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|func = llAttachToAvatarTemp
|func = llAttachToAvatarTemp
|func_desc = Follows the same convention as [[llAttachToAvatar]], with the exception that the object will not create new inventory for the user, and will disappear on detach or disconnect.
|func_desc = Follows the same convention as [[llAttachToAvatar]], with the exception that the object will not create new inventory for the user, and will disappear on detach or disconnect. Also, this function can be used on avatars other than the owner (if granted permission) in which case the ownership is changed to the new wearer.
|func_footnote = It should be noted that when an object is attached temporarily, a user cannot 'take' or 'drop' the object that is attached to them.
|func_footnote = It should be noted that when an object is attached temporarily, a user cannot 'take' or 'drop' the object that is attached to them.
*Note that the user DOES NOT have to be the owner of the object for it to attach properly. In fact giving the object, or having the user take the object in order to transfer ownership, negates most of the usefulness of this function.
The user does not have to be the owner of the object in advance; this function transfers ownership automatically (the usual permissions required to transfer objects apply).
If {{LSLP|attach_point}} is zero, then the object attaches to the attach point it was most recently attached to.
|p1_type = integer
|p1_type = integer
|p1_subtype = attach_point
|p1_name = attach_point
|p1_name = attach_point
|p1_desc = ATTACH_* constant or valid value (see the tables below)
|p1_desc = ATTACH_* constant or valid value (see the tables below)
|constants = {{LSL_Constants_Attachment}}
|constants = {{LSL_Constants_Attachment}}
|caveats = *Attach points can be occupied by multiple attachments.{{Footnote|Multiple attachments per attach point were added as result of {{Jira|SCR-277}}|Multiple attachments per attach point were added as result of SCR-277}}
|caveats =
* When object ownership changes, any granted permissions are reset. After a successful attach, you will need a fresh call to [[llRequestPermissions]] to allow [[llDetachFromAvatar]] and other permission-required functions to work.
** Until successful attachment via this method, previously granted permissions are retained as normal.
* The attach step is not guaranteed to succeed, and this function should not be relied on as a security measure. Use the same permission and script precautions you would use with conventional inventory transfers.
* If you use [[llAttachToAvatarTemp]] in an object that you do not have permission to transfer, the function will fail with a script error ''No permission to transfer'', even if you are trying to attach it to yourself.
* Temporary attachments cannot request the permission [[PERMISSION_TELEPORT]], the following error will be returned: ''"Temporary attachments cannot request runtime permissions to teleport"''
*Attach points can be occupied by multiple attachments.{{Footnote|Multiple attachments per attach point were added as result of {{Jira|SCR-277}}|Multiple attachments per attach point were added as result of SCR-277}}
**This was not always the case, previously if {{LSLP|attach_point}} was occupied, the existing object was detached and the new attachment took it's place.  
**This was not always the case, previously if {{LSLP|attach_point}} was occupied, the existing object was detached and the new attachment took it's place.  
*Objects attached to the head (and any attachment position within the head) will not be visible in First Person view (aka [[Mouselook]]) if "show attachments in mouselook" is disabled.
*Objects attached to the head (and any attachment position within the head) will not be visible in First Person view (aka [[Mouselook]]) if "show attachments in mouselook" is disabled.
*If {{LSLP|attach_point}} is zero but the object was never previously attached, it defaults to the right hand ({{LSL Const|ATTACH_RHAND|integer|6|c=right hand}}).
*If {{LSLP|attach_point}} is zero but the object was never previously attached, it defaults to the right hand ({{LSL Const|ATTACH_RHAND|integer|6|c=right hand}}).
*If the object is already attached the function fails silently, regardless if the {{LSLP|attach_point}} is a different [[llGetAttached|attach point]].
*If the object is already attached the function fails silently, regardless of the {{LSLP|attach_point}} being a different {{LSLGC|Integer/attach_point|attach point}}.
|examples = <lsl>//-- rez object on ground, drop in this script, it will request permissions to attach,
*If attached via a Land Scope [[:Category:Experience_Tools|Experience]] script, the object will be force-detached by the server if the owner enters a parcel that does not have the Experience allowed.
*If the target agent is already wearing the maximum number of attachments, the object will remain on the ground with the target agent as owner. Scripters may wish to do one or more workarounds:
** check for successful attachment and [[llDie]]() after a timeout or if the object is manipulated while unattached
** check [[llGetObjectDetails]](avatarKey, [OBJECT_ATTACHED_SLOTS_AVAILABLE]) beforehand, and avoid attaching if zero slots available
|examples = <syntaxhighlight lang="lsl2">//-- rez object on ground, drop in this script, it will request permissions to attach,
//-- and then attach to the left hand if permission is granted. if permission is denied,
//-- and then attach to the left hand if permission is granted. if permission is denied,
//-- then the script complains.
//-- then the script complains.
Line 57: Line 71:

