Difference between revisions of "User:Nava Muni"

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[[Image:NavaMuni_wiki_profile.jpg|right|frame|thumb|256px|Nava Muni]]
{| width="100%"
| align="left"|__TOC__ || align="right"|<div>
{| id="what_i_am" style="margin: 0 0 1em 1em; font-size: 90%; border: solid gray 1px"
|-style="background: #f2f2f2" align="left"
| style="border-bottom: solid #ccf 2px"|'''Vessel'''
|-style="background: #e2e2e2" align="right"
| style="font-size: 9pt"|I am a glove.<br>On my own, I am but a hollow shell of potential.<br>When donned, I become an embodiment of creation and imagination.<br>- ''Nava Muni''
[[Image:NavaMuni_wiki_profile.jpg|frame|thumb|256px|Nava Muni]]
<div id="box">
== Who I am ==
<div style="padding:0.5em">
Hello! I'm [http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Special:Emailuser/Nava_Muni Nava Muni]. (A little [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanskrit Sanskrit] there for those so inclined to investigate.)<br>
This abstract shell is the creation of a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baryonic baryonic] entity living someplace within [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=new+york+city&ie=UTF8&ll=40.783661,-73.969917&spn=0.232402,0.350876&z=12&om=0 New York City].<br>
<strike>I have a personal blog that you're all free to read and comment upon. However, bear in mind that this is a blog of my ''personal'' thoughts and musings - a place to share and sometimes to vent. You might not always like what you read, and I'm sure you'll quite often disagree with the things I have to say. I surely don't intend to offend anyone in what I post but if you feel displeasing with what you read, feel free to comment (on the blog) or ... simply "change the channel."  :)</strike><br>
''{{WFont|rgb=31,127,255|text=The personal blog is undergoing major revisions ...}}''
<span style="visibility:hidden">http://navamuni.blogspot.com/</span>

{| align="right" id="what_i_am" style="margin: 0 0 1em 1em; font-size:90%; border: 1px solid gray"
<div id="box">
|- style="background:#f2f2f2" align="left"
| style="border-bottom: 2px solid #ccf"| '''Me'''
== Noteworthy People ==
|- style="background:#e2e2e2" align="right"
<div style="padding:0.5em">
| <small>
''Wow!'' I started to compile a list of people and didn't realize that I knew so many '''quality residents'''!!<br>
I am a glove.<br>
On my own, I am but a hollow shell of potential.<br>
When donned, I become an embodiment of creation and imagination.<br>
- ''Nava Muni''
|align=right|[[User:Shadow Pidgeon|Shadow]]||align=left|What can I say about The Shadow? She's a great one to talk to; I can unabashedly expose my full geekiness to her. Here's a gem to really appreciate.
|align=right|[[User:Zai Lynch|Zai]]||align=left|When I get going, I start to babble in techno. Zai doesn't miss a beat. That's rare and quite appreciated. ;P
|align=right|[[User:Trinity Coulter|Trinity]]||align=left|Driven! Vital! Exuberant! Here's one cookie full of a lot of great ideas!
|align=right|[http://world.secondlife.com/resident/6a95c64a-0a48-462c-b8d6-eb4859c68418 Yeti Bing]||align=left|A ''' ''fantastic'' ''' avatar designer! Every time I have a bit of spending money, you'll find me at her and Yoa's {{SLurl/simple|Vanaheim|221|45|66|shop}}.
|align=right|[http://world.secondlife.com/resident/8eaed5b7-e97f-42c8-a603-730ab379752c Lyn]||align=left|Here's a good, kind, and warm soul. And the ''' ''best'' ''' graphics artist/texture designer I've ever met in Second Life.<br>She does clothing, too. (Her {{SLurl/simple|LeftBank Studios|128|128|0|studio}}.)
|align=right|[http://world.secondlife.com/resident/0f6ab9e9-1738-469e-ab65-79200c433514 Keystoner March]||align=left|A good, friendly neighbor with a great school, the [http://world.secondlife.com/place/516ceac5-0ed8-9dfb-4f96-e0a88df2e686 College of Scripting, Science, and Music] in {{SLurl/simple|Horsa|31|208|84|Horsa}}!
|align=right|[http://world.secondlife.com/resident/a8f0b56e-e68e-4113-acec-71c57c98cc5b Darwin Recreant]||align=left|Smart, innovative, and quite skilled. One of Keystoner's cohorts at CoSMS.
|align=right|[http://world.secondlife.com/resident/04f51353-788b-407f-8b30-11d8640f0e4d Tek Bachman]||align=left|A courteous and friendly neighbor --- and a Mentor, too!
|align=right|[http://world.secondlife.com/resident/babbb5d9-c883-4558-b1e3-850732bb46fe Tilla Kronos]||align=left|A RL faculty (SL) pioneer. I'm constantly inspired by her desire to 'push the limit.'<br>I find her perspective of virtual worlds in higher ed to be quite vitalizing.
|align=right|[http://world.secondlife.com/resident/de3f5a9d-8836-40d6-8206-ccd2a3cff039 Korinth Glitter]||align=left|A RL industry fellow. While I don't know her SL persona very well, in RL I find her skills and personality refreshing.
|align=right|[http://world.secondlife.com/resident/c8420006-6755-4c1b-9176-c939f7714ba8 Intellagirl Tully]||align=left|I've had  occasion to share quite a few RL moments with Intellagirl. She's quite an inspiriting personality!<br>Check out her [http://www.intellagirl.com/ web site]. Also, [[Second Life Best Practices in Education]].
|align=right|[[User:George Linden|George Linden]]||align=left|Wow! He actually sat there and listened to me!

