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[[File:v1.23 Group Information-Notice Example.jpg|thumb|left|377px|'''Sample Notice''']]
[[File:v1.23 Group Information-Notice Example.jpg|thumb|left|377px|'''Sample Notice''']]
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[[File:v1.23 Group Invitation.jpg|thumb|left|188px|'''Group Invitation Floating Window''']]
[[File:v1.23 Group Invitation.jpg|thumb|left|188px|'''Group Invitation Floating Window''']]

Revision as of 19:11, 3 September 2009

This page is part of the Second Life User's Manual, describing how the Viewer software works. Please see the main User's Manual page as a starting point. This page discusses the group-related floating windows. for general information about groups in Second Life, see Group.

Contacts Window - Groups Tab

Contacts: Groups

This tab of the "Communicate" floating window allows you to access your groups list and perform actions related to groups. It is opened with the top menu View > Communicate item, then clicking on the groups tab. The main part of the window lists the current groups you belong to. Included in the list is 'none' for when you want no group active. You may belong to a maximum of 25 groups at one time, and underneath the list it will show how many you belong to currently.

Clicking once on a group in the list will highlight it, after which the right side buttons will do the actions listed below. Double clicking will open a group IM immediately.

IM/Call - Opens a group Instant Message/Call tab to allow text or voice chat with group members who are online.

Info - Opens the Group Information window (described below).

Activate - Makes the selected group active. This displays the active title for the group in the 3D view area over your avatar name. Some land permissions and objects will only work if you have the proper group active. Any objects you create while a group is active will have the group set on the item properties.

Leave - Remove yourself from a group's membership list.

Create - Opens a blank group information window to create a new group. You can fill in the group title and charter. You will then be asked if it is a mature group, and finally if you want to pay 100L$ to create the group. Groups must have at least 2 members or they will be deleted in 48 hours.

Search - Opens the "Search" window to the groups tab, so you can search for existing groups.

Group Information General Tab

Group Information: General

The Group Information window has a number of tabs showing information about the group and letting you do various group related actions. The General tab is opened by default in one of the following ways:

  • With the top menu Edit > Groups... item, then highlight a group name, and click Info button
  • Pointing at your avatar in the 3D view (or your name overhead), right-click Context Menu > Groups..., then Info button
  • Pointing at your avatar, right click Context Menu > Profile... for the "Groups:" list for visible groups in your profile, then double click a group name.
  • The bottom toolbar Communicate > Groups button/tab (if docked), then Info button
  • The bottom toolbar ^ button, Contacts > Groups item/tab, then Info button

The group name is shown at the top, followed by the original group founder's name. The group insignia is a texture or snapshot you can select from your inventory by clicking the box. You may also edit the Group charter if you are one of the group owners. Both of these will show in search if the group is set to show in search.

This tab lists the group owners (in bold), and publicly listed group members, their active title, and last login date. The bottom section are group preferences you can set:

  • Show in Search - If checked, the group will be listed in the Search window, under the Groups tab.
  • Open Enrollment - If checked, users may add themselves to the group membership, rather than by invitation only.
  • Enrollment Fee - If checked, charges a fee to join the group
  • Content Button - Determines which maturity level the group will appear under in search
  • My Active Title - Lets you select among the titles attached to roles assigned to you which will be visible over your name.
  • Receive group notices - If checked, you will receive notices. They will appear immediately if you are logged in, or at your next login if not.
  • List group in my profile - If checked, the group will appear in your profile for other users to see.

Refresh - Group information is loaded when you open the window, but not updated as long as the window is open. This button will reload the information.

OK - Closes the window

Cancel - Closes the window and ignores any changes you have made

Apply - Saves any changes you have made without closing the window

Group Information Members & Roles Tab

Group Information: Members & Roles

The Members and Roles tab shows the full list of group members, and their assigned roles and abilities. It has three sub-tabs for each of these items.

Members Sub-Tab - This contains a text entry box which allows you to search a member by name. Entering any part of a name then clicking the Search button will narrow the list to those who match. The Show All button will return to the full list. The three column headers can each be clicked to sort the list in increasing or decreasing order.