<lsl>//-- This example can demonstrate ownership transfer of an object on a temporary basis using llAttachToAvatarTemp()
<syntaxhighlight lang="lsl2">//-- This example can demonstrate ownership transfer of an object on a temporary basis using llAttachToAvatarTemp()
//-- Whoever touches will be asked for permission to attach, and upon granting permission will have the item attach,
//-- Whoever touches will be asked for permission to attach, and upon granting permission will have the item attach,
//-- But not appear in Inventory.
//-- But not appear in Inventory.
Line 88: Line 102:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lsl2">// This example illustrates how to handle permissions before and after llAttachToAvatarTemp has been called. Because ownership
// changes when the object is attached, the initial PERMISSION_ATTACH is revoked, and new permissions need to be requested.
integer gAttach = TRUE;
    touch_start(integer num)
        if (gAttach)  // Object has not been attached yet
            gAttach = FALSE;
        else  // Object has been attached, but you still need PERMISSION_ATTACH in order to detach the object
                llDetachFromAvatar();  // Note that the object vanishes when detached, so there is no need to set gAttach = TRUE again
    attach(key id)
        if (id)  // Object has been attached, so request permissions again
    run_time_permissions (integer perm)
        if (!gAttach)  //First time
            if (perm & PERMISSION_ATTACH)
                gAttach = TRUE;
                llAttachToAvatarTemp(ATTACH_HEAD);  // Initial PERMISSION_ATTACH is revoked at this point
        else  // Second time
An alternative solution:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lsl2">
// Because ownership changes when the object is attached, the initial PERMISSION_ATTACH is revoked, and new permissions need to be requested.
    touch_start(integer num)
        if (!llGetAttached()) llRequestPermissions( llDetectedKey(0), PERMISSION_ATTACH);
        else if ( llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_ATTACH) llDetachFromAvatar();
    attach(key id)
        if (id) llRequestPermissions( id, PERMISSION_ATTACH | PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);
    run_time_permissions (integer perm)
        if (!llGetAttached() && (perm & PERMISSION_ATTACH)) llAttachToAvatarTemp( ATTACH_NOSE);
        if (perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) llStartAnimation( llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_ANIMATION, 0));

|also_functions = {{LSL DefineRow||[[llDetachFromAvatar]]|Detaches the object from the avatar}}
|also_functions = {{LSL DefineRow||[[llDetachFromAvatar]]|Detaches the object from the avatar}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llGetAttached]]|Gets the attach point number}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llGetAttached]]|Gets the attach point number}}
|history = Date of Release  [[ Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/12# | 24/07/2012 ]]
|haiku={{Haiku|Embrace me. I'm yours|If only for a short time|Rejected, we part.}}
|cat1 = Attachment
|cat1 = Attachment
|cat2 = Avatar
|cat2 = Avatar
[[Category:Experience Tools]]

Latest revision as of 06:12, 28 January 2024


Function: llAttachToAvatarTemp( integer attach_point );

Follows the same convention as llAttachToAvatar, with the exception that the object will not create new inventory for the user, and will disappear on detach or disconnect. Also, this function can be used on avatars other than the owner (if granted permission) in which case the ownership is changed to the new wearer.

• integer attach_point ATTACH_* constant or valid value (see the tables below)

To run this function the script must request the PERMISSION_ATTACH permission with llRequestPermissions. It should be noted that when an object is attached temporarily, a user cannot 'take' or 'drop' the object that is attached to them.

The user does not have to be the owner of the object in advance; this function transfers ownership automatically (the usual permissions required to transfer objects apply).

If attach_point is zero, then the object attaches to the attach point it was most recently attached to.