== Who I am ==
On a very personal level, there are some who fail all description:
:[http://world.secondlife.com/resident/d02df2ac-86ae-4065-96f3-7f6a2e968873 Indigo Izumi]; we mourn his passing.
:[http://world.secondlife.com/resident/4020c87f-1883-406c-8e5b-42d3e1b2cf55 JoshBear Sojourner]

Hello! I'm Nava Muni. (A little [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanskrit Sanskrit] there for those so inclined to investigate.)<br>
<div id="box">
This abstract shell is the creation of a [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baryonic baryonic] entity living someplace within [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=new+york+city&ie=UTF8&ll=40.783661,-73.969917&spn=0.232402,0.350876&z=12&om=0 New York City].

== What I do ==
== What I do ==
<div style="padding:0.5em">
First and foremost, my SL life is 'defined' by being a scripter. In addition to scripting, I'm heavily involved in building,
First and foremost, my SL life is 'defined' by being a scripter. In addition to scripting, I'm heavily involved in building,
designing, planning, and logistics. I love to stay active!
designing, planning, and logistics. I love to stay active!

I have over 25 years RL experience as a hardware and software designer and developer. I've worn the general's hat as well as
I have over 27 years RL experience as a hardware and software designer and developer. I've worn the general's hat as well as
picked up the shovel to dig in the trenches with everyone else. (Sometimes both at the same time!) My journey has given me
picked up the shovel to dig in the trenches with everyone else. (Sometimes both at the same time!) My journey has given me
many opportunities to work with people from a variety of backgrounds - each with his own set of skill and talents.<br>
many opportunities to work with people from a variety of backgrounds - each with his own set of skill and talents.<br>
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There are few things as satisfying as seeing the proverbial "light go on" as you guide someone through his trials.
There are few things as satisfying as seeing the proverbial "light go on" as you guide someone through his trials.

=== Specialties ===
{|align="center" width="81%"
=== In-world Specialties ===

Here are a few script-related areas in which I specialize ...
Here are a few script-related areas in which I specialize ...
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* in-/out-world communications
* in-/out-world communications

For my out-world efforts, you'll find me working in ...
I also find many opportunities to wear the hat of ...
* coordinator
* logistician
* project manager
=== Out-world Specialties ===
:{{wFont|size=small|decorate=underline|rgb=32,128,128|text=Soft Things}}

* Java
:* Java
* C/C++
:* C/C++
:* PHP
* bash
:* bash
:* Forth and several forms of assembler (for my embedded projects)

If you ever come twiddle some of my creations at {{SLurl|region=Daeldred|x=209|y=12|z=651|title=home|}}, you might end up talking
:{{wFont|size=small|decorate=underline|rgb=32,128,128|text=Hard Things}}
:* hardware systems design
:* hardware system integration
:* circuit design
:* breaking things
:* fixing things
If you ever come twiddle some of my creations at {{SLurl/simple|Daeldred|209|12|651|home}}, you might end up talking
to a little piece of off-world hardware I've built.
to a little piece of off-world hardware I've built.

