it has received 64 HTTP requests and will not trigger again even if the script is reset.
    • SVC-8124: Excessive "ParcelOverlay reliable" messages sent by regions since last rolling restart (2012-08-08)
    • SVC-8136: Attachment point pelvis not being released

  • This is an maint-server project.
  • Scheduled 2012-08-08
  • Bug Fixes
    • VWR-5044: Attachments only change/inherit the active group when they're "rezzed
    • VWR-25762: group owned objects appear as owned by (nobody) in Top Scripts and Top Colliders
    • VWR-20320: Show in search and set for sale remain enabled after owner changed
    • SVC-7760: Large object instant messages can corrupt returned object location URL making it impossible to determine the object's location.
    • STORM-1840: Searching legacy names in the "Choose Resident" floater with a period returns no result
    • SVC-7525: Selected objects move when a new keyframe motion is started
    • SVC-7793: Scripted agents can't abandon land on private estates
    • SVC-7917: Please automatically unmute avatars who have muted themselves, and prevent this from occuring server-side.
    • SVC-7968: When TPing using a landmark the server sends two TeleportStart packets
    • SCR-247: Scripts created by Residents who are limited to only the General maturity rating do not function as expected when inside an object that the scripter created that is running in a Moderate or Adult region
    • SCR-318: llInsertString & llSubStringIndex support for 4 bytes characters broken since
    • SCR-359: The http_request() event fails to trigger in child prims that do not use llHTTPResponse() after it has received 64 HTTP requests and will not trigger again even if the script is reset.

  • This is a "maint-server" project.
  • Scheduled 2012-07-18
  • Bug Fixes:
    • SVC-7792 : HUD Attachments Receive Infrequent Updates when Camera is Zoomed Out
    • SVC-7853 : [PUBLIC] Newly created notecards dont auto open in the viewer on
    • SCR-311 : llGetAgentList() with scope AGENT_LIST_PARCEL or AGENT_LIST_PARCEL_OWNER returns empty list when attached to avatar
    • SVC-378 : Role 'Everyone' in new groups should not have ability "Pay group liabilities and receive group dividends"
    • SVC-7847 : Top Scripts Refresh in Region/Estate Tools Broken
    • SVC-7793 : Scripted agents can't abandon land on private estates
    • SVC-7792 : HUD Attachments Receive Infrequent Updates when Camera is Zoomed Out
    • SVC-7837 : Filtering by object name or owner name in top scripts/top colliders no longer works
    • SVC-6894 : Excessive EnableSimulator message spamming to viewers
    • SVC-7917 : Please automatically unmute avatars who have muted themselves, and prevent this from occuring server-side.
  • Merged with Server Trunk: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/12#

  • This is an emergency deploy to fix a security issue. scheduled 2012-06-04
  • Features
    • No new features.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixes a griefing vector.

  • Scheduled 2012-05-23
  • Features
    • Simulator changes to process prebaked avatar textures for library outfits.

  • This "maint-server" project. scheduled 2012-04-04
  • The explicit ban height for parcels is being raised to 5000m. This means that avatars that are explicitly banned from a parcel can not enter them unless they are at least 5000m above ground. This allows high-altitude fly-overs as before, but they must be done at a much higher altitude.
  • Bug Fixes
    • SCR-6 "llGetSubString can produce results that crash Mono scripts"
    • SCR-281 "recent release to agni ( I think) breaks llDeleteSubString behaviour."
    • Removed old unused server code.
    • Fixed several server crash modes.
  • This version is on LeTigre as well.

  • This is "maint-server" project. scheduled 2012-03-28
  • No new features.
    • This release is focused on internal stability with networking code.
    • Modified existing throttles and caps on network traffic
  • Bug Fixes
    • Several fixes for certain crashmodes involved with SVC-7713 "sim crashes all avatars on sim (dosent restart but crash all viewers) multiple times a day"
  • This version is on LeTigre as well.

  • This is again the "threaded region crossing" project. scheduled 2012-03-21
  • Features
    • Prototype threaded region cross for agents. Uses the new threaded RPC/thread state machine mechanism.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed some crash modes that were discovered in the previous iteration of this project
  • Merged with Server Trunk: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/12#
  • This version is on all 3 RC channels, this week

  • This "maint-server" project scheduled 2012-01-18
  • Features
  • New LSL function integer llSetRegionPos(vector position)
    The object with the script will move the root prim position to the given location. The position is any position within the region. If the position is below ground, it will be set to the ground level at that X,Y spot. The function has no delay or throttle.
    • Returns 1 if the object is successfully placed within 0.1 m of position.
    • Returns 0 and does not move the object if position is more than 10m off region or above 4096m.
    • Returns 0 and does not move the object if the object is dynamic (has physics enabled).
    • Returns 0 and does not move the object if the object can not move to position due to object entry rules, prim limits, bans, etc.
  • "frame_number" option added to llGetEnv()
    Returns an integer that represents the current 'frame' of the simulator. Generally only useful for specific debugging cases.
  • Bug Fixes
    • SVC-7466 A notecard holds more data than a script can read
    • SVC-7520 Keyframe motion doesn't move towards the correct position when specified time is not an exact multiple of 1/45 seconds
    • SVC-7485 llSetKeyframedMotion cannot stop animation if none is running ... sounds less important than it is ...
    • SVC-7493 Weird mesh land impact issue
    • Fixed several simulator crash bugs and potential memory leaks.
    • Fixed a notecard crashing bug.
  • Code also deployed to LeTigre: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_LeTigre/12#

  • This "maint-server" project scheduled 2012-01-11
  • Bug Fixes
    • SVC-7540 Offline email notifications received but never delivered on login.