KBnote.png Note: Constants in italic require a viewer compatible with the Project Bento skeleton.
Constant # Name Comment
ATTACH_HEAD 2 Skull head
ATTACH_NOSE 17 Nose nose
ATTACH_MOUTH 11 Mouth mouth
ATTACH_FACE_TONGUE 52 Tongue tongue
ATTACH_CHIN 12 Chin chin
ATTACH_LEAR 13 Left Ear left ear
ATTACH_REAR 14 Right Ear right ear
ATTACH_FACE_LEAR 48 Alt Left Ear left ear (extended)
ATTACH_FACE_REAR 49 Alt Right Ear right ear (extended)
ATTACH_LEYE 15 Left Eye left eye
ATTACH_REYE 16 Right Eye right eye
ATTACH_FACE_LEYE 50 Alt Left Eye left eye (extended)
ATTACH_FACE_REYE 51 Alt Right Eye right eye (extended)
ATTACH_NECK 39 Neck neck
ATTACH_LSHOULDER 3 Left Shoulder left shoulder
ATTACH_RSHOULDER 4 Right Shoulder right shoulder
ATTACH_LUARM 20 L Upper Arm left upper arm
ATTACH_RUARM 18 R Upper Arm right upper arm
ATTACH_LLARM 21 L Lower Arm left lower arm
ATTACH_RLARM 19 R Lower Arm right lower arm
ATTACH_LHAND 5 Left Hand left hand
ATTACH_RHAND 6 Right Hand right hand
ATTACH_LHAND_RING1 41 Left Ring Finger left ring finger
ATTACH_RHAND_RING1 42 Right Ring Finger right ring finger
ATTACH_LWING 45 Left Wing left wing
ATTACH_RWING 46 Right Wing right wing
ATTACH_CHEST 1 Chest chest/sternum
ATTACH_LEFT_PEC 29 Left Pec left pectoral
ATTACH_RIGHT_PEC 30 Right Pec right pectoral
ATTACH_BELLY 28 Stomach belly/stomach/tummy
ATTACH_BACK 9 Spine back
ATTACH_TAIL_BASE 43 Tail Base tail base
ATTACH_TAIL_TIP 44 Tail Tip tail tip
ATTACH_AVATAR_CENTER 40 Avatar Center avatar center/root
ATTACH_PELVIS 10 Pelvis pelvis
ATTACH_GROIN 53 Groin groin
ATTACH_LHIP 25 Left Hip left hip
ATTACH_RHIP 22 Right Hip right hip
ATTACH_LULEG 26 L Upper Leg left upper leg
ATTACH_RULEG 23 R Upper Leg right upper leg
ATTACH_RLLEG 24 R Lower Leg right lower leg
ATTACH_LLLEG 27 L Lower Leg left lower leg
ATTACH_LFOOT 7 Left Foot left foot
ATTACH_RFOOT 8 Right Foot right foot
ATTACH_HIND_LFOOT 54 Left Hind Foot left hind foot
ATTACH_HIND_RFOOT 55 Right Hind Foot right hind foot
Constant Comment
Constant Comment
ATTACH_ANY_HUD -1 A special constant representing all HUD attachment points when filtering.


  • Do not depend upon the auto-grant status of permissions. Always use the run_time_permissions event.
  • If the script lacks the permission PERMISSION_ATTACH, the script will shout an error on DEBUG_CHANNEL and the operation fails (but the script continues to run).
  • Once the PERMISSION_ATTACH permission is granted there is no way to revoke it except from inside the script (for example, with a new llRequestPermissions call) or the script is reset or deleted.
  • When object ownership changes, any granted permissions are reset. After a successful attach, you will need a fresh call to llRequestPermissions to allow llDetachFromAvatar and other permission-required functions to work.
    • Until successful attachment via this method, previously granted permissions are retained as normal.
  • The attach step is not guaranteed to succeed, and this function should not be relied on as a security measure. Use the same permission and script precautions you would use with conventional inventory transfers.
  • If you use llAttachToAvatarTemp in an object that you do not have permission to transfer, the function will fail with a script error No permission to transfer, even if you are trying to attach it to yourself.
  • Temporary attachments cannot request the permission PERMISSION_TELEPORT, the following error will be returned: "Temporary attachments cannot request runtime permissions to teleport"
  • Attach points can be occupied by multiple attachments.[1]
    • This was not always the case, previously if attach_point was occupied, the existing object was detached and the new attachment took it's place.
  • Objects attached to the head (and any attachment position within the head) will not be visible in First Person view (aka Mouselook) if "show attachments in mouselook" is disabled.
  • If attach_point is zero but the object was never previously attached, it defaults to the right hand (ATTACH_RHAND).
  • If the object is already attached the function fails silently, regardless of the attach_point being a different attach point.
  • If attached via a Land Scope Experience script, the object will be force-detached by the server if the owner enters a parcel that does not have the Experience allowed.
  • If the target agent is already wearing the maximum number of attachments, the object will remain on the ground with the target agent as owner. Scripters may wish to do one or more workarounds:
    • check for successful attachment and llDie() after a timeout or if the object is manipulated while unattached
    • check llGetObjectDetails(avatarKey, [OBJECT_ATTACHED_SLOTS_AVAILABLE]) beforehand, and avoid attaching if zero slots available