<div id="box">

== Why I'm here ==
== Why I'm here ==
<div style="padding:0.5em">
I would have to say my reasons for being in Second Life are twofold ...

I'm here to have fun! And for me, "fun" is exploring my crazy ideas. "Fun" is also helping others' explore their crazy ideas!
The first would be ... for fun! For me, "fun" is exploring my crazy ideas. "Fun" is also helping others' explore their crazy ideas!
(Ok; sometimes not all the ideas are crazy.) But I could never say my goal with Second Life is to "make money." Not that you
(Ok; sometimes not all the ideas are crazy.) But I could never say my goal with Second Life is to "make money." Not that you
can't - and not that I haven't - but I came here to learn, discover, create, teach, and "expand myself." If I can help make
can't - and not that I haven't - but I came here to learn, discover, create, teach, and "expand myself.
someone else's path a little smoother - well, then I'll be all the richer for that!

The second would be to explore (and exploit!) the opportunities for education - both as a "student" and as an "instructor."
I will never (and have never) considered Second Life to be "a game." I view it as a wonderfully rich and expressive 'place' in
which to communicate and share. I love learning and I love teaching. If I can help make someone else's path a little smoother -
well, then I'll be all the richer for that!

And that's why I became a [[:Category:Second Life Mentor|Mentor]] and a Mentor Coach.
((How's '''that''' for a segue?!))
<div id="box">
== Class Resource Materials (Mentor Coaching et al.) ==
<div style="padding:0.5em">
* [[User:Nava Muni/Mac4NonMac | A Pragmatic Mac Primer for non-Mac Mentors]]
* Lag Demystified {{wFont|rgb=139,0,139|text=''(coming soon!)''}}
* Prims: Invisible, Transparent, and Phantom {{wFont|rgb=139,0,139|text=''(coming soon!)''}}
* Second Life{{super|&reg;}} Land Ownership - An Overview {{wFont|rgb=139,0,139|text=''(coming soon!)''}}
* Second Life{{super|&reg;}} Land Ownership - Land Management {{wFont|rgb=139,0,139|text=''(coming soon!)''}}
* Copyright, "copyleft," Creative Commons, the GPL and BSD Licenses {{wFont|rgb=139,0,139|text=''(coming soon!)''}}
<div id="box">
== Projects ==
<div style="padding:0.5em">
* [[User:Nava_Muni/n2k | name-to-key]] web service/API ''{{wFont|color=orange|text=(compare to [http://www.alpha-fox.com/name2key/ Alpha-Fox] and [http://w-hat.com w-hat])}}''
* [[User:Nava_Muni/k2n | key-to-name]] web service/API ''{{wFont|color=orange|text=(compare to [http://www.alpha-fox.com/key2name/ Alpha-Fox])}}''
* [[User:Nava_Muni/slvec | Second Life{{super|&reg;}} class schedule]] wiki extraction web service/API
* [[User:Nava_Muni/logger | event/chat logger]] web service/API ''([[User:Nava Muni/logger-src | PHP source]] - {{wFont|color=purple|text=''pending''}})''
* [[User:Nava_Muni/dropbox | data 'dropbox']] web service/API ''([[User:Nava Muni/dropbox-src | PHP source]] - {{wFont|color=purple|text=''pending''}})''
* [[User:Nava_Muni/ics | iCal/ICS generation]] web service/API
* [[User:Nava_Muni/QuickMap | 'quick map']] Mac widget - {{wFont|color=purple|text=''release pending completion of language translations''}}
<div id="box">
== Places I recommend ... ==
== Places I recommend ... ==
<div style="padding:0.5em">
{| align="center" width="90%"
=== On the Web ... ===
=== On the Web ... ===

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with a HUD device or via the Web.
with a HUD device or via the Web.

For volunteering, you have the unmatched [[Volunteer Portal | SL Volunteer Portal]] and the indispensible [http://vteamblog.com/ VTeam blog]!
If you're a RL educator, you mind find [http://www.simteach.com/wiki/index.php?title=The_SaLamander_Project SaLamander] (leveraging sloog) in conjunction with [http://www.merlot.org/ MERLOT] to be helpful resources.