Clicking on a name will highlight it, and fill in the lower two boxes showing their assigned roles and allowed abilities. If you have the power to change role assignments, you can check or uncheck boxes in the roles list. This will change their allowed abilities according to what powers each role has been given. The "Everyone" role cannot be unchecked or deleted, and the "Owners" role always has all powers in the group.

Invite New Member... - Opens the Group Invitation floating window (see next section). This allows you to send invitations to people to join the group, assuming you have that ability. There is no set limit to a group size, though if it reaches into thousands, it has been known to cause problems with status and group chat.
Eject From Group - If one or more names are highlighted in the member list, this button will remove them from the group.

Group Information Roles Tab

Roles Sub-Tab - This also has a text entry box to search the roles by name, although only a maximum of 10 roles may be created for a group, so it is not too useful. Roles have both an internal name within the Information window, and a public title which is used over avatar names. This tab shows both, and also the number of members assigned to each role.

Clicking a role in the list will show the information about the role in the lower half of the tab. This part of the tab will be greyed out if you are not allowed to edit it.

Create New Role... - This button creates a new role called "New Role", with a blank title. If you attempt to create more than 10 roles, an error message popup will appear on the top right corner of the screen. Once the role is created, you can edit it's name, title, description, and allowed abilities.
Delete Role - If a role is highlighted, this button deletes it from the list.
Name, Title, and Description - Role names and titles may be duplicated, and are limited to 20 characters each. The description can be 174 characters long, and is only visible to group members.
Assigned Members - When a role is highlighted, the members who have been assigned to that role are listed in the lower box.
Allowed Abilities - There are 45 separate abilities listed within groups, which lets you control in detail what each member can and cannot do within the group. The assigned abilities are by role, and you can check and uncheck boxes which are not greyed out. Owners always have full powers, so their abilities cannot be edited. New roles are created with no powers to start with. The "Everyone" role defaults to having some powers. Warning: Be cautious about assigning abilities until you understand what each one can do
Members are Visible - This box controls which members in the group are publicly listed in the General tab by role. Owners are always visible.

Abilities Sub Tab - This tab allows you to see a description of what each ability does, and which roles and members have the ability. Descriptions are provided for the headings also. It does not allow editing, it is more of a cross reference.

Group Information: Notices Tab

Group Information: Notices

Some group members have the power to send "Notices" to the entire group. Notices are delivered immediately as a top right corner pop-up if you are logged in, and at your next login if you are not. This tab displays a list of past notices for the previous two weeks. They may be sorted by subject, sender, or date by clicking the list headers. Highlighting a notice will show it's text message and attachment if any. An example notice is shown below. They are limited in length, and can contain a single item as an attachment. A maximum of 200 notices per day per group may be sent.

Sample Notice

Group Invitation Floating Window

Group Invitation

This window is opened by clicking the Group Information window > Members tab > Invite New Member... button. It lets you make a list of users and invite them to join the group. The Open Resident Chooser button will open a secondary window with a search box. You can enter part of a name there, and then add it to this list.

Once you have chosen all the people to invite, you can choose from the available list of roles to add them to. The default role is "Everyone".

Clicking the Send Invitations button will send them. Users can accept or decline the invitations. If they are not online, the invite will appear when they next log in as a popup message in the top right corner of the screen.

Choose Resident Floating Window

Choose Resident

This is a sub-window opened from the Group Invitation window. It allows you to search for any user name, or select names from your inventory calling card list, or avatars near you.

When using search, type part of a name in the top text box, and click Find. When you see the name you want, highlight it, and click Select to add it to the invite list. Then you can search for other names.

When using calling cards or Near Me, select one or a range of names, and click the Select button to add them to the invite list.

Groups Floating Window


This window is opened via the About Land window > General tab > Group: Set... button. It allows you to set one of the groups you belong to as the group associated with the parcel. The current group set is in bold. Highlight another one, and click OK to change it.