//-- rez object on ground, drop in this script, it will request permissions to attach,
//-- and then attach to the left hand if permission is granted. if permission is denied,
//-- then the script complains.
        llRequestPermissions( llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_ATTACH );

    run_time_permissions( integer vBitPermissions )
        if( vBitPermissions & PERMISSION_ATTACH )
            llAttachToAvatarTemp( ATTACH_LHAND );
            llOwnerSay( "Permission to attach denied" );

    on_rez(integer rez)
        { //reset the script if it's not attached.

    attach(key AvatarKey)
        {//event is called on both attach and detach, but Key is only valid on attach
            integer test = llGetAttached();
            if (test) {
                llOwnerSay( "The object is attached" );
            } else {
                llOwnerSay( "The object is not attached");
//-- This example can demonstrate ownership transfer of an object on a temporary basis using llAttachToAvatarTemp()
//-- Whoever touches will be asked for permission to attach, and upon granting permission will have the item attach,
//-- But not appear in Inventory.
    touch_start(integer num_touches)
        llRequestPermissions( llDetectedKey(0), PERMISSION_ATTACH );

    run_time_permissions( integer vBitPermissions )
        if( vBitPermissions & PERMISSION_ATTACH )
            llAttachToAvatarTemp( ATTACH_LHAND );
            llOwnerSay( "Permission to attach denied" );

    on_rez(integer rez)
        { //reset the script if it's not attached.
// This example illustrates how to handle permissions before and after llAttachToAvatarTemp has been called. Because ownership
// changes when the object is attached, the initial PERMISSION_ATTACH is revoked, and new permissions need to be requested.

integer gAttach = TRUE;


    touch_start(integer num)
        if (gAttach)  // Object has not been attached yet
            gAttach = FALSE;
        else   // Object has been attached, but you still need PERMISSION_ATTACH in order to detach the object
                llDetachFromAvatar();  // Note that the object vanishes when detached, so there is no need to set gAttach = TRUE again

    attach(key id)
        if (id)  // Object has been attached, so request permissions again

    run_time_permissions (integer perm)
        if (!gAttach)  //First time
            if (perm & PERMISSION_ATTACH)
                gAttach = TRUE;
                llAttachToAvatarTemp(ATTACH_HEAD);  // Initial PERMISSION_ATTACH is revoked at this point
        else  // Second time

An alternative solution:

// Because ownership changes when the object is attached, the initial PERMISSION_ATTACH is revoked, and new permissions need to be requested.

    touch_start(integer num)
        if (!llGetAttached()) llRequestPermissions( llDetectedKey(0), PERMISSION_ATTACH);
        else if ( llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_ATTACH) llDetachFromAvatar();
    attach(key id)
        if (id) llRequestPermissions( id, PERMISSION_ATTACH | PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);
    run_time_permissions (integer perm)
        if (!llGetAttached() && (perm & PERMISSION_ATTACH)) llAttachToAvatarTemp( ATTACH_NOSE);
        if (perm & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) llStartAnimation( llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_ANIMATION, 0));

See Also


•  run_time_permissions Permission receiving event


•  llGetPermissions Get the permissions granted
•  llGetPermissionsKey Get the agent who granted permissions
•  llRequestPermissions Request permissions
•  llDetachFromAvatar Detaches the object from the avatar
•  llGetAttached Gets the attach point number


•  Script permissions

Deep Notes


Date of Release 24/07/2012


  1. ^ Multiple attachments per attach point were added as result of SCR-277


function void llAttachToAvatarTemp( integer attach_point );


Embrace me. I'm yours
If only for a short time
Rejected, we part.