You can't go wrong by learning how to navigate the [http://jira.secondlife.com/ JIRA]<br>
For volunteering, you have the unmatched [[Volunteer Portal | SL Volunteer Portal]] and the indispensable [http://vteamblog.com/ VTeam blog]!
You can't go wrong by learning how to navigate the [http://jira.secondlife.com/ JIRA] (though I'm no fan of [http://www.atlassian.com/ Atlassian]).<br>
For aggregated support issues, check out the wonderful efforts of [http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Gigs_Taggart Gigs Taggart] at [http://sljirastats.com/ SLJiraStats].
For aggregated support issues, check out the wonderful efforts of [http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Gigs_Taggart Gigs Taggart] at [http://sljirastats.com/ SLJiraStats].

If you're looking to buy things ...<br>
If you're looking to buy things ...<br>
* [http://www.slexchange.com/ SLExchange] -- (has some free stuff, too!)
* [http://www.xstreetsl.com/ Xstreet SL] -- (formerly ''SLExchange''; has some free stuff, too! - now a '''Linden Lab''' subsidiary)
* [http://shop.onrez.com/ OnRez]
* <strike>OnRez</strike> -- (formerly ''SL Boutique'' now merged with ''XStreeSL'' and absorbed by '''Linden Lab''')
=== On the Grid ... ===

* {{SLurl/simple|xyz        |128|128|100|xyz                            }}
* {{SLurl/simple|Natoma    |210|162|28 |The Ivory Library Tower of Prims}}
* {{SLurl/simple|Mosi Mosi  |112|144|23 |Mosi-Mosi Offices (sloog)      }}
* {{SLurl/simple|Teal      |202|40 |301|The Particle Laboratory        }}

=== On the Grid ... ===
<div id="box">
== JIRA Issues ==
<div style="padding:0.5em">
[http://confluence.atlassian.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=192544 What does JIRA mean?]
=== My 'Favorite' SL Technical Issues ===
|{{JIRA|SVC-93}} || ''llSetPrimitiveParams PRIM_ROTATION and llSetRot incorrectly implemented for child prims''
|{{JIRA|SVC-1577}} || ''llHTTPRequest returns 499 on some ip addresses (not all)''
|{{JIRA|SVC-1649}} || ''llStopAnimation( "type" ) disables AGENT_TYPING bitfield returned by llGetAgentInfo()''
|{{JIRA|SVC-1917}} || ''llHttpRequest returns status 499 on a working web site''
|{{JIRA|SVC-2833}} || ''More than 25 groups!''
|<strike>{{JIRA|SVC-2938}}</strike> || ''Server ... llGetNextEmail(string address, string subject) ... with a value in the SUBJECT field ... will fail ...''
|{{JIRA|SVC-3202}} || ''drag/drop destination prim in linkset object varies based on type of asset''
|{{JIRA|SVC-3338}} || ''script using llRemoveInventory() tries to delete items not in object's inventory and embeds "invisible" random script''  {{wFont|color=purple|text=('''oy!''')}}
|<strike>{{JIRA|VWR-5895}}</strike> || ''llTargetOmega periodically stoppping rotation''
|{{JIRA|VWR-6387}} || ''multi-prim attachments designed to move on command DO move but DO NOT show as moved when avatar's Z >= 420m''
|{{JIRA|VWR-7137}} || ''Viewer Crashes on Quit - Macintosh''
|<strike>{{JIRA|VWR-7779}}</strike> || ''Mac viewer suffers from cyclic pauses/freezes/fatal hangs''
|{{JIRA|VWR-1298}} || ''Group Chat Delays''
|{{JIRA|VWR-10490}} || ''viewer locks up after teleport while user interface is turned off''
|{{JIRA|VWR-12014}} || ''Some Mac keyboard shortcuts are essentially wrong''
|{{JIRA|WEB-814}} || ''cannot post event where land's landing point's Z is > 768''
=== Features I'd Like ===
|{{JIRA|SVC-2089}} || ''some estate features for mainland and subdivision parcel owners''
|{{JIRA|SVC-3947}} || ''Save Object Back to My Inventory''
|{{JIRA|MISC-271}} || ''addition of ternary operator'' (will this be moot with 'LSL3' and Mono?)
|{{JIRA|MISC-760}} || ''Enhancements to notecard processing to facilitate use as a configuration tool''
|{{JIRA|WEB-789}} || ''seach by lot size; widen display'' {{wFont|rgb=255,99,71|text=(Land Auction)}}

* {{SLurl | region=The Future | x=128 | y=128 | z=100 | title=The Future                        |}}
=== My SL Technical Issues ===
* {{SLurl | region=Natoma    | x=210 | y=162 | z=28  | title=The Ivory Library Tower of Prims  |}}
{{Jira Reporter}}
* {{SLurl | region=Mosi Mosi  | x=112 | y=144 | z=23  | title=Mosi-Mosi Offices (sloog)        |}}
* {{SLurl | region=Teal      | x=202 | y=40  | z=301 | title=The Particle Laboratory          |}}


[[Category:SL Mentor Coach|{{PAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:SL Mentor Coach|{{PAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:SL Certification Participant|{{PAGENAME}}]]
{{Jira Reporter}}

Latest revision as of 16:53, 9 December 2009

I am a glove.
On my own, I am but a hollow shell of potential.
When donned, I become an embodiment of creation and imagination.
- Nava Muni
Nava Muni

Who I am

Hello! I'm Nava Muni. (A little Sanskrit there for those so inclined to investigate.)
This abstract shell is the creation of a baryonic entity living someplace within New York City.

I have a personal blog that you're all free to read and comment upon. However, bear in mind that this is a blog of my personal thoughts and musings - a place to share and sometimes to vent. You might not always like what you read, and I'm sure you'll quite often disagree with the things I have to say. I surely don't intend to offend anyone in what I post but if you feel displeasing with what you read, feel free to comment (on the blog) or ... simply "change the channel."  :)
The personal blog is undergoing major revisions ... http://navamuni.blogspot.com/

Noteworthy People

Wow! I started to compile a list of people and didn't realize that I knew so many quality residents!!

Shadow What can I say about The Shadow? She's a great one to talk to; I can unabashedly expose my full geekiness to her. Here's a gem to really appreciate.
Zai When I get going, I start to babble in techno. Zai doesn't miss a beat. That's rare and quite appreciated. ;P
Trinity Driven! Vital! Exuberant! Here's one cookie full of a lot of great ideas!
Yeti Bing A fantastic avatar designer! Every time I have a bit of spending money, you'll find me at her and Yoa's shop🖈.
Lyn Here's a good, kind, and warm soul. And the best graphics artist/texture designer I've ever met in Second Life.
She does clothing, too. (Her studio🖈.)
Keystoner March A good, friendly neighbor with a great school, the College of Scripting, Science, and Music in Horsa🖈!
Darwin Recreant Smart, innovative, and quite skilled. One of Keystoner's cohorts at CoSMS.
Tek Bachman A courteous and friendly neighbor --- and a Mentor, too!
Tilla Kronos A RL faculty (SL) pioneer. I'm constantly inspired by her desire to 'push the limit.'
I find her perspective of virtual worlds in higher ed to be quite vitalizing.
Korinth Glitter A RL industry fellow. While I don't know her SL persona very well, in RL I find her skills and personality refreshing.
Intellagirl Tully I've had occasion to share quite a few RL moments with Intellagirl. She's quite an inspiriting personality!
Check out her web site. Also, Second Life Best Practices in Education.
George Linden Wow! He actually sat there and listened to me!

On a very personal level, there are some who fail all description:

Indigo Izumi; we mourn his passing.
JoshBear Sojourner

What I do

First and foremost, my SL life is 'defined' by being a scripter. In addition to scripting, I'm heavily involved in building, designing, planning, and logistics. I love to stay active!

I have over 27 years RL experience as a hardware and software designer and developer. I've worn the general's hat as well as picked up the shovel to dig in the trenches with everyone else. (Sometimes both at the same time!) My journey has given me many opportunities to work with people from a variety of backgrounds - each with his own set of skill and talents.
How do you manage this? You learn to bend. ;-]

So clearly (or not) I love teaching! Well ... to be more precise ... I love to help others learn. There are few things as satisfying as seeing the proverbial "light go on" as you guide someone through his trials.

In-world Specialties

Here are a few script-related areas in which I specialize ...

  • particles
  • geometry/trigonometry
  • (the dreaded) rotations
  • physics
  • IPCs
  • in-/out-world communications

I also find many opportunities to wear the hat of ...

  • coordinator
  • logistician
  • project manager

Out-world Specialties

Soft Things
  • Java
  • C/C++
  • PHP
  • bash
  • Forth and several forms of assembler (for my embedded projects)
Hard Things
  • hardware systems design
  • hardware system integration
  • circuit design
  • breaking things
  • fixing things

If you ever come twiddle some of my creations at home🖈, you might end up talking to a little piece of off-world hardware I've built.

Why I'm here

I would have to say my reasons for being in Second Life are twofold ...

The first would be ... for fun! For me, "fun" is exploring my crazy ideas. "Fun" is also helping others' explore their crazy ideas! (Ok; sometimes not all the ideas are crazy.) But I could never say my goal with Second Life is to "make money." Not that you can't - and not that I haven't - but I came here to learn, discover, create, teach, and "expand myself.

The second would be to explore (and exploit!) the opportunities for education - both as a "student" and as an "instructor." I will never (and have never) considered Second Life to be "a game." I view it as a wonderfully rich and expressive 'place' in which to communicate and share. I love learning and I love teaching. If I can help make someone else's path a little smoother - well, then I'll be all the richer for that!

And that's why I became a Mentor and a Mentor Coach. ((How's that for a segue?!))

Class Resource Materials (Mentor Coaching et al.)

  • A Pragmatic Mac Primer for non-Mac Mentors
  • Lag Demystified (coming soon!)
  • Prims: Invisible, Transparent, and Phantom (coming soon!)
  • Second Life® Land Ownership - An Overview (coming soon!)
  • Second Life® Land Ownership - Land Management (coming soon!)
  • Copyright, "copyleft," Creative Commons, the GPL and BSD Licenses (coming soon!)


Places I recommend ...

On the Web ...

I think the sloog services are a fantastic resrouce! sloog is an SL bookmarking service that allows residents to "tag" favorite places and people. You can then search for them later. All this can be accomplished both in-world with a HUD device or via the Web.

If you're a RL educator, you mind find SaLamander (leveraging sloog) in conjunction with MERLOT to be helpful resources.

For volunteering, you have the unmatched SL Volunteer Portal and the indispensable VTeam blog!

You can't go wrong by learning how to navigate the JIRA (though I'm no fan of Atlassian).
For aggregated support issues, check out the wonderful efforts of Gigs Taggart at SLJiraStats.

If you're looking to buy things ...

  • Xstreet SL -- (formerly SLExchange; has some free stuff, too! - now a Linden Lab subsidiary)
  • OnRez -- (formerly SL Boutique now merged with XStreeSL and absorbed by Linden Lab)

JIRA Issues

What does JIRA mean?

My 'Favorite' SL Technical Issues

SVC-93 llSetPrimitiveParams PRIM_ROTATION and llSetRot incorrectly implemented for child prims
SVC-1577 llHTTPRequest returns 499 on some ip addresses (not all)
SVC-1649 llStopAnimation( "type" ) disables AGENT_TYPING bitfield returned by llGetAgentInfo()
SVC-1917 llHttpRequest returns status 499 on a working web site
SVC-2833 More than 25 groups!
SVC-2938 Server ... llGetNextEmail(string address, string subject) ... with a value in the SUBJECT field ... will fail ...
SVC-3202 drag/drop destination prim in linkset object varies based on type of asset
SVC-3338 script using llRemoveInventory() tries to delete items not in object's inventory and embeds "invisible" random script (oy!)
VWR-5895 llTargetOmega periodically stoppping rotation
VWR-6387 multi-prim attachments designed to move on command DO move but DO NOT show as moved when avatar's Z >= 420m
VWR-7137 Viewer Crashes on Quit - Macintosh
VWR-7779 Mac viewer suffers from cyclic pauses/freezes/fatal hangs
VWR-1298 Group Chat Delays
VWR-10490 viewer locks up after teleport while user interface is turned off
VWR-12014 Some Mac keyboard shortcuts are essentially wrong
WEB-814 cannot post event where land's landing point's Z is > 768

Features I'd Like

SVC-2089 some estate features for mainland and subdivision parcel owners
SVC-3947 Save Object Back to My Inventory
MISC-271 addition of ternary operator (will this be moot with 'LSL3' and Mono?)
MISC-760 Enhancements to notecard processing to facilitate use as a configuration tool
WEB-789 seach by lot size; widen display (Land Auction)

My SL Technical Issues